Directory of Masculine Names - For Choosing the Right Baby Boy Name
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- Aaron
- Hebrew meaning lofty or mountaineer
- Abdul
- Arabic meaning servant of
- Abel
- Hebrew meaning vanity
- Abner
- Hebrew meaning the Father is the lamp
- Abraham
- meaning father of many
- Absalom
- Hebrew meaningmy Father is peace
- Adam
- Hebrew meaning red earth
- Adair
- form of Edgar from the Old English prosperity spear
- Addison
- American from the Latin meaning king
- Adin
- Either from the Old Norse meaning delicate or from the Hebrew word adin meaning slender Also a girls name.
- Adrian
- Latin meaning man from Adria
- Aidan
- Gaelic meaning fire
- Akira
- Japanese meaning distinct
- Alan
- Its origin is disputed but could be Welsh meaning harmony or Irish meaning noble
- Alasdair
- Scottish form of Alexander meaning defending men
- Alastair
- Gaelic meaning defender of men (derived form the Greek name Alexander)
- Albert
- German meaning noble and bright
- Alden
- English origins meaning happy protector
- Aled
- Welsh meaning from the name of the river
- Alexander
- From the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros. From alexin meaning to defend and aner meaning man or warrior (One of the oldest names to be recorded). Other forms include Alexsander (Polish), Alejandro (Spanish)
- Alfred
- German meaning good counsellor
- Alget/Algot (pronounced "Al get/"-not all get)Scandinavian origins from the words alfr meaning supernatural being and the tribal name Gautr
- Aloysius
- Possibly a Latin form of Louis A sixteenth century Spanish saint St Aloysius. Gonzaga made the name popular amongst Roman Catholics in Britain It's meaning taken from the Old German is glorious battle
- Ali
- Muslim meaning excellent noble
- Alphin
- Gaelic meaning white
- Alphonso
- Germanic meaning noble and ready
- Alvin
- Germanic meaning noble friend
- Amin
- Persian meaning honest, trustworthy
- Amon
- Hebrew meaning faithful
- Amos
- Hebrew meaning strong
- Anders
- Scandinavian possibly form the Greek Andreia meaning manliness or virility
- Andrew
- Greek meaning manly
- Angus
- Celtic meaning unique choice derived form the Gaelic name Aonghus
- Annan
- From the Sanskrit ananda meaning happiness or joy
- Anthony
- Latin from Antonius which was the name of a Roman clan
- Aonghais
- Gaelic for Innes or Angus
- Arran
- Scottish meaning taken from the place name
- Arnold
- Old German meaning strength or eagle
- Arthur
- It's origin is disputed, but is thought to be either Celtic meaning bear or Irish meaning stone.King Arthur was a Saxon king who ruled Britain after the Romans left. There are no real historical facts about him but many myths have arisen. Is seems likely that the name is from the Latin Artorius. The name became very popular due to the interest around 19th century of the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
- Arwel
- Welsh meaning very old but of unknown meaning
- Arwyn
- Welsh meaning muse
- Asa
- Hebrew meaning healer
- Asher
- Hebrew meaning what happiness
- Ashley
- Old English meaning ash wood
- Ashraf
- Muslim meaning most noble
- Ashton
- From the Old English ¾sc (ash) and tun (enclosure or settlement)
- Athol
- Scottish origins. Derived from Atholl the name of a central district of Scotland which was also taken as a family name. It is an older form of Atfolda, the name of one of the seven principle territories of the picts. Derived from the name Folda who was one of seven sons of the pictic king Cruithne.
- Aulay
- Gaelic meaning form of Olave meaning forefather or ancestor
- Austin
- Originally used as an English surname. Derives from the Latin Augustinus which in turn is a derivative of Augustus meaning great
- Avery
- Originated from the French pronunciation of Alfred which means noble counsel
- Avinash
- East Indian meaning that which is indestructible
- Axl
- An invention of the 1980's/90's. Used as the lead character in Beverley Hills Cop.
- Azel
- Hebrew meaning noble
- Bain
- Celtic meaning broad stream/river
- Barnabas
- Hebrew meaning son of exhortation indicating the baby is an answer to prayers
- Barry
- Irish meaning spear
- Bartholomew
- hebrew meaning son of Talmai
- Barton
- Originally an English surname that takes it's meaning from bere meaning barley and tun meaning enclosure
- Basil
- From the Greek basileios meaning kingly
- Bayu
- Indonesian meaning Wind
- Bejo
- Indonesian meaning luck
- Ben
- Hebrew meaning son or Gaelic meaning peak (Also a short form of Benedict and Benjamin)
- Beren
- It origin is thought to be from several characters in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. It has the meaning bearlike Also shortened version of the Teutonic name Berenger
- Bernard
- Old German indicating courage and strength
- Bertram
- Old German meaning bright raven
- Blade
- origins unknown meaningprosperity and glory
- Bladen
- Two origins for this name. It is either Dutch meaning prosperity and glory. Or a derivation of the Welsh Bleddyn which is from the word blaidd meaning hero
- Blair
- Scottish meaning palce and family name
- Blake
- It is from the Old English for the word black and from the Old English for the word white. It was given as a nickname either to someone very dark or someone very pale. Originally used as a surname before becoming popular as a first name.
