Summary. Many people are maintaining high consumer credit debt and paying large amounts in interest every month. Having numerous late fees and additional payments for each debtor makes it harder to reduce debt. By consolidating debt, it is usually possible to get a lower interest rate and eliminate multiple fees.
- – “Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) is a nonprofit, community service agency whose services are open to all members of the community. CCCS provides free, confidential budget counseling, community-wide education programs in money management, debt management programs for consumers who are overextended and comprehensive housing counseling.”
- – “Consolidated Credit Counseling Services, Inc., founded in the early 1990s, is an industry leader in providing credit counseling and debt management programs throughout the United States. Our mission is to help families end financial crisis and solve money management problems through education and professional counseling.” – “A step-by-step guide helps you create your personalized Fast Pay Plan. All the debts in your credit file automatically appear to save you time and effort. Just choose which accounts to include, and add any additional debts! Your Fast Pay Plan utilizes a debt stacking strategy that gives you the most impact from every payment. Your plan automatically calculates the order and how much you should pay toward each account in your plan every month- so you can get out of debt faster and save money on interest. Debt Wise can help get you back on track if you’re off plan. Debt Wise lets you keep your goal in sight by calculating your Debt Freedom Day. Want to celebrate sooner? Tools like the Commitment Calculator help you determine when you want to be debt free. Just adjust your plan to meet your new debt freedom goal!”
- Federal Trade Commission Debt Resource Page
- Google Search on Debt Management Gov
- Google Search on Debt Management Org
- – “GreenPath Debt Solutions is a non-profit organization that has been helping consumers since 1961. Since that time, we have sent nearly $1.2 billion to creditors on behalf of more than 200,000 clients on debt management programs. GreenPath is dedicated to helping people resolve financial problems and promoting the wise use of credit through counseling and education. Our core purpose: Through financial knowledge and expertise, we enable people to enjoy a better quality of life. Our mission: We will be recognized as the highest quality provider of innovative financial strategies, solutions, and services that enable people to realize their financial goals.”
- – “InCharge Debt Solutions is a nonprofit organization providing credit counseling, debt management education, alternatives to debt consolidation and resources to help those with too much debt regain financial health without a loan or bankruptcy.”
- – “Money Management International offers help with budgeting, money management and credit issues 365 days a year. Our counselors take the time to thoroughly understand your situation and provide you with specific advice. We will work with you to develop a personal financial assessment by analyzing your income, expenses, assets and liabilities. You can choose to work directly with a counselor in person (within select markets), by telephone or online. As a team, you and your counselor will work together to create a livable spending plan and establish an action plan for becoming debt free and achieving your financial goals.”
- – “Novadebt, A Garden State Consumer Credit Counseling Organization, is a non-profit, financial management, social service agency. It is our mission to provide financial education to the public including free housing and credit counseling services to families and individuals in need. Novadebt provides exceptional counseling services that are available to the public regardless of income, financial situation, type of credit card debt or amount of indebtedness.”
- – Debt, Bankruptcy, Loan Consolidation at
- – “Our ultimate goal is to help all consumers gain control of their finances, pay off their consumer debt, save for the future and be debt free. Take Charge America has spent the last 19 years as a non-profit credit counseling and debt management service. We serve tens of thousands of consumers in debt each year.”