| Directory of Feminine Names - Choosing the Right Baby Name and Name Meaning |
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- Aaleigha
- Possibly a derivation of the Low German name Aaltje meaning noble
- Aaryanna
- Combination of Aaron and Anna. Given the meaning holy beauty by the parents who created it
- Abbrielle
- A form of Abigail meaning father rejoices
- Abia
- Arabic origins meaning great
- Abida
- Arabic origins meaning worshiper
- Abigail
- Hebrew meaning father rejoices
- Abira
- Hebrew origins meaning my strength
- Acacia
- From Greek mythology: the acacia tree symbolises immortality and resurrection.
- Ada
- German and English short form of Adelaide.
- Adah
- Hebrew origins meaning ornament
- Adelaide
- Anglicised version of Adelheid meaning kind
- Adeline
- Old German meaning noble
- Adin
- Either from the Old Norse meaning delicate or from the Hebrew word adin meaning slender Also a boys name.
- Adina
- Version of the name Adin
- Adriana
- Latin meaning Woman from Adria
- Agatha
- From the Latin agathos meaning good/honourable
- Agnes
- Greek meaning pure
- Ai
- Japanese meaning love
- Aile
- French word for bird's wing. The meaning generally given to the name is freedom symbolising the freedom of flight.
- Ailsa
- Scottish from Ailsa Craig, the rock in the Firth of Clyde
- Aimee
- French meaning beloved
- ?ine
- Irish meaning form of Anna
- Ainsley
- Originally a surname from the Old English an meaning one or only and leah meaning wood or clearing
- Ailie
- Irish diminutive form of Helen
- Aisling
- Irish meaning dream or vision
- Aislinn
- Celtic meaning dream
- Ajalae
- Egyptian meaning understanding, great judge and ruler over many
- Akua
- Ghanian (West African) meaning girl born on Wednesday
- Alana
- Celtic meaning distant place; also fair/beautiful
- Alanis
- English origins. Feminine equivalent of Alan
- Aleisha/ Alisha
- The origins of this name are uncertain. It is possibly a derivative of the Arabic word a'isha which means alive and well or to live. Or it could be a form of Alicia possibly from the Dutch or Polish spelling Alicja. The meaning of Alicia comes from the name Adelaide and means noble and kind
- Alene
- Possibly a variation on the Scottish name Alileen. This name is related to Eileen which is from the Gaelic Ebhl?n. The meaning is uncertain.
- Alethea
- Greek meaning truth
- Alexa
- Short formof Alexandra
- Alexandra
- Greek meaning defender of men
- Alexis
- Greek meaning helper
- Alice
- Old German meaning nobility
- Alicia
- A form of Alice.
- Alida
- French meaning beautifully dressed
- Alina
- Arabic origins meaning noble or illustrious
- Alisa/Aliza
- Ancient Aramaic meaning Joy
- Alison
- Scottish version of Alice now a name in its own right
- Allegra
- Itailian from the word allegro meaning jaunty. Used in English as a term which refers to tempo in music.
- Almarina
- Latin origins meaning soul of the sea
- Althea
- Greek meaning healer
- Allura
- Old English meaning
- Alyssa
- From the Irish Gaelic root Allison; an Irish form of Alice meaning Truthful Also spelt Alissa/Alicia
- Amanda
- From the Latin amare meaning to love. The name has the meaning lovable or fit to be loved Short forms: mandi, mandy, manda, mandie, andie
- Amani Swahili origins with a number of meanings. Possibly meaning peace or to desire
- Amber
- From the Arabic ambarmeaning jewel
- Amelia
- Latin from the word Aemilius
- Ami
- English/African origins meaning beloved or French taken from ami(e), meaning friend
- Amity
- From the Latin meaning love/friendship
- Amina
- Arabic origins meaning sure, believable, right, trustworthy, reliable, dependable Female form of AmIn. Amina was name given to the mother of holy prophet Muhammad
- Aminah
- Muslim meaning Trustworthy
- Amma
- Ashanti meaning Saturday
- Amoura
- From the French word amour meaning love
- Amy
- From the old French word amee beloved. Other spellings Ami(Africa)
- Amethyst
- Purple or violet quartz. It is the February birthstone. Short forms: Amee
- Anabelle
- Italian meaning lovable
- Anael
- French/Breton origins. The meaning is derived from An meaning wind and ael meaning angel.
- Ana?s
- Catalan for of the Spanish name Ana which is a form of Anne
- Anastasia
- Greek meaning resurrection
- Andilisa
- A combination of two names. Meaning unknown
- Andrea
- Possibly from the Greek meaning womanly or the feminine form of Andreas. Used in Italy as a boy's name and is taken to have the same meaning as Andrew.
- Andrie
- French form of Andrea
- Androulla
- Greek Cypriot origins. Female version of Andrew, from Andrea
- Angela
- Greek meaning messenger
- Angelia
- Variation of Angela. Pronounced Angel-lea...
- Angelica
- From the Latin angelicus meaning angelic
- Angharad
- Welsh meaning much loved
- Anika
- African origins meaning smart, beautiful, child of god
- Anise
- A form of the name Agnes which is taken from the Latin hagnosmeaning holy or pure. Other spellings include Annice, Annys and Annis
- Anissa
- A form of the name Agnes which is taken from the Latin hagnosmeaning holy or pure.
- Anna
- Form of the name Anne. Popular in English, Gaelic and Slavonic countries.
- Anne
- Hebrew meaning grace or favoured Hannah is the original form
- Anneliese
- German origins composed of the names Anne and Liese
- Annabel/Anabelle
- Latin meaning lovable
- Antanina
- Lithuanian version of Antoinette which is a feminine form of Anthony.
- Anthea
- From the Greek antheios meaning flowery
- Antonia
- Feminine form of Anthony
- Anwen
- Welsh meaning very beautiful
- Aoife
- Irish meaning form of Eve
- April
- From the Latin Aprillus meaning openas in the opening of spring. It has Etruscan origins and has been given as the name to the fourth month of the year.
- Arabella
- Latin for beautiful alter
- Arianna From the Welsh word arian meaning silver
- Ariel/Arielle
- Hebrew meaning lion of God.
- Arienhwyfar
- Meaning snowy owl which implies a fair and wise disposition
- Aris
- Possibly form the Greek name Aristides meaning best or excellent. The name given to a Goddess in Greek Mythology
- Armeria
- From the Latin flos armeriae a species of dianthus (flower)
- Arwenna
- Welsh meaning muse
- Asha
- Female variation of Hebrew 'Asher'. Or Ashleigh. Meaning happiness, ash wood or clearing.
- Ashleigh/Ashley
- Old English surname now used as a first name. Meaning is derived from aesc(ash) and leah(wood) Originally popular as a boys' name
- Ashlyn
- Probably derived from Ashley with the suffix -lynn
- Astrid
- Scandinavian origins. From ?ss meaning god and frior meaning fair
- Atarah
- Hebrew meaning crown
- Athena
- Greek meaning Goddess of Wisdom
- Aubrey
- German meaning noble or from the French meaning blond ruler. Another suggested meaning is that it is from alb meaning elf and ric meaning power. Other forms include Aubrie, Aubury & Aubree
- Aubrianna
- Combination of the names Aubrey and Brianna.
- Audrey
- Abbreviated version of the old English Ethelreda meaning strength
- Aurora
- Latin meaning dawn
- Autumn
- English origins. The name of the third season know used as a name.
- Ava
- Short form of many names beginning with av
- Avianna
- Hebrew meaning spring
- Avis
- Short form of names beginning with the letters av Other spellings: Avice
- Ayesha
- Muslim meaning living, prosperous
- Ayla
- Turkish origins meaning moonlight or from the Hebrew meaning oak tree
- Aylin
- Armenian origins. Meaning unknown
- Azhar
- Muslim meaning flowers, blossom
- Azure
- A deep shade of the colour blue know popular as a girls name.