- Bleddyn
- Welsh meaning wolf
- Boris
- Russian meaning fight
- Bradley
- Old English meaning broad clearing
- Brandon
- Originally used as an English surname. Taken form the Old English brom and dun meaning
gorse hill
- Brayden
- Probably derived form the Yiddish name Brayndel meaning brown
- Brendan
- Irish meaning little raven. Could possibly be from the Old Irish name Branainn which is derived from the Gaelic meaning prince Other possible meanings aredweller by the beacon or stinking hair!!
- Brennan
- Possibly derived form the name Brendan
- Brett
- Latin meaning a Breton derived form a surname
- Brian
- Celtic possibly meaning hill
- Brice
- Welsh origins meaning ambitious
- Brock
- From the Old English broc meaning badger
- Brodie
- Pet form of The Scandinavian name Broder meaning brother
- Brodrick
- Scottish meaning brother
- Bruce
- Old French meaning brushwood thicket
- Bruno
- Old German meaning brown and bear-like
- Bryce
- From the Welsh name Price. Meaning son of the ardent one.
- Bryson/Bricen
- From the Welsh brych meaning speckled. Transferred from a surname to a first name.
- Bryn
- Welsh meaning hill or mound
- Brynmor
- Welsh meaning great hill
- Byron
- A surname meaning worker in cowherd
- Cade
- From the Old French catanus it is the name of a juniper tree the oil of which is used for herbal remedies. It is thought that it would have been used as a surname first. Another suggested meaning is that it was an English surname meaning round Used as the name for a character in Gone with the Wind
- Caden
- Irish meaning spirit of battle
- Caesar
- English form of the old Roman name. The meaning is uncertain. The most famous bearer of the name was Gaius Julius Caesar and it added to the vocabulary the word for emperor Kaiser(German) and tzar(Russian) and also Caesarean.
- Cahil
- Turkish meaning young native
- Caleb
- Biblical origins. Possibly from the word dog in Hebrew symbolising devotion to God. It was the name of an Israelite who set out with Moses from Egypt
- Callum(Calum)
- Gaelic meaning dove Derived from the Latin name Columba
- Calvin
- It's origin is disputed possibly taken from the surname of John Calvin the French Religious reformer.
- Cameron
- Gaelic meaning crooked nose
- Campbell
- Celtic meaning curved mouth
- Carl/Karl
- Derived from the name Charles meaning free man
- Carlos
- Spanish form of Charles meaning man
- Carson
- Sottish or Irish surname which is now used as a first name. Meaning is unknown
- Carwyn
- Welsh meaning blessed love
- Caspar
- Dutch form of Jaspar. The name is attributed to one of the wise mena who brought gifts for the baby Jesus.
- Caspian
- A name possibly created by the author C S Lewis for the tales of Narnia -Prince Caspian. As such it does not have a name but could be derived from Caspa which seems to be of Persian origin meaning treasurer
- Cathal
- Irish meaning battle mighty
- Cecil
- Latin meaning blind
- Cedric
- A character form the novel Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott. Rumour has it that Scott really meant to choose the name of the first King of Wessex - Cerdic
- Cemlyn
- Welsh meaning bent lake
- Ceri
- Welsh meaning love
- Chad
- English spelling of Ceadda It was the name of a 17th century Saint. The meaning is unknown.
- Chancellor
- Old English root name Chancellor meaning secretary to the throne
- Chap
- The origin of this name is unclear. It could have spanish origins or be from the Old English surname Chapman meaning merchant>
- Charles
- Old German meaning free man
- Christian
- Latin meaning the follower of Christ.
- Christoper
- meaning the bearer of Christ
- Ciaran
- Irish meaning black
- Clarence
- English derived from the Suffolk town Clare which was originally named after the Norman family
de Clare. The Dukes of Clarence took the name.
- Clark
- Old English meaning learned man. Originally referred to church scholars, who were the only people who could read and write at the time.
- Clayton
- Originally an English surname. From the Old English for clay and enclosure or settlement
- Claude(Claud)
- Latin from the Emperor of Rome, Claudius
- Cledwyn
- Welsh meaning name of a river
- Clement
- Latin meaning mild or merciful
- Clifford
- German meaning dweller on a slope
- Clinton/Clint
- Originated from a place name meaning settlement near a hill
- Clive
- Originally a surname meaning cliff but became popular as a first name after a British soldier Sir Robert Clive who became known as
Clive of India
- Cody
- An Anglicized version of the Irish surname O Cuidighthigh which has come to have the meaning
helpful person May have aquired a certain popularity from Frederick William Cody alias
Buffalo Bill Used as a male and female name.
- Colby
- Almost certainly transferred from a surname. The name possibly derives from Old German
colfor which there is no definite meaning and berht meaning famous or bright. Or it could come from the Gaelic
colla meaning high
- Cole
- Old English origins and originally used as a surname. It is probably derived form the word
col meaning charcoal thus given to someone whose occupations involved the use of charcoal. It has also been known to be used as an abbreviation of Nicholas
- Colin
- Gaelic meaning youth
- Colm
- Irish meaning dove
- Colton
- Scottish or English origins. Possibly a combination of the words Coll meaning
high and tun meaning enclosure
- Conan
- Celtic meaning high or wisdom. (better known as Conan the Barbarian!)
