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Har Tikvah Outreach is a program which offers people access to support and
resources that are designed to help them improve their life and meet their
personal goals.
The Vision & Purpose of Har Tikvah Outreach
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Har is the Hebrew word for mountain, and Tikvah is the Hebrew word for hope.
So Har Tikvah roughly translates to Hope Mountain in English. The purpose of Har
Tikvah Outreach is to give people hope by helping them climb to higher heights
in life. We don't have any pre-defined goals or definitions for what success
should be. This is a part of the journey that is unique to each person which they must define. The
Har Tikvah Outreach method can apply to anyone from the down-and-out to the
"upwardly mobile" professional.
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Har Tikvah Outreach is a simple, cost free, self-replicating, non-centralized
organization consisting of independent cells. The organization has no hieratical
structure. This page describes the goals and guidelines of the organization. As
a group, participants cooperatively guide and refine how Har Tikvah Outreach is
defined and expressed on this site by submitting their ideas, comments,
suggestions, and stories. [Feedback
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The Har Tikvah Outreach program uses a simple technique of one-on-one
coaching and mentoring. Central to the Har Tikvah Outreach program is the Tikkun
Olam Map of Resources for Life. [Click
here to view the map.]
The practitioner of Har Tikvah Outreach meets with someone they trust who
voluntarily serves them as a coach and mentor - what we call a Life Coach. The practitioner
meets with their Life Coach on a regular basis, preferably once a week, to
discuss how they might improve in each of the areas of life represented by the
Tikkun Olam Map of Resources for Life. It's that simple.
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The Har Tikvah Outreach begins with you! The first step is to become a
practitioner of the Har Tikvah Outreach method. Follow these steps:
- Life Coach. Find a Life Coach. Think of someone you trust. This
should be someone you can be open and candid with. Preferably this would be
someone with maturity and good judgment who you look up to. Perhaps you can
think of more than one person. Perhaps you can't think of anyone. Consider a
Rabbi, pastor, or councilor. If you still can't think of anyone, contact us
and we'll try to hook you up with someone.
- First Steps. Here are some points to consider as you begin.
- Have your Life Coach refer to the
information presented here so they can become familiar with the Har Tikvah
Outreach method.
- As you get started, you may feel a little awkward at first if you are
not used to trusting others, humbling yourself to submit to others,
being vulnerable, or admitting that you could use some help to have
greater success in life.
- Remember that the Life Coach is not meant to be your a financial
planner, legal advisor, doctor, and fitness trainer. Instead, the Life
Coach serves as a "general contractor" providing access to
available organizations, programs, agencies, and resources. Having a
Life Coach as a primary contact creates continuity and longevity. Your
life coach is meant to encourage you and see you though various
challenges and successes.
- Weekly Meetings. Begin meeting with your Life Coach regularly
(preferably once a week) and discuss the various areas of your life
represented by the Tikkun Olam Map of Resources for Life. Here are some
suggestions for topics to cover during your meeting:
- Areas of Life. Discuss some areas of your life that you want to
improve on. Consider that just about every area of our life can be
positively or adversely impacted by just about any other area of our
life. Here are some examples of areas we can
all improve in (taken from the Tikkun Olam Map):
- Faith
- Family
- Finance
- Education
- Career
- Health
- Goals. Explore and set goals. Examples might be:
- I want to quit smoking.
- I want to complete my college education.
- I want to have a strong marriage.
- I want to start a regular exercise program.
- I want to learn Spanish.
- I want to become a massage therapist.
- I want to loose 30 pounds and two inches around the waist.
- Measuring Success. Define measurable methods for evaluating
your progress. Maintain a journal to keep track daily of how you are
doing. Examples might be:
- I will spend 5 minutes a day balancing my checkbook.
- I will go for a 15 minute walk every day.
- I will not eat fast food more than twice a week.
- I will read for 10 minutes from a good book every day.
- I will not watch more than 1 hour of television a night.
- I will spend an hour a day studying for my mid-term exams.
- I will not spend money on things I don't need just because they
are "on sale."
- Prevention. Discuss what proactive and preventative steps can
be taken to avert problems in various areas of life. Consider what
"firewalls" you might put in place to protect various areas of your life.
Consider artificial / external firewalls and how internal
self-discipline and self-control can be a firewall.
- Challenges. Address challenges you are currently facing in
various areas of your life.
Discuss how you might successfully meet those challenges.
- Growth & Success. The key to forward motion and progress is persistent
growth. These weekly meetings are not for crisis management or putting
out fires. They are to establish effective strategies for measurable
growth and success.
If your Life Coach is your best friend, you may be tempted to be each other's
Life Coach. This presents some unique challenges. Here are some additional tips
to consider:
- Focus. Try not to let your meetings become a casual coffee break or
time to chat. Schedule a social or recreational meeting for some other time.
Consider this: If you go to the gym to work out, but never quite get around
to doing any exercise, it won't benefit you. The same is true for Life
Coaching. It takes work and persistence.