- Bailey/Bayleigh
- Originally an English surname meaning a bailiff (someone who was an agent for a landowner) or someone who lived near outermost wall of a castle(the bailey). It could also be a name that originated from and area in Lancashire that takes it's name from the old English words beg (berry) and leah (wood)
- Bahji/Baji
- From the word bahija meaning joyful
- Barbera
- Latin meaning foreign or stranger
- Basimah
- Muslim meaning smiling
- Bathsheba
- Hebrew meaning daughter of opulence (used by Thomas Hardy in Far from the Madding Crowd)
- Beatrice
- Italian and French form of Beatrix. Other spelling Betrys (Welsh), Beitiris (Gaelic)
- Beatrix
- Latin meaning bringer of happiness
- Belinda
- Old German meaning serpant-like
- Bellana
- Origins unknown. Possibly a derivation of the Italian Bella or of the Spanish name Bel?n which is from the Hebrew meaning house of bread
- Bernadette
- Old German meaning bear-hard
- Bernice
- Greek meaning bringer of victory
- Bertha
- Old German meaning bright
- Bethag
- Gaelic meaning life
- Bethany
- Possibly from the Hebrew beth te' ena meaning house of figs. Or taken from the name of the village outside Jerusalem
- Beverly
- Old English meaning the beaver-meadow
- Bianca
- Italian origins meaningwhite or pure
- Billie Jo
- From the old English root Billie; a familiar form of Wilhelmina meaning Strong Willed
- Blythe
- From the English word blithe meaning happy or cheerful
- Bonnie
- Latin meaning good
- Brandi/Brandy
- Possibly a feminine form of the name Brandon which from the Old English meaning gorse hill. Or it is taken from the alcoholic drink which is spirit distilled from grape wine
- Bree
- Middle English meaning broth
- Breeya
- Derived from the Gaelic word brigh meaning strength or force
- Brenda
- Often thought to be of Gaelic origin since it is similar Brendan but more likely to be Scandinavian from the word brand meaning burning sword.
- Brenna
- Origins uncertain meaning little raven
- Briana
- English version of the male name Brian from the Old Celtic meaning noble Other forms include Brianna/Brianne
- Bridget
- Celtic meaning strength
- Brigette
- meaning bold or strong
- Briony/Bryony
- From the Greek bryonia which is the name of a climbing vine.
- Brittney
- from the country Brittany...different spelling. meaning from England
- Britta
- Old English meaning pride
- Bronwen
- Welsh meaning white breast
- Bronwyn
- Antigonian Origin meaning true friend or a ray of sunlight
- Brooke
- Transferred use of an English surname. Possibly from the Old English brucan meaning tolerant or from the word broc meaning stream
- Brooklyn
- Recent use as a name. Either a combination of Brooke and Lyn or form the area in the USA.
- Bryn
- Welsh meaning hill or mountain. Also used as a boys name.
- Butet
- Indonesian meaning female child
- Caitlin
- Gaelic form of Katherine. Other spellings Katelyn
- Calca
- Australian aboriginal name meaning Star
- Calleen
- Australian aboriginal name meaning Fresh Water
- Calen
- English meaning powerful in battle. A feminine form of Charles
- Cameo
- Italian meaning jewel
- Camilla
- Latin meaning attendant at a sacrifice
- Candida
- Latin meaning white
- Cara
- Gaelic meaning friend
- Cardinia
- Australian aboriginal name meaning Dawn
- Caridad
- The Spanish version of Charity
- Carleia
- A derivation of the name Carla
- Carlene
- Probably derived from the name Carla meaning
- Carla
- Old German meaning free woman
- Carly
- Derived from the name Carla. Other spellings include Carlie, Carley.
- Carlyn
- Most probably a combination of the names Carla and Lyn
- Carmel
- Hebrew meaning the garden
- Carmen
- Latin meaning song
- Carolina
- Latin or Italian form of Caroline. Also after North and South Carolina
- Caroline
- the female version of Charles meaning free man. Variations are Carolyn, Carolyne, Lynne, and Karoline
- Carrie
- Carrie is a derivation of Caroline which is the feminine version of Charles meaning free man. It is also suggested that there is an alternative meaning - creative beauty
- Caryon
- Derived form the name Catherine
- Carys
- Welsh meaning love
- Cassandra
- Greek meaning the confuser of men Cassandra was given the powers of prophecy by Apollo but she betrayed him.
- Cassiopea
- Possibly Arabic meaning a star in her fathers eye
- Catalina
- Spanish derivative of the name Catherine meaning pure
- Catherine
- Thought to be from the Greek katharos meaning pure
- Catrina/Catriona
- Anglicised forms of the Gaelic names which are themselves derived form the name Catherine.
- Cecilia
- meaning musical Could be taken from Cecily the Patron Saint of music. See Purcell's Ode to St Cecilia's Day
- Cecile
- Latin meaning blind
- Cedra
- Probably English origins. A feminine version of Cedric which is from the Saxon name Cerdic meaning founder
- Celene
- A derivative of the Latin caelum meaning heaven.. Also attributed with the meaning moon Other forms include C?line, Selene, Celina
- Celeste
- Latin meaning heavenly
- Celia
- From the Latin Caelum meaning heaven. Popularised by A character in Shakespeare's As you Like it.
- Chana
- The origins of this name are unknown. Possibly a derivation of the name Charna which means black
- Chandra
- Hindu meaning god of the moon in Hindu mythology
- Chantal
- From Saint Jeanne of Chantal
- Chanel
- Possibly a derivative of the Old French chandele which was an occupational name given to someone who made candles. It could be that the name Chanel has become a first name due to Coco Chanel the French fashion designer and perfumer.
- Charity
- Latin meaning Christian love
- Charity
- From the Latin caritas meaning caring for and loving others
- Charlene
- From the French name Charline a feminine form of Charles
- Charlotte
- Old German meaning free woman or small/petite woman
- Charmaine
- From the Roman clan name Carmineus
- Chaya
- Hebrew meaning life.
- Chelsea/Chelsie
- English possibly taken from the Borough of London. Used as a surname before becoming into use as a first name.
- Cheri
- From the French cherie meaning dear or love Short form of Cheryl and Charlene.
- Cherilyn
- Combination of the names Cheri and Lyn
- Cheryl
- Possibly from the French ch?rie meaning dear
- Cheyenne
- Taken from the name of the native Indian tribe. Meaning strong and courageous
- Chiara
- This is the Italian form of Clare from the Latin clarus meaning famous
- Chloe
- Greek meaning a green shoot
- Chrislyn
- Origins are most likely a combination of names with the first part taken from Christine meaning follower of Christ. Lyn could be as short form of Linda which is from the Spanish for pretty or it could be from the German ending lind which means tenderIn Welsh lyn is an abbreviation of Llewlyn meaning lion.
- Christa
- Short form of Christina
- Christie
- Short form of Christina
- Christina
- Latin. Form of Christine meaning Christian
- Christine
- Form of Christina.
- Chrysanthe
- Greek meaning Precious flower
- Ciara
- Irish meaning feminine form of Ciaran meaning black
- Cindy
- An abbreviation of the names Cynthia or Lucinda.
- Clare/Claire
- Latin meaning famous
- Claudia
- Latin meaning lame
- Cleo
- Greek meaning glory
- Coleen/Cailin
- Irish meaning girl
- Colette/Collette
- French feminine version of the medieval name Colle (Colin). Popular from 1920's onwards.
- Constance
- Latin meaning faithful
- Coral
- Latin meaning coral
- Cordelia
- Latin meaning warm-hearted
- Corentine
- Possibly a variation of the French name Corinne. The meaning is not certain. But could be from Corn meaning elaborate or ornate..
- Corinna/Corinne
- From the Greek Korinna meaning maiden. Corinna was a Boeotian lyric poetess . Other spellings Corina/Cori, short for Corinne/Cory/Kore/Corey
- Courtney
- Possibly Old English meaning court dweller.
- Crystal
- French meaning clear brilliant. Other spelling: Cristel
- Cynthia
- Greek mythology has Artemis the goddess of wild animals sometimes known as Cynthia. It comes from the Greek Kynthia and it was given to Artemis because she was thought to have been born on Mountain Kynthos.Other spellings include Cinzia(Italian) and Sintia(Brazilian)
- Daffodile
- Origins unknown possibly taken from the name of the flower daffodil
- Dailen
- comes from the male name Dale which possibly derives from Dalton or from the Old High German meaning valley in an area of low hills.