- Conlan
- Welsh meaning hero
- Connor
- Irish from the Gaelic name Conchobhar meaning high desire
- Conrad
- German meaning bold in counsel
- Cooper
- Originally an English surname given to the man whose occupation was making barrels or casks. Now used as a first name.
- Cormac
- Irish meaning charioteer
- Cornelius
- Latin meaning from a roman clan name
- Corey
- Irish surname possibly meaning good peace
- Cosmo
- Greek meaning order
- Craig
- Celtic meaning rock (as in Ailsa Craig)
- Crawford
- Scottish meaning place and family name meaning ford where crows gather
- Crispin
- meaning curly haired
- Curtis
- Old French meaning courteous
- Cyril
- Greek meaning lord or master
- Cyrus
- Hebrew meaning shepherd
- Dafydd
- Welsh form of David Hebrew meaning friend
- Damian
- Greek meaning to tame or kill
- Damon
- Greek. The meaning is unknown but appears in Greek literature
- Daniel
- Hebrew meaning god has judged
- Dante
- Italian origins meaning to endure. Name of famous medieval poet - Dante Alighieri
- Darian
- Contemporary variation of the Persian name Darius meaning prosperous
- Darius
- Name of a Persian king but meaning is from the Latin daraya meaning
to possess and vahu meaning well
- Darnell
- Surname or place name meaning hidden nook. Origins uncertain
- Darrel
- Old English meaning darling
- Darren
- Irish meaning dearly beloved
- David
- Hebrew meaning beloved
- Dean
- The origin is disputed possibly Old English meaning valley or Latin meaning
leader of ten
- Declan
- Irish. Name of a Saint , unknown meaning
- Deinol
- Welsh meaning attractive, charming
- Demetrius
- Greek meaning of Demeter the Earth Mother
- Denholm
- Scottish meaning place and family unknown
- Denis
- Taken from the Greek god of wine and revelry, Dionysus
- Denzil
- From the surname Denzell which was a place name in Cornwall, England.
- Dereck
- Taken from the Old German name Theodoric meaning people rule
- Dermot
- Irish meaning free from envy
- Desmond
- Irish meaning a man from South Munster. Originally a surname.
- Devin
- Irish Gaelic origin meaning poet. Other spelling Deavin/Deivin
- Dewi
- Welsh meaning a form of David
- Deyla
- Norse meaning Compassionate
- Diarmuid/Diarmid
- Irish meaning envy free
- Digide
- Came from Hippy traditions meaning Good/Unique
- Dominic/Dominik
- Latin meaning born on the Sabbath Short form Dom
- Donal
- Gaelic meaning world mighty
- Donald
- Celtic, taken from the Gaelic name Domhnall meaning world and mighty
- Doron
- Greek origins meaning gift from god
- Douglas
- Celtic meaning dark water
- Drake
- Gaelic meaning dragon
- Drew
- Originally a Scottish abbreviation of the name Andrew meaning mighty
- Druhan
- Scottish Gaelic form of Andrew
- Dugald
- Scottish meaning black stranger
- Duncan
- Celtic meaning brown warrior. Taken from the Gaelic name, Donnchadh
- Dyfan
- Welsh meaning ruler of a tribe
- Dylan
- Welsh meaning son of the waves
- Eamonn
- Irish meaning a form of Edmund or Old English meaning rich protector
- Earl
- Old English meaning nobleman or chief
- Edgar
- Old English meaning happy spear
- Edmund
- Old English meaning happy protection
- Edryd
- Welsh meaning restoration
- Edward
- Old English meaning rich guardian
- Edwin
- Old English meaning rich friend
- Eifion
- Welsh meaning place name
- Eilir
- Welsh meaning butterfly
- Elfed
- Welsh meaning autumn
- Elgan
- Welsh meaning bright circle
- Elhanan
- Hebrew meaning God shows favour
- Enoch
- Hebrew meaning dedicated
- Eli/Ely
- Hebrew meaning height
- Elijah
- Hebrew meaning faithful to God
- Elliot
- Originally used as a surname. Derived form the name Ellis which in turn is derived from Elijah
- Elwyn
- Welsh meaning white brow
- Elzear
- From the name of the French patron saint of farming
- Emile
- From the Roman family name Aemilius meaningrivalAlso spelt Emil mile
- Emrys
- Welsh form of Ambrose from the Greek meaning immortal
- Emyr
- Welsh meaning honour
- Enda
- Irish meaning bird
- Eoghan
- Irish form of Eugene meaning well born
- Eoin
- Irish meaning form of John
- Eric
- Old Norse meaning sole rulerOther forms include Erik(Swedish)
- Erin
- From the Gaelic irinn meaning Ireland Other spelling Ayrin
- Ernest
- Old German meaning vigour or earnestness
- Erskine
- Scottish meaning green ascent
- Eryl
- Welsh meaning watcher
- Esau
- Hebrew meaning hairy
- Ethan
- Hebrew meaning constant, permanent, long lived
- Eugene
- Greek meaning well born
- Eurig
- Welsh meaning gold
- Eustace
- Greek meaning rich in corn
- Evan
- Welsh for John meaning God is gracious Related to Ian, Euan, and Ewan
- Evaristo
- Spanish/Portuguese from the Greek name Euarestos. Where Eu means good and
areskein meaning to please
- Ewen
- taken from the Irish name Eoghan, meaning a youth
- Ezekiel
- Hebrew meaning may God make strong
- Fabian
- Latin meaning bean grower
- Farqhhar
- Gaelic meaning very dear one
- Felipe
- Spanish form of Philip meaning to love horses
- Felix
- Latin meaning happy
- Fergal
- Irish meaning man of strength
- Fergus
- Gaelic meaning supreme choice
- Flannen
- Irish meaning ruddy complexion
- Finbar
- Gaelic meaning fair head
- Finaly
- Scottish meaning fair hero
- Finlay
- Gaelic meaning a sunbeam
- Finn
- Gaelic meaning fair
- Fintan
- Irish from the Old Irish finn meaning white or fair. Fintan and also Fiontan may also have the additional meaning of
- Francis
- Latin meaning Frenchman
- Frank
- Possibly taken from the name of a 4th century tribe that migrated to Gaul ,meaning
- Fraser
- Possibly from the French word fraise meaning strawberry. Originally used as a surname
- Frederick
- Old German meaning peaceful ruler
- Fulvio
- Italian possibly from the Roman name Fulvius which is from the word fulvus meaning
- Gabriel
- Hebrew meaning man of God
- Gaelen
- Gaelic name originally from the Greek galene meaning calm
- Gareth
- Welsh meaning gentle
- Garfield
- Old English meaning spearfield
- Garnet
- The name of a group of yellow, red or green minerals used as gemstones. It is often given to babies born in January as it is attributed as being the birthstone for that month.