- Keep Balance. If one of you is going through a major crisis, your
meeting may understandably be consumed by that crisis. Make every effort to
keep balance.
- Don't Skip. Best friends may not be as disciplined to hold each
other accountable to weekly meetings. "Let's just skip this week and go
get some ice cream."
- Don't Alternate. The goal is to have regular weekly meetings to
keep the momentum going and not overlook anything. If you alternate who is
coaching from one week to the next, you will effectively only be getting
coached every two weeks. If necessary, have two separate meetings per week
where each person has an opportunity to be coached.
If you find it isn't working to have your best friend be your Life Coach,
don't get discouraged. Just plan to find individually find your own life
coaches. Some people will try to be their own Life Coach. While motivational and
self-help resources are available, there is an additional benefit gained by
being accountable to someone.
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Perhaps you are already mentoring one or more people, or you have recently
been approached by a friend who would like your ongoing help and encouragement.
You might want to consider using the Har Tikvah Outreach method as a resource
for guiding your coaching and mentoring. Please contact us if you have any
questions. Here are some points to consider:
 | It Takes a Life Coach to be a Life Coach. If you desire to help
someone else by volunteering to be their Life Coach and mentor, it might be
good for you to have someone you are meeting with as well. |
About Professional Advise. Life Coaches are not meant to take the
place of licensed councilors, lawyers, financial advisors, or doctors. We
recognize that the best advise to give someone is for them to get
professional advise. The Har Tikvah Outreach method is effective because in
itself it does not attempt to offer professional services. For this reason,
anyone can participate. The method directs people to professionals,
agencies, and programs that can help them. The method provides a support
person who can ideally offer continuity and longevity. An example of this is www.211iowa.com |
 | Financial Assistance. Finances and money management can be a
stressful and all consuming subject. Because financial well-being can impact
every area of a person's life, we will spend some extra time addressing
various financial issues. Here are some points to consider:
 | Money Discussions. It is best to limit any discussion of money
unless you personally have successful experience with personal financial
management. |
 | Employment. Obviously employment is the best source of income
and it should be the primary focus of any discussion about money. |
 | Financial Management. Good financial management is the best
method for securing a strong financial future. Consider that it is
better to pay for someone to get professional financial counseling than
to try to take on this challenge yourself. |
 | Cash Flow Assessment. It is critical for everyone to accurately
assess their current and past income and examine their current and past
expenses to determine where they are at financially and make the
necessary corrections to keep their living expenses well below their
income. It is not safe for a nuclear reactor to run at 95% capacity, nor
is it safe for someone's lifestyle to consume 95% or more of their
income. |
 | Lending or Giving. There is nothing wrong with giving people
money, and loans are commonplace in our society today. However, we would
discourage the lending or giving of money to someone you are coaching or
mentoring. It can detract from or harm the effectiveness of your
relationship. It would be more appropriate to help them discover ways
they can obtain income through employment, loans, grants, or support
from other people. The ability to obtain income is a skill that can be
used immediately and in the future. If you feel you must provide
financial assistance, we would discourage loaning money because this
only makes people feel indebted to you. It places stress on the
relationship if the person is unable to pay back as you might have
anticipated. Regardless of how you approach financial assistance there
can be pitfalls, disappointments, challenges, and unexpected setbacks
that can cause strain on any relationship. Over 50% of all marriages end
in divorce primarily because of financial problems. Because the goal of
the Har Tikvah Outreach method is to establish a strong long-term
relationship, any financial arrangements should have limits which are
clearly defined up front. If at all possible, avoid financial monetary
assistance. |
 | Giving Options. It is best to give someone money as an
investment in their life not expecting anything in return except the
hope that they will help someone else who is in need. If you feel you
must provide support, here are some options to consider:
 | Purchase a monthly subway or bus pass so they can get to work or
job interviews. |
 | Consider giving a bicycle to someone who doesn't have a car and
needs simple transportation for around town. |
 | Pay for resume services and other job search expenses. |
 | Pay for education, training, and certifications that can help them
get employment. |
 | Give people books, office supplies, and other resources needed for
education or business. |
 | Consider giving a computer. |
 | Consider paying for online services that are in part used for job
searching, growing, and education. |
 | Consider paying for someone to receive professional financial
management assistance. |
 | Sustainability. For all of the above suggestions, eventually
the person should become financially self-sufficient and be living a
sustainable lifestyle well within their income. These suggestions are
only meant to provide a short term "booster rocket" that will
move them into a reasonable financial position. Consider setting
transitional deadlines based on achieved goals rather than a specific
time frame. |
 | Special Exceptions. There are many possible financial setbacks
that can required immediate attention which are beyond a person's
ability to overcome. Major life setbacks are often hard to predict. In
these cases it may be appropriate to provide some financial assistance
within your means. Here are some setbacks that might warrant assistance.