- Daisy
- Old English meaning days eye from the yellow centred flowers
- Dakota
- Native American Indian originates from the tribal name. Meaning unknown
- Dana
- Feminine form of Daniel or meaning Queen of the Danes
- Daniele/ Danielle
- Feminine form of Daniel
- Daniella
- Hebrew meaning God has judged
- Danita
- Possibly from the Latin Donata which is the feminine version of Donatus which means given by God. This particular spelling is Spanish. Other forms include Danuta (Polish) Danicka(Czech)
- Dannan
- Combination of Danny and Nan where Danny a derivative of Daniel Hebrew - God is my Judge Nan a derivative of Ann Hebrew familiar form of Ann - Graceful
- Dante
- Originally a boys' name of Italian origins meaning to endure. Name of famous medieval poet - Dante Alighieri
- Daphne
- Meaning laurel bush or bay tree
- Daral
- Short form of Darleen
- Darcy
- Transferred use of the family name d'Arcy. Borne by a family from Arcy, France.
- Darleen
- Old English from the word 'deorling' meaning beloved, worthy, favourite. Other spelling Darlene
- Daria
- Greek or Persian feminine version of Darius, meaning "small, great one" or "much good"
- Davan
- Gaelic Feminine form of David which means beloved
- Dawn
- English meaning daybreak
- Dayna
- and is Scandinavian meaning from Denmark Another meaning is bright as day (Pronunciation: first a ->"ah" as in Dana). Other spellings include Daina
- Deanna
- Latin meaning Bright as Day
- Deborah
- From Hebrew meaning wisdom
- Deidre
- Irish meaning broken-hearted
- Deirdre
- Irish meaning one who rages
- Delaney
- Irish Surname meaning Black Slaney
- Delia
- Taken from the island name Delos, birthplace of the Greek goddess, Artemis.
- Delyth
- Welsh meaning pretty
- Denise
- Feminine form of Denis meaning Greek god of wine
- Desir?e
- Old French meaning hope or desired The name was given for a longed-for baby
- Desta
- Possibbly a derivation of the Russian name Desya meaning modest or obedient
- Devon
- Origins unknown. Probably a surname meaning from Devon a place in South West England. Also a boys' name e.g. Devon Malcolm the cricket player.
- Diana
- Name of the Roman goddess of animals, hunting and forests
- Diane/Dianne
- French from of Diana who was the goddess of animals hunting and forests in Roman mythology. The meaning is uncertain.
- Dionisia
- From the Greek festival Dionisya which took it's name from the god of wine called Dionisyus
- Dionne
- Greek meaning mother of Venus
- Dilys
- Welsh meaning genuine
- Disa
- Norwegian meaning active spirit
- Dolores
- Spanish meaning grief
- Dominica
- Latin meaning born on the Sabbath
- Donella
- Gaelic. Feminine form of Donald meaning world mighty
- Donnelle
- Scottish origins. Feminine form of Donald.
- Donna
- Italian meaning lady
- Dora
- Short form of Dorothy now a name in its own right
- Doreen
- Possibly from the Irish form of Dorothy, Dorieen.
- Doris
- possibly the name of a sea nymph from Greek mythology
- Dorothy
- meaning gift of God. The abbreviated form Dolly became so popular in the 16th century that it was given to the name of a child's toy.
- Drew
- More commonly a boys' name but has become popular for girls. Taken from Andrew.
- Dryden
- Old English meaning dry valley or dry land
- Dulcie
- Latin meaning sweet
- Dunya
- Arabic, Urdu, or Persian origins meaning Universe or Life
- Ea
- Greek possibly the name of or the meaning for a Greek Goddess.
- Ebony
- Taken from the name given to the dark wood produced by a particular genus of tropical and subtropical trees. The meaning attributed is either dark or black
- Edith
- From the Old English Eadgyth meaning war Short form Edie
- Edna
- meaning happy protection
- Edwina
- Old English meaning rich friend. Female version of Edwin
- Egle
- Lithuanian origins meaning fir tree
- Ekugbe
- East African origins meaning one who brings two families together
- Elaine/Elayne
- Italian name Elettre from the Greek word elektor meaning brilliant
- Elena
- Lithuanian version of Helen
- Eiligh
- Gaelic meaning form of Helen
- Eirlys
- Welsh meaning snowdrop
- Elisabeth/Elizabeth
- Hebrew meaning oath of God Other forms Lizabeth
- Elisa
- Spanish form of Elizabeth.
- Elise
- French form of Elizabeth
- Elen
- Welsh meaning nymph Other forms Elin, Elan
- Ella
- Old German meaning all.
- Ellie
- Short version of nay name beginning -el e.g. Eleanor
- Eluned
- Welsh meaning icon
- Elvira
- German origins from the words ali meaning other and wer meaning true
- Emily
- From a Roman clan name,Aemilius
- Emma
- meaning universal
- Emmerson
- Originally an English surname. Possibly derived from an occupation connected with the harvesting of wheat as emmer is a form of wheat thought to be one of the ancestors of modern varieties. Also used as a boys name
- Enfys
- Welsh meaning rainbow
- Enid
- Welsh meaning lark
- Epiphany
- meaning to be enlightened
- Erica
- Female version of Eric meaning sole ruler
- Erin
- Irish meaning Ireland
- Ermintrude
- Old German from the words 'ermin' meaning whole or universeand 'drudi' meaning strength
- Erna
- German form of Ernesta or Ernestine. It is the feminine version of Ernest and has the meaning either battle or eagle.
- Esm?
- French meaning esteemed
- Esmeralda/ Esmerelda
- From the Spanish word for Emerald, a precious green gemstone. Emerald is now used as a name in its own right.
- Estelle
- meaning star
- Esther
- Persian meaning evening star
- Ethna
- Irish meaning little fire
- Eunice
- Greek meaning happy victory
- Eurydice
- Greek a derivation of the word justice.. The name given to the wife of Orpheus in Greek Mythology.
- Eva/Eve
- Hebrew meaning life
- Evangeline/Evangelina
- Origins are possibly Greek meaning one who proclaims the gospel or good news
- Evelyn
- meaning pleasant
- Faith
- Hebrew meaning belief
- Farah
- Muslim meaning joy
- Faridah
- Muslim meaning unique, precious
- Fatima
- Arabic meaning Gentle
- Favel
- Possibly the French version of the Italian name Flavia meaning golden haired.
- Felicia
- Feminine form of the name Felix which is from the Latin meaning lucky
- Felicity
- Latin meaning happiness
- Fenella
- Gaelic meaning white shoulder
- Fern
- From the Old English word fearn. It's meaning is simply the name of a plant.
- Ffion
- Welsh meaning foxglove flower
- Fiona
- Gaelic meaning fair
- Fleur
- French meaning flower
- Flora
- Latin meaning flower
- Florence
- Latin meaning blooming
- Flynn
- Originally an Irish surname. Meaning unknown
- Frances
- Latin meaning Frenchwoman
- Francesca
- Feminine version of the Italian name Francesco which originally meant French
- Frederica
- Female form of Frederick, meaning peaceful ruler
- Freesia
- Taken from the name of South African flower.
- Frieda
- Old German meaning peace
- Gabrielle
- Meaning strong woman of God
- Gaea/Gaia
- from the mythological goddess of the earth. The name derives from the Greek word g? meaning earth
- Gail
- Short form of Agigail
- Gaynor
- Taken from Guinevere
- Geertuida/Gertrude
- German composed from gar or ger meaning spear and ?ru? meaning strength Other forms include Gertraud(German) Gertrudis(Spanish). Short forms include Trudi (Swiss), Trudie/Trudy (English)
- Gemma
- Italian meaning gem
- Genevieve
- Derived from Guenevere of the Arthurian Legend meaning fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Jennifer also derives from this name.
- Genji
- From the Mandarin Chinese for gold
- Georgeanne
- Derived form the name Georgiana
- Georgia
- Taken from the State in the United States
- Georgiana
- Latinate form of Georgina
- Georgina
- Greek meaning farmer
- Geraldine
- Old German meaning spear-ruler
- Geralyn (Gerrilyn)
- A combination of Gerard and Marilyn.