- Garrett
- Irish form of Gerard from the German meaning firm spear
- Gavin
- Welsh meaning hawk of May
- Gary
- English surname from the Old English gar meaning spear
- Geoffrey/Jeffery
- Old German meaning district peace
- George
- Greek meaning farmer
- Geraint
- Welsh meaning old
- Gerard
- Old German meaning spear hard
- Gerlad
- Welsh meaning unknown
- Gethin
- Welsh meaning dusky
- Gerald
- Old German meaning spear ruler
- Gideon
- Hebrew meaning cutter
- Gilbert
- Old German meaning bright pledge
- Gilchrist
- Gaelic meaning servant of Christ
- Giles
- The origin of this is disputed, possibly Latin meaning kid-like or Celtic
meaning servant
- Gino
- Italian abbreviation of any name ending in . As such it has no meaning of it's own
- Giovanni
- Italian form of John meaning God is Gracious
- Glen
- Welsh meaning from the valley
- Glyn
- Celtic origin meaning small valley
- Glyndwr
- Welsh meaning family name
- Godfrey
- Old German meaning God's peace
- Graham
- Taken as a Scottish clan name from an English place name. Used as a first name since medieval times
- Gregory
- Greek meaning watchman
- Griffin
- From the Latin Griffinus which is a form of Griffith
- Griffith
- From the Welsh meaning reddish
- Gruffyd
- Welsh meaning powerful chief
- Guy
- Old German meaning wood or wide. Original form Wido. Adopted as Guido by the Italians and then by the French as
- Gwyn
- Welsh meaning fair blessed
- Gywnfor
- Welsh meaning fair lord
- Hamish
- A Gaelic form of James
- Hamlet
- Possibly from the Low German meaning enclosed land. Also the name of Shakespearean play
- Hanif
- Muslim meaning true believer
- HarrisonOriginally a surname meaning son of Harry
- Harold
- Old Norse meaning army power
- Harry
- Original English form from the French, Henri
- Harvey
- French meaning battleworthy
- Hasan
- Muslim meaning handsome good
- Hayden/Haydn
- Origins are from a place name meaning pasture land. Then taken as a surname before becoming popular as a first name.
- Hector
- Greek meaning hold fast
- Hefin
- Welsh meaning summer
- Henry
- Old German meaning home ruler
- Herbert
- Old German meaning bright army
- Herron/Heron
- Originally a surname taken from the Old German heri meaning
Comment added by visitor 20021229su: "My surname is Herron,
and there are other possibilities for its origin. A Sir John de Heroun
reportedly sailed with Williama the Conqueror and, for his courage, was granted
lands in Northumbria, NE England. There are three large UK concentrations of
Herrons/Herons now - NE England, SW Scotland (especially Stranraer, but up as
far as Glasgow) and Northern Ireland. The original 'Heroun' sounds Moorish to
me, and may go back to the Moors who conquered Spain and fought into France as
far as the Vendee, just south of Nantes." - C. Herron- Hilary
- Latin meaning cheerful
- Hiram
- (Hebrew origins)meaning noble
- Horatio
- (Latin origins) meaning punctual
- Howard
- Of uncertain meaning possibly guardian of an enclosure
- Hudson
- Possibly derived form a Canadian surname which was taken by families living near the Hudson Bay in NE Canada. The meaning frequently attributed to the name is bold or courageous.
- Hugh
- Old German meaning bright mind
- Humphrey
- Old English meaning giant peace
- Huw
- Welsh form of Hugh, meaning mind
- Ian/Iain
- The Scottish form of John meaning God is gracious
- Ieuan
- Welsh meaning form of John
- Ifan
- Welsh meaning form of Ieuan
- Igor
- Russian form of the name Ivor. Introduced to Russia at the time of the first Scandinavian settlement.
