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Chairlift Evident Utensil Datamoshing Music Video

Effective Living > Music

SummaryMusic empowers people to live more joyfully and effectively. It soothes, entertains, brings healing, inspires, and energizes. More creative music expression, performed or enjoyed by the listener, results in brain activity that supports more complex and creative (effective) solutions to problems.

Evident Utensil Video by Chairlift. The 4D video technique of datamoshing utilized in the production of the video “Evident Utensil” by Chairlif is an example of video that can induce and produce complex brainwave activity. The video effect is referred to as 4D because it attaches simultaneous events. Not just an overlay, but two separate 3D activities are joined and fused. It’s a visual representation of multiple universes interacting and influencing one another.

Similar Music. The iTunes store identifies the following songs as being similar to Evident Utensil by Chairlift (links go to iTunes):

Seeing in 4D. When the brain tries to process complex images such as the 4D video presented above, it is similar to looking at an Autostereogram. When you apply stereogram principles to a 3D image the result is a 4D experience where the brain views and processes multiple overlaid and interacting 3D events.

Document History

This document was first posted on 21 Feb 2009. It was updated on 18 Jun 2024 to use a new version of the embedded video. Other links were changed from Apple iTunes links to YouTube video links.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com