- Germaine
- French meaning German
- Getha
- Probably derived from the Dutch Geerta which is an abbreviation of Gertrude
- Gillian/Jillian
- English taken from the Latin, Julian meaning belonging to Julius
- Giselle
- From the English, Old German word gisil meaning pledge
- Gladys
- Taken from the Welsh Gwladys
- Gloria
- Latin meaning glory
- Glynis
- Welsh meaning little valley
- Goldie
- English version of the Jewish name Golda meaning gold. Popularised by the actress Goldie Hawn
- Grace
- Latin meaning thanks
- Gr?inne
- Irish meaning love
- Gretchen
- German origins. Derivation of Greta, which is German for Margaret which means Pearl.
- Guilia
- Feminine version of the French name Guillaume which is a form of William or possibly a deriviation of Giulia which is the Italian version of Julia.
- Gwen
- Welsh meaning white
- Gwendalen
- Welsh meaning white circle
- Gwendolyn
- From the Welsh name guinevere, meaning fair white browed or white wave
- Gwyneth
- Welsh meaning blessed
- Haf
- Welsh meaning summer. Pronounced 'Hav'
- Hannah
- Biblical: the mother of the prophet Samuel. It means God has favoured meThe name was popular in Victorian times.
- Harriet
- Abbreviated form ofHenrietta
- Hayley
- meaning hay-meadow
- Hayfa
- Muslim meaning slender
- Hayley/Haily
- Origiannly used as a surname it derives from the Old English heg meaning hay and leah meaning clearing.
- Hazel
- Taken from the plant of the same name
- Heather
- From the plant of the same name
- Heaven-lee\ Heavenly
- Origins for the use of this as a name are uncertain but is has suddenly begun to appear as a name. The most famous being the latest daughter (Heavenly Hinari) of Paula Yates (ex wife of Bob Geldolf) and the pop star Mike Hutchence from inxcess.
- Heidi
- From the old German meaning proud or noble
- Helen
- From the Greek helios meaning sun. The name has thus acquired the meaning bright shining one The name is most commonly associated with Helen of Troy, whose capture, by the Trojan Prince, Paris began the Trojan War.
- Helena/ Heleen/ Leen/ Leentje/ Helene
- Dutch From the Greek helios meaning sun /shining
- Helga
- Norse meaning holy
- Henrietta
- Old German meaning home ruler
- Heulwen
- Welsh meaning sunshine
- Hilda
- Old English meaning battle
- Hillary/Hilary
- From the Latin hilarius meaning cheerful
- Hollie, Holly
- meaning taken from the plant. Also means born at Christmas time.
- Hope
- Old English meaning optimism
- Ilona, Ilonka, Ili
- Hungarian. From the Greek helios meaning sun/shining
- Iman
- Muslim-Arabic name taken from iman meaning faith/belief and amana meaning to believe
- Imani
- From the Arabic name Iman meaning faith/belief
- Imogen
- Used in Shakespeare's play Cymbeline
- India
- Taken form the name of the subcontinent. Became popular after it's use in Gone with the Wind. Revived in popularity when Lord Mountbatten's grandaughter was given the name due to the family's association with the family.
- Indianna
- American origins. From the State of Indiana.
- Ingrid
- Norweigen meaning Ing's ride Ing, the Norse God of fertility and crops who rode on a boar
- Innes
- Gaelic meaning island
- Iona
- Scottish from the name of an island in the Hebrides
- Irene
- Greek meaning peace
- Iris
- The goddess of the rainbow from Greek mythology
- Isabelle
- Spanish version of Elizabeth. Other spellings Isobel/Iseabail
- Isla
- Scottish from the name of a river and an island called Islay. Other spelling Ila.
- Isolde
- English origins taken from a character in the myths of King Arthur. The meaning is unclear but could be fair aspect Made popular by the German opera Tristan and Isolde. Esyllt is the welsh form.
- Istra
- From Nordic Mythology: The Norse counterpart of Psyche, Cupid's wife. The holiday Easter is named after this goddess. Possibly the goddess of spring and fertility.
- Ivy
- From the plant of the same name
- Jacinda
- Possibly a derivation of the Spanish name Jacinta or Jacinthe. It derives from the name Hyacinth which in mythology was the name given to the flower which sprang up from the blood of the young man Hyakinthos who was killed by Apollo.
- Jade
- Roman meaning fierce May also have derived from the name of the precious stone which is from the Spanish ijada
- Jadzia
- Origins unknown. Possibly meaning beautiful and strong
- Jael
- Hebrew meaning antelope
- Jaime
- Hebrew meaning supplanter
- Jalika
- Possibly a derivation of Jalila
- Jalila
- Arabic meaninggreat or illustrious
- Jamari
- French meaning Warrior
- Jamilah
- Muslim meaning beautiful, elegant
- Jana
- Dutch origins. Feminine version of Jan
- Jane
- Female form of John meaning God is gracious
- Janeil
- Possibly a variation on the name Janelle which is a combination of Jane and Danielle. It is usually given the same meaning as John which is God is gracious
- Janelle
- Diminutive form of Jane meaning God is gracious
- Jaqueline
- meaning supplanter
- Jara
- Derivation of Jerry and Kara.
- Jaryn
- Possibly a feminine form of Jared meaning descent
- Jasmine
- From the plant of the same name
- Jazlynn
- Combination of the names, Jasmine and Lynn
- Jean
- Feminine form of John meaning God's gracious gift
- Jeanette
- form of Jean
- Jeanine/Jeannine
- Variations of the Old French Jehanne a feminine form of John
- Jemima
- Hebrew meaning dove
- Jenna
- Possibly a derivation of Jennifer meaning little bird
- Jennifer
- Celtic meaning fair and yielding Possibly derived from the names comes from Guenivere, Genevieve or Gwendolyn
- Jessica
- Hebrew meaning He beholds Another meaning attributed to the name is God sees not he beholds though they are close
- Jessenia
- Origins uncertain meaning gypsy.
- JezNe
- Derives from the combination of the names Jessica and Renee
- Jieva
- Lithuanian version of Eva meaning living
- Jill
- Short form of Jillian, the feminine form of Julian meaning belonging to Julius
- Joakima
- Hebrew meaning the Lord will judge
- Joann
- Feminine form of John. Other spellings include Jo-Anne, Joanne
- Jobina
- Hebrew meaning persecuted
- Jocasta
- Italian origins meaning lighthearted
- Jocelyn
- form of Jodoc which was the name of an early French saint
- Jocosa
- Old English meaning merry
- Joella/Joelle
- From the French Jo?lle, which is the feminine form of Hebrew name Joel meaning the Lord is willing or only true God
- Johanna
- A form of Jane meaning God is merciful
- Joline
- Hebrew meaning she will increase
- Jordan
- Hebrew meaning flowing down. Also used as a boys name. Other spellings Jorden, Jordyn
- Jordana
- Hebrew meaning the descending
- Jorie
- Feminine form of Jori which is derivation of George
- Jorita
- From the Latin, jovalis meaning joyful
- Josephine
- Hebrew meaning God shall add
- Josipa
- Possibly the female form of Joseph, which is from the Hebrew meaning God shall add
- Judith
- Hebrew meaning Jewess
- Julia
- Female form of Julius meaning soft-haired Other spelling Juillia
- Juliana
- meaning belonging to Julius
- Julie
- French form of Julia. Meaning belonging to Julius or another suggested meaning is youthful
- June
- English, from the name of the month
- Jurate
- Lithuanian origins. A name derived from the word "jura", meaning sea
- Justina
- Latin form of the name Justine. From the Latin justus possibly meaning justice.
- Justine
- meaning just
- Kaci
- Origins uncertain meaning watchful Other spellings are Kacie, Casey, Cayce. Male form is spelled Casey.
- Kahia
- Native American Indian origins meaning rare beauty
- Kaitlin/Kaitlyn
- Alternate spellings of Caitlin which is a Gaelic form of Catherine
- Kaley
- Origins uncertain possibly a derivation of the names Kayleigh or Carly
- Kalika
- From Kali Ma meaning She who destroys
- Kallie
- Greek origins meaning Rosebud
- Kamilah
- Muslim meaning perfect
- Karen
- Danish form of Katherine meaning pure
- Karesa
- Derivative of Katherine meaning pure
- Karimah
- Muslim meaning generous, noble
- Karrie/Kari
- Alternative spelling of Carrie
- Carrie a derivation of Caroline meaning free man.