- Innes
- Gaelic meaning island. In Scotland is used as a boys and girls name
- Iolo
- Welsh meaning lord value
- Ira
- Hebrew meaning watchful
- Irvin/Irving
- From the Scottish place name meaning fair or handsome
- Israel
- Hebrew meaning he who strives with God
- Ivan
- Belorussian or Ukraninan version of John which means God is Gracious
- Ivor
- From the Old Norse ½r meaning bow and herr meaning warrior
- Jabal
- Hebrew meaning lead, guide
- Jack
- Originally a pet form of John. During the middle ages it became increasingly common and was used to mean man.For example Jack of all Trades and Jack Tar
- Jacob
- Hebrew meaning deceiver
- Jaedan
- Possibly derived form the name Jordan
- Jafar
- Muslim meaning companion of the Prophet
- Jamal
- Arabic meaning handsome
- James
- Hebrew meaning supplanter. Originally a corruption of the name Jacob.
- Jameson
- English/Scottish origins. Transferred use of a surname meaning son of James.
- Jamil
- From jamil meaning beautiful, graceful handsome. Other spellings Gamil
- Japheth
- Hebrew meaning may he reach
- Jaroslaw
- Polish form of an old Slavonic name. Taken from the words jaro meaning spring and slav meaning glory. Other spellings include Jaroslav (Czech), Yaroslaw/Yaroslav (Russian)
- Jared/Jarod
- Hebrew meaning descent
- Jason
- Derived from the classical Greek name Iason meaning healer or to heal Short form Jace
- Jasper
- Persian meaning treasure holder
Nickname for any name beginning with J . Now a name in its own right
- Jediah
- Hebrew meaning God knows
- Jed
- Hebrew meaning friend of the Lord An abbreviated form of the name Jedidiah
- Jehmiah
- Derived name created by a contributor. Similar to Jeremiah meaning appointed by God
- Jeremy
- Old English from the Hebrew name Jeremiah meaning God is on high
- Jerome
- From the Greek name Hieronymus meaning holy name
- Jesse
- Hebrew meaning God exists
- Jesus
- Aramaic meaning Saviour
- Jethro
- Hebrew meaning abundance
- JezRay
- Derives from the combination of the names Jessie and Ray
- Jhevri
- Origins unknown possibly a form of Geoffrey/Jeffrey is though to have the meaning to pledge
- Jivin
- An English gypsy name meaning lively
- Joaquin
- Spanish or Portuguese form of Joachim which is the name given to the father of the Virgin Mary. The meaning has been given asestablished by God. Other forms are Yackim(Russian) Achim (Scandinavian)
- Joel
- Hebrew meaning Jehovah is God
- John
- Hebrew meaning God is Gracious
- Jonah
- Hebrew meaning dove
- Jonathon
- Hebrew meaning God has given
- Jordan
- Hebrew meaning flowing down. Also the name of the main river in the holy land
- Joseph
- Hebrew meaning God shall add (another son)
- Joshua
- Hebrew meaning God is my saviour
- Jude From the Hebrew name Judah meaning praise
- Julian
- Latin meaning belonging to Julius
- Justin
- Latin meaning righteous and just
- Kahlil
- Derived from the arabic namw Khall meaning friend
- Kaelin
- is of Irish origin. It is from the Irish Caoln which means slender.
- Kai
- Hawaiian, also said to be Welsh meaning man of the sea
- Kaspar
- German form of Jasper which is Persian and means treasure holder
- Keegan
- Irish meaning little fiery one. Also used as a girls name
- Keelin
- From the Gaelic wordscaol and fionn meaning slender and white
- Keely Celtic origins. An abbreviation of Keelin. More often used as a girl's name
- Keir
- Gaelic meaning of dark complexion
- Keith
- Gaelic meaning wood or windy place. Originally a Scottish surname now used as a first name
- Kelan/Keelan
- Irish origins . The Gaelic spelling Caolan suggests it has derived from the word caol meaning slender . Other spellings: Kellen
- Keldon
- Possibly a derivation of the Danish name Keld which is a form of the Swedish name Kettil which is an ending for many compound names such as Thorketill
- Kelsey
- From the Old English ceol meaning ship and sige meaning victory
- Kelvin
- Of uncertain origins possibly form two English words meaning ship and friend
- Kendall
- Celtic meaning Ruler of the valley
- Kenneth
- Gaelic meaning handsome
- Kenichi
- Japanese meaning healthy
- Kenton
- Originally an English surname form the place of the same name. There are various places in England called Kenton including Devon (From the river Kenn and old English tun meaning enclosure) and Northumberland (Old English cyne meaning royal and tun) Perhaps a simpler meaning has evolved, that of estate dweller. The most famous use of the name in England is Kenton Archer in the BBC Radio 4 farming series
- Kevin
- From the Gaelic Caoimhên meaning beloved
- Khalil
- Arabic meaning friend
- Kieran
- Irish meaning little dark one
- Kiernan/Kearnan
- Originally an Irish surname. Derived from the word ciar meaning black.
- Kim
- Old English meaning royally bold. Also used as a girls name
- Kingsleu
- Old English meaning king's wood or king's meadow
- Kirk
- Old Norse meaning church
- Kish
- Hebrew meaning gift
- Kristofer
- Danish meaning bearer of Christ
- Kurniawan
- Indonesian meaning a gift from God
- Kwame
- Ghana, West Africa meaning Born on Saturday
- Kyle
- From the Gaelic caol meaning narrow. Often used in the study of an areas surface to denote a narrow strait or channel - particularly in Scotland.
