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Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company

The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company produces organic tobacco products free of chemicals. When you visit their website, the following disclaimer appears.


A visit to the Facebook page of Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company suggests that they are serious about the above claim. There are no posts on the page to promote their products. This may be due to federal laws prohibiting the promotion of tobacco products to minors.

Regular cigarrettes are known for having over 100 toxic additives and carcinogenic chemicals in them. Common sense would suggest that eliminating these toxins would in some degree reduce the harmful impact of smoking. However, SFNTC is prohibited from educating people about the benefits of their products. It’s too bad, because having existing smokers shift to chemical free tobacco products would be better for everyone: smokers, non-smokers breathing second-hand smoke, and the environment.

Given that there is the equivalent of a gag-order on the promotion of switching to organic. It’s up to consumers to inform others about the benefits of choosing organic products.

Number One Choice of Second Hand Smokers. It’s no wonder why SFNTC products are the number one choice of second-hand smokers. Non-smokers purchase the products as gifts for their smoking friends. As one non-smoker explains, “When I choose to breath second hand smoke, I always choose Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company products as the preferred brand. I know that exhaled smoke is less likely to contain the carcinogens and additives that cause greatest harm to my health.”

Video. The video below offers a commentary about the SFNTC organic tobacco products.

Sustainability. The Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company has an exemplary commitment to sustainability.

Our commitment to helping our environment extends all the way to the power that runs our factories and offices. We wanted to lead the field and join the elite group of consumer product companies in the nation that use renewable sources to keep the lights on and the machines running.

It wasn’t easy getting into the Green Power Leadership Club, but getting that award made the work worth it. It started back in 2008 when we began purchasing wind power for 100 percent of our electricity needs, thus becoming a Green Power Partner. But we knew we could do better.

In 2009, we hit another milestone: going a full year being powered exclusively by purchased renewable sources. With a company-wide energy consumption of over four million kilowatt hours, we were reducing emissions into the atmosphere that would have amounted to 2,264 tons of carbon dioxide, 2.39 tons of sulfur dioxide and 3.33 tons of nitrogen oxide.

It wasn’t until 2010 that the EPA honored us again by awarding us membership in their Green Power Leadership Club, becoming the only tobacco company in that category. Our membership has continued into 2011 and 2012.

Document History

This document was first created on 18 Apr 2013 at 3:29 PM. It was updated on 20 Jun 2024 at 8:00 AM. The page was converted to use the WordPress block layout and the embedded video was updated to work properly.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com