- Kasey
- Feminine version of Casey. It is from the Irish surname ? Cathasaigh meaning vigilant Another source of the name Casey is that of the hero Casey Jones who saved the lives of the passengers on the Cannonball Express. The nickname derived form his place of birth Cayce, Kentucky.
- Kassady
- Originally from the Irish surname O Caiside. The meaning of which is clever. The use of the 'k' in the name is of modern usage. Other spellings include Cassidy//Kassidy. Also used as a boys name.
- Kastanje
- Dutch origins meaning chestnut. Pronounced "kah-ston-yah"
- Katana
- Japanese origins meaning wealthy in spirit
- Katarina
- Russian form of Katherine. Also a form used in Scandinavia
- Katherine
- Possibly from the Greek katharosmeaning Pure Other spellings include Katharine/Catherine/Kathryn/Cathryn
- Katie
- Short form of Katherine
- Katrina
- Russian and Dutch derivative of the name Katherine meaning pure
- Kayla
- English/Scandinavian form of Kay which means keeper of the keys
- Kaylee
- An American form of Kayleigh which comes from the Arabic, Kayla which means laurel or crown.
- Kaylynn
- Probably English origins. May be combination of Kay and Lynn.
- Keegan
- Irish-Gaelic meaning little fierce one
- Keeley
- Irish meaning good looking
- Keirra
- Possibly the feminine form of the name Keir which has Scottish origins. Meaning has been suggested as miracle or could possibly be Gaelic meaning dark complexion.
- Kelan
- From the Irish name Caol?n meaning slender
- Kelemon
- Welsh; the Mabinogion (in the tale "How Culhwch Won Olwen" )states that she was the daughter of Kei, one of Arthur's knights.
- Kelene
- From the name Kelly or possibly Keelin which is a derivative of Caoilfhionn which is from coal - slender and finn - white
- Kelly
- Origins of this name are uncertain. It could come from the Norse meaning female warrior or from the Irish Gaelic surname O Cellaigh
- Kelsie
- meaning brave
- Kendra
- Old English meaning wise, all knowing
- Kerby
- Derived form the place name Kirby in North West England. Originally used as a surname.
- Kerensa
- From the Cornish words Cres (pronounced Crays) and ha. Meaning peace and love
- Kerri/Kerry
- Irish Taken from the Irish County
- Khalia
- Origins are uncertain. Possibly derives form the name Cara.
- Khayla
- A modern abbreviation of the name Michela
- Kiara
- Derived from the Irish name Ciara which is the feminine form of Ciaran meaning black
- Kim
- Old English meaning royally born Also a boys name
- Kimberley
- The name originates from Lord Kimberley who had a town in South Africa named after him
- Kindra
- A derivative of the name Kendra meaning wise, all knowing
- Kinsey
- From the Old Norse word kyn meaning family It can either be a boys or a girls name. For a girl, the meaning is kin, or cousin. For a boy, the meaning is royalty or cousin
- Kira
- Persian origins. A feminine form of Cyrus meaning sun
- Kirstin
- Scottish form of Christine meaning follower of Christ Other spelling Kierston, Kirsten.
- Kitty
- An English nickname (short form), of Katherine meaning pure.
- Knikki
- Possibly a Russian variation on the name Nikki
- Kore
- In Greek mythology Kore was the daughter of goddess Demeter
- Krista-Leigh
- English orgins. A combination of two names meaning protected by Christ or Christ's meadow or woodOther spellings: Christa-Lee
- Kristi
- A feminine form of Christian which is from the Latin Christianus
meaning follower of Christ
- Kristin
- Danish form of Kristi a form of Christian. Also a boys' name
- Kristina
- Lithuanian version of Christine
- Krystal/Krystle
- Derived from the Greek krystallos meaning ice. It is the name given to the cut glass gemstone.
- Kyla
- From the Gaelic caol meaning narrow. Originally a surname given to people in Kyle Scotland which was so named due to it's proximity to a narrow strait.
- Kyle
- Irish origins meaning a narrow strip of land or Yiddish meaning crowned with laurel Also used as a boys' name.
- Kylie
- Aboriginal meaning curved stick (boomerang)
- Kyoko
- Japanese meaning apricot
- Kyria
- Greek form of Kyra meaning lord or god
- Lalita
- Possibly Arabic meaning she who plays
- Lani
- Hawaiian meaning Hawaiian sky
- Lara
- From the Latin meaning famous. Used in Russia as a short form for Larissa
- Larissa
- Mainly used in Russia. It is the name of a Greek martyr and may be taken from the ancient town of Larissa
- Laura
- Latin meaning laurel
- Laurel
- Greek meaning strength or courage
- Lauren or Lauryn
- Latin/English meaning from Lawrentium; the place of the laurel trees; or laurel crowned
- Laurie
- Derived from the name Laura
- Layla/Leila/Laila
- Persian origins meaning dark-haired. Became fashionable in the early 19th century when used by Byron for two of his heroines.
- Leah
- Biblical, meaning weak eyes or languid
- Leena/Lena
- Scandinavian or Dutch origins. Taken from various names ending in -lena
- Leia
- Old English meaning Meadow
- Leilani
- Name of an Hawaiian princess. From the Hawaiian Lani meaning heavenly or of the sky and Lei meaning flower or floral
Therefore Leilani means "Heavenly Flower"
- Lenere
- Latin meaning Peacemaker
- Leonie
- French form of the feminine version of the Greek Leon meaning lion or the Latin Leo meaning
- Leontine
- French version of Leontina (Italian) which derives form the male name Leo meaning lion
- Lesley
- Female version of Leslie taken from the Scottish place name
- Letitia
- Latin meaning gladness The older form was Lettice
- Lianne/Liane
- English form of the French name ?liane which is a Latinate derivation of the Greek helios meaning sun
- Liesel
- German. Derived from the name Liese which is a form of Elizabeth.
- Lilian
- Italian for the plant lily
- Linda
- Possibly from German meaning serpent It could also have derived from the Spanish word "linda" pretty. Another possible origin is that it is from the ending of female German names (eg Rosalind ) where "lind" means "weak tender soft"
- Lindsay
- Family name of the Earls of Crawford
- Lisa
- French origins meaning blessed or Gifted
- Lisanne
- combination of Lisa (Elizabeth) and Anne meaning "oath of God" or "grace"
- Llinos
- Welsh meaning Linnet i.e. bird
- Lonita
- Spanish meaning little one
- Loran
- Taken from the initials of a Coast Guard radar device. LO ng RA nge N avagation. Loran who contributed this name was given the name because her father was the first man to navigate a ship into the New York harbour using the radar device during WW2.
- Lareyna
- Spanish. Possibly a variation on Lorena or Lorraine.
- Lorena
- Variation of Lauren.
- Loretta
- Recent spelling of the name Lauretta which is a diminutive form of Laura. It is from the Latin meaning laurel
- Lorna
- From the Scottish place name Lorn
- Lois
- Biblical name that of Timothy's mother Not as sometime thought connected to Louise. Meaning is unknown.
- Louise
- French meaning famous. Female version of Louis.
- Luanau
- OLd German meaning graceful. Pronounced lou-hana
- Lucia
- Italian meaning ocean blue
- Lucinda
- A derivative of Lucia which is a Roman name meaning light
- Lucretia
- From the Roman family name Lucretius. Legend has it that it was the name of a woman who killed herself after being raped by the King of Rome and brought an end to the monarchy. It is mainly known for it's associations with Lucretia Borgia who is thought to have poisoned people in order to improve her position of power. However later history shows her to be of a much nicer nature as well as beautiful and intelligent.
- Lucy
- A form of the name Lucia meaning light
- Lydia
- Aisa-Minor - Greece meaning a native of Lydia. An ancient city-state in Aisa-Minor (responsible for the first coinage) known for luxurious living and perfumes
- Lyn/Lynn
- Short form of Linda. Also been attributed with the meaning "dweller by the waterfall"
- Lynette
- Modern derivation of Lynn with the French ending -ette. Another possibility is that it is a derivation of the Welsh name Eluned from the word elynid meaning idol
- Lyric
- From the Greek lurikos meaning to express thoughts or feelings
- Mabel
- From the French ma belle meaning my beautiful one
- Machiko
- From the Japanese Mameaning truth, ch meaning thousand and ko meaning child
- Mackenzie/ McKenzie /Mikenzie
- meaning Son of Kenneth Generally a boys name is now becoming popular for girls
- Madeleine
- French form of Magdalene.