- Lachlan
- Gaelic meaning fjord land
- Lance
- Old German meaning land. A shortened form of Lancelot
- Lane
- Transferred use of the surname probably meaning land or territory
- Lathaniel
- Possibly a derivation of Nathaniel meaning god has given
- Laurence/Lawrence
- Latin meaning of Laurentium. Where Laurentium is a city, which took it's name from the plant laurel which is said symbolise victory
- Lawson
- English surname meaning son of Lawrence. Became popular as a first name in the 1850s.
- Lee/Leigh
- Old English meaning meadow
- Leland
- Transferred use of the English surname. From the Old English ley meaning fallow and the word land.
- Leo
- Latin meaning Lion
- Leon
- Latin meaning lion
- Leonard/Lennard
- Old German meaning as strong as a lion
- Leroy
- Old French meaning the king. Used as a surname for people connected with the king's household
- Leslie
- Scottish place name and originally a surname
- Lester
- Phonetic form of the English place name Leicester
- Lestyn
- Welsh meaning frrom the Latin meaning just
- Leewan
- Australian aboriginal name meaning Wind
- Lewis
- Anglicised version of the French Louis. The Celtic version means lionlike Another given meaning is warrior or great one
- Liam
- Irish form of William meaning Protector.
- Lindsay
- A Scottish place name originally used as a surname
- Linus
- Greek meaning flax
- Lionel
- Latin meaning little lion
- Lloyd
- Welsh meaning grey
- Llyr
- Welsh meaning from the ancient sea god Lear
- Logan
- taken from the Scottish place of the same name in Ayrshire
- Louis
- French meaning famous
- Lucas
- Latin meaning man from Lucania,a place in Southern Italy
- Luke
- originates from the Greek Loukas which means man from Lucania
- Luka
- is the Russian form of the name Luke. It means man from Lucania
- Luther
- Old German meaning famous warrior It's use as a first name dates back to the German religious reformer Martin Luther
- Lyman
- From the Old English meaning man from the island
- MacBrennan
- Combination of the names Mac which is the used in Scottish surnames to denote son of and Bennnan a derivative of Brendan which is derived from the Gaelic- Branainn meaning prince
- Magnus
- Latin meaning great
- Malachi
- Hebrew meaning my messenger
- Malcolm
- Taken from the Gaelic Maol Caluim meaning servant of Columba
- Malik
- Hebrew meaning reigning
- Manasseh
- Hebrew meaning to forget
- Manuel
- Hebrew meaning God with us
- Marc/ Mark
- From the Latin name Marcus from Mars the roman god of war
- Marcus
- Latin from Mars the roman god of war
- Mario
- Spanish form of Marius which is either from Mars the Roman god of war or from the work maris meaning male/virile
- Marlon
- Possilby a derivation of Marc with the addition of the French suffix lon
- MarquessFrom the Old English meaning nobleman
- Martin/Martyn
- Latin from the word Martinus meaning belonging to Mars
- Masayoshi
- Japanese meaning justice
- Mason
- Transferred use of a surname. An occupational name given to a worker in stone.
- Matthew/Mathew
- Hebrew meaning gift of the Lord
- Mathias/Matthias
- Greek form of the Aramaic derivative of Matthew meaning gift of God
- Mathis
- Possibly a derivation of the Hebrew name Matthias meaning gift of god
- Maurice
- meaning dark skinned
- Maximilian
- Latin meaning greatest
- Mazzin
- Arabic meaning male ant or rain cloud
- Melech
- Hebrew meaning king
- Melfyn
- Welsh meaning from Camarthen
- Melvin/Melvyn
- From the Celtic meaning chief or Gaelic meaning smooth brow
- Mervin/Mervyn
- From the Welsh Myrddin meaning sea hill
- Micah
- Hebrew Origins meaning Who is like Yahweh (God) Also spelled Mica
- Michael
- Greek from the Hebrew Micaiah meaning Who is the Lord?
- Mile/Myles
- Old German meaning generous or Greek meaning millstone
- Minoru
- Japanese meaning ripening
- Mishka
- Russian meaning little bear
- Mitchell
- Middle English meaning Who is like God
- Moray/Murray
- Celtic meaning sea
- Morgan
- Welsh meaning sea dweller or great and bright
- Morley
- Originally an English surname composed of mor meaning moor and leah meaning wood or clearing
- Moses
- Hebrew meaning delivered or Egyptian meaning child or son
- Mungo
- Gaelic meaning amiable
- Murdoch
- Gaelic meaning mariner, sea warrior
- Myron
- Greek. From the name of a famous sculptor meaning unknown
- Nahum
- Hebrew meaning consoling
- Nathan
- Hebrew meaning gift
- Nathanael/Nathaniel
- Hebrew meaning gift of God
- Naveen
- Muslim possibly from the word naveed meaning glad tidings
- Neil
- English form of Niall. The meaning is uncertain. It could possibly mean cloud or champion
- Nelson
- meaning Neil's son originally a surname but became popular as a first name after Lord Nelson
- Neville/Nevil
- Taken from a French place-name meaning new town
- Niall
- Original Gaelic spelling of the name Neil
- Nicholas
- Greek meaning victory of the people
- Nigel
- Irish meaning chanpion. Other forms include Neal/Neil
- Nikhik/Nikik
- Native American Cree meaning otter
- Nikodmus
- From the Greek nike meaning victory and demos meaning population. Present in the bible at Jesus' trial and at his burial
- Noah
- Hebrew meaning rest
- Noel
- French meaning Christ's birthday
- Nolan/Nolen
- Irish meaning shout
- Norman
- Old English meaning man from the North
- Norris
- Old English meaning northerner
- Olav
- Old Norse meaning ancestor
- Oliver
- French meaning olive tree
- Omar
- Arabic meaning eloquent
- Oran
- Irish meaning green
- Oren
- Hebrew meaning laurel
- Orson
- Latin meaning bear
- Oscar
- Old English meaning divine spear
- Osmond
- Old English origins. From the words os meaning god and mund meaning
protector. Other spellings Osmund, smund (Scandinavian)
- Oswald
- Old English meaning divine power
- Otto
- Old German meaningpossessions
- Owain/Owen
- Welsh meaning well born
- Padraig
- Irish form of Patrick from the Latin meaning nobleman
- Paris/Parris
- Taken from the character in Greek mythology who carried Helen off to Troy thus beginning the Trojan War.
