This page provides a collection of humorous cartoon video animations that have been popularized on the Simon’s Cat YouTube Channel.
Quick Links
Here are some quick links for more information.
- Amazon Products [View]
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- Official Store [View]
- Official Website [View]
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- YouTube [Main Channel | Extras Channel]
Update — 10 Dec 2022
This post was originally created on 26 Oct 2011. It was updated on 10 Dec 2022 using the block layout design of WordPress. Updated embed HTML was used for the YouTube videos. Quick links were aded above. Otherwise, the page remains mostly as it was for 11 years.
Monetizing Your Dreams
Besides laughter being good medicine, this series is an excellent example of how one can earn money doing something they love — in this case, making funny animated cat cartoons. YouTube allows users to include relevant advertising with their videos. The advertising generates revenue, allowing people to make money from their posted videos.
Video Samples from 2008-2011
Simon’s Cat in ‘Double Trouble’ (7 October 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Cat & Mouse’ (2 September 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Hidden Treasure’ (16 June 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Hop It’ (21 April 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Sticky Tape’ (28 February 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Santa Claws’ (10 December 2010)
Simon’s Cat: Beyond the Fence – UK Television Advert (24 November 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Lunch Break’ (12 November 2011)
Simon’s Cat in ‘Cat Chat’ (7 October 2010)
Simon’s Cat in ‘The Box’ (18 August 2010)
Simon’s Cat ‘Snow Business’ (10 February 2010)
Simon’s Cat ‘ Hot Spot’ (28 September 2009)
Simon’s Cat ‘Fly Guy’ (24 July 2009)
RSPCA – Simon’s Sister’s Dog ‘Fed Up’ (8 December 2008)
Simon’s Cat ‘TV Dinner’ (15 July 2008)
Simon’s Cat ‘Let Me In!’ (4 March 2008)
Simon’s Cat ‘Cat Man Do’ (4 March 2008)