- Madigan
- Last name of an early settler in the Pacific Northwest. Possibly a derivation of Magdalen
- Madison
- Most probably a derivation of the name Magdalen
- Maelona
- Welsh meaning princess
- Maeve
- From the Irish Gaelic Meadhbh meaning intoxicating
- Magdalena
- Greek origins meaning high tower Other spellings:Magdalina/Magdelana
- Magdalene
- Hebrew meaning woman of MagdalaThe Gaelic Queen of Connacht had this name.
- Maliha
- Arabic origins meaning nice, good
- Mai
- Welsh meaning may
- Mair
- Welsh meaning form of Mary
- Mairead
- Irish meaning formof Margaret
- Mairi
- Gaelic meaning form of Mary
- Makesha
- Russian origins. The 'sha' ending indicates that it is a pet form or nickname. The meaning comes from the word makaros meaning blessed
- Malikah
- Muslim meaning queen
- Malea/Melia
- Hawaiian meaning flower
- Malvina
- Gaelic meaning smooth brow
- Mami
- Japanese meaning true beauty
- Mandy
- meaning loved. Usually an abbreviation of Amanda
- Maralisa
- Combination of derivatives from the names Mary and Elisabeth
- Marcia
- Derivative of the of the male name Marcus. Short forms Marci/Marcie/Marcy
- Mare/Maire
- Latin meaning for the sea Pronounced mar a (long A sound)
- Margaret
- From the Hebrew margaron meaning pearl
- Margarita
- Spanish meaning Daisy
- Margaux/Margot
- German/East European version of Marguerita
- Mariah
- Derived from the name Mary meaning exalted of God or God is my teacher
- Marianne/Maryanne
- Variation of the name Marion which originally derived from the name Mary.
- Marie
- French form of Maria which originally derives from Mary
- Marieta
- Italian/Roman origins meaning grace and beauty
- Marilyn
- A combination of Mary and Ellen
- Marina
- Originally a Latin family name and most probably a derivative of Marius although it often given the meaning of the sea
- Marisa/Marissa
- Possibly of Latin origin meaning a gem or a special one. Another meaning could be from the Hebrew meaning summit. One other possibility is that it is Italian in origin meaning desire for the seaOther forms Marijse (Dutch)
- Marla
- A derivation of the name Marlene. This is the German form of Magdalene which means repentant
- Marlo
- From the Hebrew name Mary Other spellings: Marlow and Marlowe It has been given the meaning bitter
- Marlyse
- German possibly a derivative of the name Mary.
- Marquette
- A form of Margaret. Also spelt Markette
- Martina
- Latin meaning belonging to Mars. Female version of Martin
- Mary
- Derived from the Hebrew name Miriam meaning rebellion or from the Latin stella maris meaning star of the sea. Mary also has been attributed with the meaning exalted of God
- Marysol
- Spanish origins meaning ocean and sun Other spelling Marisol
- Masey
- Origins unknown. Pronounced like the American department store--Macy's--only singular. The meaning is unknown but a suggestion from the contributor is beautiful girl
- Mavis
- Old English meaning song thrush
- Maureen
- Anglicized version of the Gaelic Mairin which is a form of Mary
- Maxime
- From the Latin, maxima meaning greatest
- Maya
- From the Roman goddess Maia the mother of Mercury. From the Latin mai great . Pronounced (my-ah). May also originate from the Indian sanskrit meaning magic or illusion
- Mechele
- Alternate spelling of Michelle mainly used in the US and England
- Megan
- Welsh from of Margaret meaning pearl Also spelt Meghann/Meghan/Meighen
- Meironwen
- Welsh meaning white dairymaid
- Melanie
- Greek meaning black or dark complexion
- Melinda
- From the name Melissa with the feminine ending -inda
- Melissa
- Origins uncertain possibly Greek meaning honey bee or from the Gaelic name Maoil?osa the meaning of which is Sweet Jesus
- Mererid
- Welsh meaning form of Margaret
- Meredith
- meaning pretty possibly from the Welsh Meredudd
- Meri
- Finnish meaning the ocean, or the sea
- Merilee/Merrily
- From the name Mercy meaning magnanimity
- Mia
- Italian meaning my
- Micha/Mika
- Hebrew meaning who is like God
- Michaela
- Feminine form of Michael meaning who is like God. Other forms include Micaela (Italian/Spanish)
- Michelle
- greek meaning Who is like the Lord?
- Michi
- Japanese meaning beautiful and wise
- Mignon
- A short form of Mignonette meaning sweet, dainty and graceful Other spellings: Mignonne
- Mikaeli
- A derivative of Machaela which comes from the male name Michael meaning who is like God
- Milani
- a cross between Melani and Leilani meaning the darkness
- Minako
- Japanese meaning means tenth child
- Mirabel
- Latin meaning wonderful
- Miranda
- A Shakespearean invention for a character in The Tempest. From the Latin mirari meaning admirable and lovely
- Miriam
- Derived from the name Maryam and is the roots of the name Mary meaning star of the sea
- Mitra
- Persian meaning Bright (as in a bright sun)
- Mona
- Irish meaning noble
- Monika/Monica
- Latin meaning advisor Other forms include Monique (French)
- Morag
- Gaelic meaning great
- Morgan
- From the Old Welsh of uncertain meaning
- Morna
- Gaelic meaning beloved
- Morrigan
- The name of the Gaelic (Celtic) goddess of fertility and war
- Morven
- Gaelic meaning mountain peak
- Muirne
- Gaelic meaning beloved
- Myfanwy
- Welsh meaning my fine one
- Naamah
- Hebrew meaning loved
- Nadean/Nadine
- from the Russian Nadezhda meaning hope
- Nadia
- Russain meaning hope
- Nadimah
- Muslim meaning friend
- Nadirah
- Muslim meaning radiant
- Najmah
- Muslim meaning star
- Nanette
- Hebrew meaning Grace; God had been gracious
- Nancy
- Originally a form of Ann which is from the Hebrew Hanna which means God has favoured
- Naomi
- Hebrew meaning pleasant
- Nasimah
- Muslim meaning gentle breeze
- Natalie
- natalis dies meaning birthday. Relates particularly to Christ's birthday and thus Christmas day.
- Nedra
- Origins unknown. Possibly Arabic meaning rare or precious
- Nekomi
- Japanese meaning unknown
- Nerissa
- English origin. It was originally given to a minor character in the Merchant of Venice. It is taken form the Greek nereis meaning sea sprite or of the sea
- DD>Czech origins. A short form of Anezka which means pure Other spellings:Neysa
- Niamh
- Irish meaning bright
- Nina
- Russian abbreviation of the name Antonina or Spanish origins meaning little girl
- Nirvana
- Buddhist meaning heaven
- Nuala
- Irish meaning white shoulder
- Nicola
- Feminine form of Nicholas which is from the Greek meaning victory of the people
- Nicolette/Nickolette
- A derivation of the name Nicole which is a feminine form of Nicholas meaning victory of the people
- Niquie
- Short form of Nicola. Other spellings Nicky/Nicci.
- Noelle
- Female form of Noel meaning Christ's Birthday
- Noor
- Arabic meaning light
- Nora
- Iriah and Scottish nickname(short form) for Leonora. (From the name Eleanor a form of Helen) The Gaelic version N?ra was very popular in Ireland at one time.
- Norma
- Latin meaning pattern
- Nyela
- Possibly a derivation of the Arabic name Najla meaning beautiful eyes
- Octavia
- Latin meaning eight
- Olga
- Russian form of Helga meaning prosperous
- Olive
- Latin origins where olive is the symbol for peace
- Olivia
- First recorded use is in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. The name could be from the word oliva (olive) which is a symbol of peace or a feminine form of Oliver
- Olwen
- Welsh meaning white footprint
- Ophelia
- Greek meaning to help
- Oralia
- English from of Aurelia meaning golden
- Orla
- Irish meaning golden lady
- Paige
- A modern name used mainly in America. Probably derived from the surname Page which was originally taken by a boy in personal attendance to a Knight.