- Parish
- From the Greek paroikia or Pariokos meaning neighbour. Used in the England to denote the area covered by a church and it's clergy. Probably used as a surname first before coming into use as a first name.
- Pascal
- French meaning Easter
- Patrick
- Latin meaning noble The patron saint of Ireland
- Paul
- Latin meaning small
- Perceval/Percival
- French meaning penetrate the valley
- Percy
- Short form of Percival
- Peter
- From the Greek petros meaning stone or rock
- Phelan
- Irish meaning wolf
- Philip/Phillip
- Greek meaning fond of horses
- Phineas
- Hebrew meaning oracle
- Pierce
- Irish form of Piers which is the Middle English form of Peter meaning rock/stone
- Piers
- a form of Peter meaning rock/stone
- Pipon
- Native American Cree meaning winter
- Preston
- meaning priest's statement or priest's song. Also an English place name.
- Prince
- From the Latin meaning to take first place
- Quentin
- Latin meaning fifth
- Quincy
- meaning estate belonging to Quintus from the French place name.
- Quinn
- Irish meaning counsel
- Rafer/Rapha
- Hebrew meaning He heals
- Rafiq
- Muslim meaning kind friend
- Ralf/Ralph
- Old English meaning wolf counsel
- Ramsay/Ramsey
- English place name and Scottish surname from the 19th Century
- Ramon
- Spanish form of Raymond.
- Randolph/Randolf
- Old English meaning shield-wolf
- Raymond
- Old German meaning protector
- Raynor/Rainer
- Old German meaning mighty army
- Regan
- Irish meaning descendant of the little king
- Reginald
- Old German meaning power force
- Reid
- Scottish origins. Originally a surname. From the Old English read meaning red
- Reilly
- From the Irish Surname meaning valiant
- Reuben/Ruben
- Hebrew meaning behold a son
- Rex
- Latin meaning king
- Reinhold
- German from the elements ragin meaning advice and wald meaning ruler Other forms include Reynold(English) Rheinhallt (Welsh)
- Rhodri
- Welsh meaning circle ruler
- Rhys /Reese
- Welsh meaning ardour
- Richard
- Old German meaning strong ruler
- Robert
- From the Old German hrod meaning fame and berht meaning bright
- Roderick
- Old German meaning famous rule
- Rodney
- Old English meaning reed island
- Roger
- Old German meaning famous spear
- Rohan
- Indian origin. From the Sanskrit word rohana meaning ascending
- Roland/Rowland
- Old German meaning famous land
- Roman
- From the Latin Romanus meaning Roman Given as the baptismal name to the son of Vladimir, the ruler who christianized Kievian Rus in the year 900 - 1000+. (Kievan Rus was the begining of modern day Ukraine)
- Ronald
- Scottish origins From the Norse name Rgnvaldr meaning decisive ruler
- Ronan
- Irish meaning little seal
- Rory
- Gaelic meaning red
- Ross
- Gaelic meaning peninsular
- Rowan
- Irish Gaelic meaning little red one
- Roy
- Gaelic meaning red
- Rudolf/Rudolph
- Old German meaning famend wolf
- Rufus
- Latin meaning red haired
- Rupert
- German form of robert
- Russel/Russell
- French meaning a man with red hair
- Ryan
- Irish meaning little king
- Samson
- Hebrew meaning child of the sun
- Samuel
- Hebrew sha'ul me' el meaning eitherheard by Godor< requested of God
- Sasha
- English version of the Russian abbreviation of Alexander
- Saul
- Hebrew meaning asked for
- Sava/Savas
- Russian origins. From the Greek word sabbas meaning old man
- Sayer
- Welsh origins meaning carpenter
- Seward
- Old English meaning of the sea. Possible other spelling is the Celtic version Sayward.
- Scott
- meaning man from Scotland
- Seamus
- Irish form of James. Latin form of the Hebrew Jacob meaning heel
- Sean
- Irish form of John
- Sebastian
- Latin meaning man from Sebastia
- Seth
- Hebrew meaning appointed
- Seymour
- meaning the sower
- Shadrach
- Biblical origins being one of three Hebrew men who survived the furnace. Meaning Unknown.