- Paloma
- Spanish origins meaning dove although in some Spanish speaking countries it is given the meaning feather or moth Other spellings Palloma/Peloma
- Pamela
- Greek meaning honey
- Patricia
- Latin meaning noble
- Paula
- Latin meaning small
- Paulette
- French feminine form of Paul meaning small. Taken from the Latin family name Paulus
- Priya
- East Indian meaning Loved one
- Penelope
- Greek meaning weaver
- Perdita
- Latin meaning lost
- Pessim
- Native American Cree meaning sun
- Petra
- Feminine form of Peter. From the Greek petros or the Latin petra meaning stone. The name is therefore given the meaning solid and reliable Other spellings: Petrea
- Philidephia
- Greek meaning brotherly love
- Phillippa
- Greek meaning fond of horses
- Philomena
- Feminine form of the Latin Philomenus which is form the Greek philein- to love and menos - strength
- Phoebe
- Greek meaning pure or bright
- Phyllis
- Greek meaning foliage
- Pilar
- From the Spanish title Nuestra Senora del Pilar meaning Our Lady of the Pillar. A title referring to the Virgin Mary.
- Poppy
- Name of a flower used as a name since the late 19th Century.
- Precia
- Derivative of the word precious. (pronounced Pree-shuh)
- Princess
- Title bestowed on the daughter of a sovereign. Originally used as a tern of endearment for a female child. Now used as a name
- Priscilla
- Latin meaning primitive
- Priya
- East Indian meaning loved one
- Quin?a(pronounced 'Quin-ay-ah')
- Name given by a midwife/delivery nurse for a lady wanting a name beginning with "Q" for her 5th baby!!!!
- Quinn
- Possibly from the Old English cwen meaning queen or the Irish Gaelic Caoin Originally a boys' name but used for girls' in more recent years.
- Raah
- Greek meaning Shepherd and Saviour
- Rabiah
- Muslim meaning fourth
- Rachael/Rachel
- Hebrew meaning ewe symbolising innocence
- Rachelle
- Another form of Rachel. Appearing French but actually English in origin
- Rae
- English/Australian origins. Originally a short form of Rachel now used as the feminine form of Raymond
- Raine
- German meaning mighty army
- Ramona
- Spanish version of Ramon which is a form of Raymond meaning wise protector
- Ranelle
- Possibly the feminine version of either Randolf or Randall. It could also be a combination of names such as Randall and Danielle.
- Rani
- Hindi meaning Hindu princess or queen
- Raquel
- Spanish form of Rachel. Made popular by the actress Raquel Welch
- Rasa
- Lithuanian origins meaning dew
- Raven
- Taken either from the name of the bird or from the French word for voracious
- Ravenne
- Alternate spelling of the name Raven
- Ravette
- English origins meaning sacred daughter
- Rayna
- (pronounced ray-nuh) Feminine version of the male name Rayner. Derived from the German ragin meaning advice and hari meaning warrior
- Rebeccca
- meaning tied
- Reece
- Feminine form of the Welsh name Rhys meaning enthusiastic or ardour. Can also be spelled Riece, Reace, Reese, or Rice.
- Regan
- Used by Shakespeare in his play King Lear for the third daughter of the king. Also possibly derived form the Gaelic surname O Riag?in. The meaning is unknown.
- Ren?/Renee
- French meaning reborn
- Reisha
- Possibly a derivation of the Yiddish form of the name Rose
- Rhian
- Welsh meaning maiden
- Rhiannon
- Welsh meaning goddess
- Rhoda
- Greek meaning rose
- Rhona
- Scottish meaning rough isle
- Rhonda
- Origins uncertain meaning industrious
- Rhonwen
- Welsh meaning fair
- Roberta
- Old German meaning bright
- Romy
- A short form of Rosemary meaning sea dew
- Richelle
- Possibly a feminine form of Richard or a name which has derived from two names. Meaning unknown although the first part of the name ric meaning power.
- Ricielle
- African american origins meaning beautiful child of god
- Riona
- Irish name from the Gaelic rioghan meaning queen
- R?is?n
- Irish meaning rose
- Robin/ Robine
- meaning sure sign of spring; caregiver of Jesus, beautiful bird
- Rosa
- Latin meaning rose
- Rosamunde
- From the Latin rosa munda meaning pure rose
- Roseanne
- An amalgamation of Rose and Anne
- Rose
- Old German meaning fame
- Rowena
- Celtic meaning white skirt
- Roxana
- From the Persian name meaning the dawn
- Ruby
- From the jewel
- Ruta
- Lithuanian origins meaning rue (the herb)
- Ruth
- Hebrew meaning vision of beauty
- Ryesen
- Either from the English word rye or an alternate spelling of Roisin (Irish Gaelic) meaning rose
- Sabah
- Muslim meaning morning dawn
- Sabine
- meaning woman of the Sabine tribe
- Sabrina
- Latin meaning the boundary mark
- Sachiko
- Japanese meaning happy child
- Sadie
- Derivation of Sarah which has Hebrew origins meaning princess
- Sakura
- Japanese meaning cherry blossom
- Sally
- A familiar form of Sarah meaning princess. Used as a name in it own right since the 18th century
- Samantha
- Aramaic meaning listener
- SamaraArabic meaning To talk in the evening or night
- Sandrine
- Possibly the French version from Alexandra which is the feminine form of Alexander
- Sanne
- Dutch. From abbreviation for Roxana. It is the Greek form of the Persian name Raokhshna, meaning dawn glow. It was the name of the wife of Alexander the Great, whom he married in 327 BC She was a Persian princess, daughter of Oxyartis, King of Sogdania.
- Sanya
- Russian-Yugoslavian Origins from the word sanjati meaning to dream
- Saoirse
- Irish meaning freedom or Liberty
- Sarah
- Hebrew meaning princess
- Saraid
- Celtic origins meaning excellent
- Saskia
- Dutch origins of uncertain meaning. May possibly derive form the word sachs meaning Saxon
- Savannah
- From the Spanish zavana which means an expanse of open grassland.
- Scarlet
- Old French meaning the colour. Popularised by Scarlett O'Hara
- Selina
- Greek goddess of the moon
- Sena
- Derived from Selina who was the Greek goddess of the moon
- Senna
- Origins are not know but could be taken from the name of senna pod which goes to produce laxatives!!!!! Became popular as both a girls and a boys name after the death of the Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna
- September
- The ninth month of the year. From the Roman septum meaning seven as it was originally the seventh month in the Roman calender. Often given to the 7th child
- Seren
- Welsh meaning star
- Serena
- From the Latin serenus meaning calm and serene. It was the name of the Roman Goddess Selene (Goddess of the moon) who fell in love with Endymion, the shepherd
- Serenity
- From the Latin serenus meaning calm and serene.
- Sevina
- Possibly a name derived form more that one name or from the Latin Sev?rus meaning severe or stern.
- Shahla
- Afghani origins meaning beautiful eyes
- Shaina /Shayna,
- Hebrew meaning beautiful
- Shalaidah
- From the Old Celtic meaning wood nymph or from the
farie wood
- Shaley
- Possible derivation of Shelley which is from the Old English surname meaning clearing on or near a slope
- Shalyn
- Origins unknown. Probably derived from a combination of two names.
- Shani
- Swahili origins meaning marvellous or wonderful
- Shania
- Possibly an English name derived from Shani
- Shannon
- English origins from the USA. It is taken from the name of an Irish river
- Sharayah
- Hebrew meaning friend
- Sharon
- Hebrew word referring to a biblical place name. The literal meaning is the plain.
- Shayna
- Yiddish name meaning beautiful
- Shaylene
- Derived form the Yiddish name Shayna meaning beautifu
- Sheaden
- French meaning strong and bold, but powerfully beautiful
- Sheena
- English spelling of the name Sine which is the Gaelic form of Jane.
- Sheila
- From the Irish S?le meaning blind. Sheila has since become a generic name for women in Australia. Other spellings Shelagh/Sheelagh
- Shelby
- Possible derivation of Shelley which is from the Old English surname meaning clearing on or near a slope
- Shelda
- Origins of this name are uncertain but it seems likely that it is a recent derivation of the name Sheldon.
- Sheldon
- Originally an English surname taken from the local area in both Derbyshire and Devon.
- Sheree/Sheri
- English version of the French ch?rie meaning /dear or darling.
- Shereen
- Variant of the name Sheree meaning /dear or darling.
- Shirley
- English place name meaning bright clearing
- Shirra
- Arabic from the word shirinmeaning agreeable
- Sibyl
- Mythological Greek priestess
- Sidra
- Latin from the Muslim meaning star-like
- Sierra
- Spanish meaning beautiful mountains
- Silvana
- Feminine version of Silvano which is derived from the Latin word silva meaning wood
- Silvia
- Latin meaning wood
- Sine?d
- Irish, feminine form of John
- Siobh?n
- Irish form of Joan
- Siran
- Armenian meaning lovely
- Siri
- Scandinavian meaning Goddess of humour
- Soma
- Indian origins meaning moon
- Sonaya
- A variation of the name Sonya which is a Russian abbreviation of the name Sofya meaning wisdom
- Sophie/Sophia
- Greek meaning wisdom
- Sorcha
- Gaelic meaning brightAlso became known as the Irish version of Sarah meaning Princess
- Stacey
- English Possibly an short form of Anastasia which is taken from the Greek anastasis meaningresurrection
- Stella
- Latin meaning star
- Stephanie
- from the Greek "Stefanos" meaning a garland or crown. Could also mean wearer of the crown
- Summer/Somer
- Taken from the Old English sumor which is the name given to the second season of the year. It's use as a first name has been particularly popular in Australia and America, mainly due to it's associations with warmth and happiness
- Sunni
- Either derives from the word sunny meaning bright pleasant disposition or from the Scandinavian name Sunniva meaning gift of the sun
- Susan
- English derivation of the name Susanna meaning lily
- Susanna>DD>Derived form the Hebrew name Shoshana meaning lily. Other spellings include Suzanna(French), Si?saidh(Scottish), Zuzana(Czech) and Zsuzsana(Hungarian)
- Suzanne
- French version of Susanna.
- Sutton
- Old English taken from the name of a town in England
- Sybrell
- African American meaning Sweet, sincere and very trust worthy
- Sydney/Sidney
- Originally used as a boys' name and most likely first used as a surname. It's meaning comes from the Old English words sidan meaning wide and eg meaning river meadow
- Tabitha
- Aramaic meaning gazelle
- Talitha
- Aramic meaning little girl. (Pronunciation: i ->"e") Bible mark 5:41
- Tamara
- Arabic meaning seed of the palm tree
- Tameika
- African-american. Meaning unknown
- Tara
- Irish meaning hill
- Tasha
- Russian origins meaning independent. Also possibly an abbreviation of the Russian name Natasha meaning Christ's birthday. Often given to girls born on Christmas day.
- Tatiana
- Russian from the King of the Sabines called Tatius
- Tarina
- Hebrew meaning legend or story
- Tavia
- An abbreviation of Octavia which means eighth thus given to the eighth child if it is a girl.
- Taya
- Italian or Latin meaning unknown Also spelt T?a which is a popular spelling in Macedonia
- Taylor
- Originally an English surname given to a person who followed the occupation of a tailor (someone who makes repairs or alters clothes).
- Tegan
- Derived either from Tegwen or from the Gaelic Tadhg meaning philosopher
- Tegwen
- Welsh meaning beautiful
- Taryn
- Derived from the Irish name Tara meaning rocky hill
- Teolani
- Partly Hawaiian Lani means heavenly or sky
- Teona
- African meaningthe essence of tranquillity
- Teresa
- Greek meaning harvest
- Terra
- Latin origins. The name given to the Goddess of the Earth
- Tessa/Tess
- Possibly a form of Teresa although may have independent origins
- Tevya
- Hebrew origins meaning woman of goodness
- Thalia
- From the Greek thallein meaning to flourish
- Thara
- Muslim meaning wealth
- Thea
- An abbreviation of Dorothea which means gift of God
- Tiarne
- Possibly a Welsh derivation of tiara meaning princess
- Thelma
- Greek meaning will
- Theola
- Greek origins meaning divine
- Thomasina
- Hebrew meaning twin
- Tia
- An abbreviation of names ending in -tia, eg: Letitia. Now used as a name in its own right
- Tianna
- combination of Tia and Anna
- Tien
- Vietnamese name meaning angel
- Tiffany
- Greek meaning manifestation of God
- Tirta
- Indonesian meaning water
- Traci/Tracy
- Originally a surname given to people from the place of Thracius in France
- Tricia/ Trisha
- An abbreviation of Patricia, the feminine form of Patrick. From the Latin forpatrician meaning of the noble class
- Tyler
- Derived from the surname which was given to someone who tiled roofs. Also a boys' name
- Tyshae
- Origins unknown meaning to touch one's heart
- Ula
- Old English meaning owl
- Una
- Irish meaning lamb
- Unity
- A word that became popular in the 1920s and 30'
- Ursula
- Latin meaning little she-bear
- Ushi
- Chinese origins meaning ox
- Uzma
- Muslim meaning greatest
- Valentia
- Latin meaning strong and healthy
- Valerie
- Latin meaning to be strong
- Valora
- Latin origins meaning strong
- Vandy
- An amalgamation of the names Nancy and Vann. Meaning is unknown but Nancy has the meaning God has favoured.
- Vanessa
- Created by the author Jonathan Swift who wrote Gulliver's Travels
- Vashti
- Persian meaning beautiful
- Vedrana
- Yugoslavian origins. From vedra meaning bright, happy
- Vera
- Latin meaning true
- Veronica
- From the Latin vera icon meaning true image Other forms are Veronika (Lithuanian) V?ronique (French)
- Victoria
- Latin meaning victory Short forms Vicky, Vickie
- Virginia
- From the Latin Verginius. It was a name, according to legend that was given to a woman who was ultimately killed by her father to save her form an unsuitable lover. Hence the meaning generally attributed to the name - pure. The name has two common abbreviations Ginger (Ginger Rodgers whose real name was Virginia) and Ginny
- Vivian
- Latin meaning living alive
- Wanda
- Derived from the term Wend given to the Slavonic people of in the middle ages who lived in an area which is now in North East Germany
- Wendy
- Created by J M Barrie for a character in his book Peter Pan
- Whitney
- From the Middle English meaning by the white island
- Wilhelmina
- Female form of William meaning resolute protector
- Winifred
- Welsh meaning blessed reconciliation
- Wynne
- From the Old English word wine meaning friend
- Xanthe
- Greek meaning gold or yellow haired
- Xanthippe
- Greek (Socrates' wife)meaning yellow and hippos meaning horse i.e. yellow horse
- Xaviera
- Arabic meaning bright
- Xena
- Greek origins meaning distant place or hospitable
- Xenia
- English origins as a name an it is taken from the Greek word meaning hospitality
- Ximenia
- Spanish meaning taken from botany, referring to the genus of tropical herbs and trees. Named after Spanish explorer Ximenes.
- Yanis
- Arabic. A new form of Younes and Anis meaning Companion
- Yahsarah
- From the Hebrew ya meaning life and sarah meaning princess
- Yasmine
- Arabic meaning Kind of Flower (Jasmine)
- Yetta
- Of English origin with disputed meaning either to give or if derived from Henrietta meaning ruler of the household
- Yolande
- Greek meaning violet
- Yvonne
- French meaning Yew
- Yvette
- German meaning yew
- Zahrah
- Muslim meaning flower blossom
- Zaina
- Arabic meaning beautiful
- Zandra
- Greek origins meaning helper or defender of mankindAlso Sandra
- Zara
- Arabic meaning splendour
- ZarriaArabic origins. Possibly from zahr meaning flower
- Zari
- Swahili meaning beautiful (Pronunciation a -> short "o"; i -> long "e")
- Zelda
- Possibly a derivation of the Yiddish name Zelde meaning happiness and good fortune
- Zenia
- A phonetic spelling of the name Xenia (see above)
- Zenobia
- From the Greek zen meaning gift and bios meaning life It was the name of the queen of Palmyra. Other spelling Xenobia
- Zhane
- Origins uncertain. Possibly from the Arabic meaning to shine Another possibility is that it is a modern interpretation of the name Shane.
- Zibute
- Lithuanian origins meaning glowing one
- Zinah
- Muslim meaning adornment
- Zoe
- Greek meaning life
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