- Shane/Shayne
- Form of Sean, an Irish Gaelic form of John.
- Shelly
- English meaning meadow on a slope
- Sherlock
- Old English meaning fair haired
- Shiloh
- Hebrew meaning the chosen one
- Sidney/Sydney
- meaning wide well watered land
- Sigmund
- German meaning victory
- Silas
- Greek meaning wide well watered land
- Simon
- Greek meaning snub nosed
- Soloman
- hebrew meaning peace
- Sren
- Scandinavian version of from the Latin word severus meaning stern
- Spencer
- A surname meaning dispensing provisions. Used as a first name since the 1930s.
- Spiro
- Greek an abbreviation for Saint Spiridon (the walking saint)
- Stanley
- Transferred use of an English surname given to people who lived in villages in England called Stanley e.g. in Derby and Durham. The name Stanley derives from the words stan meaning stone and leah meaning clearing.
- Stefan
- Scandinavian form of Stephen
- Stephen/Steven
- Greek meaning crown
- Sterling/Stirling
- Originally an English surname meaning genuine and reliable
- Stewart/Stuart
- Old English meaning household servant
- Tai
- Vietnamese meaning intelligent
- Tanner
- Originally an English surname given to a person who followed the occupation of a Tanner (someone who works with leather)
- Taren/Tarun
- Indian origins from the Sanskrit word taruna meaning young
- Tavish
- Irish meaning Twin
- Taylor
- Originally an English surname given to a person who followed the occupation of a tailor (someone who makes repairs or alters clothes). Also used as a girl's name
- Terence
- Latin meaning tender
- Tevye
- Hebrew origins meaning man of goodness. Originates from the modern Hebrew name Tuvia, which is a form of Tobias. Feminine form is Tevya
- Theodore
- Greek meaning God's gift
- Teoman
- Turkish. Meaning unknown
- Thaddeus
- Possibly derived form the Greek spelling of the name Theodotos meaning given by god
- Thomas
- The name given to one of the twelve apostles . From the Greek word didymos meaning twin.
- Thurstan
- Old German meaning Thor's stone
- Timothy
- Greek meaning honouring God
- Tobais
- Hebrew meaning God is good
- Tommy
- A form of Thomas that came to refer to British soldiers
- Torquil
- Old Norse taken from the god Thor
- Travis
- meaning toll collector
- Trevor
- Irish meaning wise
- Tristan
- Celtic meaning tumult Or possibly taken from the German opera Tristan and Isolde. There are claims that it is a derivation of the Welsh name Tristram who was a famous knight in the legends of King Arthur. Or from the Old Welsh (Trys-Tan) meaning noisy-one
- Tyler
- Derived from the surname which was given to someone who tiled roofs. Also a girls name
- Tyrone
- Irish meaning Eoghans land from the County of Northern Ireland. Popular due to the actor Tyrone Power.
- Troy
- English origins. Derived from Troyes which is a place in France. In recent years however, the name is more closely associated with the ancient city of Troy and the mythology of Helen of Troy
- Ullrick
- Old English meaning powerful wolf
- Ulysses
- Latin form of the Greek OdysseusIt was the name given to the character in Homer's Odyssey. The meaning is uncertain.
- Uriah
- Hebrew meaning my light is the Lord
- Valentine
- From the Latin valens meaning to be strong. Name of the Roman martyr whose feast is celebrated on Feb 14th.
- Vance
- meaning someone who lives near a marsh
- Vaughan
- Welsh meaning little
- Vernon
- Originally from the French meaning alder tree
- Victor
- Latin meaning conqueror
- Vijay
- East Indian meaning victorious one
- Vincent
- Latin meaning to conquer
- Virgil
- Latin from the Roman name Vergilius
- Vivian
- Latin meaning alive
- Vladislav
- From the Polish volod meaning rule. And Slav meaning glory
- Wade
- Originally used as a surname meaning ford (shallow area of a river that can be crossed)
- Wallace/Wallis
- Celtic meaning Welshman
- Walter
- Old German meaning ruling people
- Ward
- meaning guardian
- Wayne
- surname meaning wagon maker
- Wesley
- meaning west meadow
- Weston
- Originally used as a surname. From the Old English words west meaning west and tun meaning enclosure
- Wijaya
- Indonesian meaning the prosperous one
- Wilbert
- meaning well bright
- Wilfred
- meaning resolute
- William
- Old German meaning resolute protector
- Wilmar
- Old German meaning famous
- Winfred
- Old English meaning friend
- Winston
- Place name which became popular as a first name with the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
- Wrightson
- taken from the Old English wryhta meaning work. Latterly defined as someone who builds or creates e.g. playwright(someone who writes plays) The male descendants of a man with the name Wright would often have the word son added to the name
- Wyn
- Welsh meaning white/ pure
- Xavier
- Arabic meaning splendid
- Yehudi
- hebrew meaning praise of the Lord
- Yul
- Mongolian meaning beyond the Horizon
- Zachariah
- Hebrew meaning God has remembered
- Zachary
- English form of the Greek name Zacharius which was the name given to the father of John the Baptist in the New Testament. Other forms include Zach and the Sachairi (Scottish Gaelic)
- Zander
- Short form of Alexander
- Zedekiah
- Hebrew meaning god is righteousness
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