 | Layoffs. It is common today to hear of companies laying off
thousands of employees. In these cases, individuals and families are
often left financially stranded. |
 | Unemployment. Finding a job that is compatible with an
individual's personality, temperament, abilities, and skills isn't
always easy. The wrong job could adversely impact a person's career
costing them in the future. Unemployment can financially and
emotionally drive a person into the ground. |
 | Divorce. When a marriage dissolves there are frequently
unexpected and unplanned for costs. There are legal costs and the
additional expense of maintaining two households. |
 | Tax Deficit. It is common for people to underestimate their
anticipated tax liability. The fees, interest, and penalties of tax
debt can be devastating. |
 | Medical. We've all heard stories of people who have amassed
huge medical debts or suffered significant loss of income as a
result o a medical problem. |
 | Education. Someone attempting to further their education is
doing a good thing. However, pursuing a degree can significantly
reduce your ability to earn enough money to live on. |
 | Bankruptcy. Excessive financial indebtedness beyond one's
ability to repay is a condition that can effect people suddenly and
seemingly without warning. Its a fact that credit agencies and
financial institutions are unable to develop accurate financial analysis
models to predict bankruptcy even given today's sophisticated
computing technology. While indebtedness is often due to poor
financial planning, expensive lifestyle choices, insufficient
income, and living beyond one's means, it can be complicated by one
or more of the above listed setbacks. |
 | Poor Skills and Habits. It's easy to look at someone who
has not had any significant financial setbacks and suggest that
their financial problems are all of their own making. It could be
argued that many of the above financial challenges could have been
prepared for or prevented with appropriate planning and financial
discipline. However, until people are effectively trained and
skilled with regard to personal or household financial management,
these problems will still continue. |
 | A Lesson From Wellness. Someone who formed habits when they
were young to eat right and exercise finds it easy to maintain good
health later in life. This healthy person might be critical of
unhealthy people and not understand why they lack the discipline to achieve
optimal health. It might be easy to blame someone for their sickness
and poor health. A smoker chooses to smoke, so their tobacco induced
illness is entirely their fault, right? Well, blame, fault, and
responsibility are best depicted as a pie chart made up of many
components. However, with health, finances, or other areas of life,
the goal is not to assess blame, the goal is to achieve a long-term
sustainable solutions that help people and lift them up. |
Remember that providing guidance, wisdom, planning, and direction can
save someone hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and helping someone get
a job and keep it can be worth more money than you could ever give. For more
information on finances, see the Financial Resource Group [click
here] |
What Makes Har Tikvah Outreach Unique?
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Here are some aspects of Har Tikvah Outreach that make it unique:
 | Faith. As you can see from the Tikkun Olam Map of Resources for
Life, faith (religion or spirituality) is an important part of the Har
Tikvah Outreach method. Most programs that have a faith or religious
component to them also incorporate some kind of proselytizing or evangelical
element. The Har Tikvah Outreach method works with any faith. There is no
hidden agenda to fix or change someone's theology. The goal is to help each
person grow in their own faith in a way that produces healthy and desirable
results in other areas of their life. If someone is engaged in a practice or
belief that is negatively impacting their finances, family, career, or
health, then it might be appropriate to suggest some "tweaking" of
their religious practice. |
 | Equipping. The Har Tikvah Outreach method is not meant to provide
hand outs or to rescue people as they go from one catastrophe to another.
The goal is to provide wisdom, encouragement, guidance, correction, access
to resources, and other support that will help people improve their life. |
 | Funding & Sustainability. While some outreach programs
desperately depend on donations to survive and be effective, the Har Tikvah
Outreach method requires no funding. It is a volunteer based program with no
overhead. This ensures that its mission can continue with maximum impact and
efficiency. In this way, the Har Tikvah Outreach is a sustainable
organization. |
 | Holistic. Religious programs, self help materials, and social
agencies are often too narrow in focus to address a person's broader needs.
A person's Life Coach does not try to be a financial planner, legal advisor,
doctor, and fitness trainer. Instead, the Life Coach serves as a
"general contractor" providing access to available organizations,
programs, agencies, and resources. Having a Life Coach as a primary contact
creates continuity and longevity. |
 | Resource Portal Organizational Model. On the Internet, there are
sites known as portals. They only offer links to other sites with little or
no content. What makes portal sites popular and valuable is that a lot of
work goes into finding the links and resources that are presented. This is
similar to an employment agency. The employment agency doesn't offer anyone
employment. However, they do offer a well organized presentation of places
to find work. In the same way, Har Tikvah Outreach isn't trying to be
everything to all people. It is an effort to develop a portal of support
services and resources that will help people improve their life. Along with
that, it is an attempt to encourage people and help them overcome various
obstacles and challenges that threaten various areas of their life. |
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Here are some helpful resources for Life Coaches and practitioners of the Har
Tikvah Outreach method. Please let us know of any other resources that might be
 | Bicycle. The bicycle is a healthy and inexpensive mode of
transportation. High quality bicycles are now available at Wal-Mart and
other similar stores for $100 or less. |
 | Free E-mail. Yahoo offers a free online e-mail service. [Yahoo] |
 | Free Toll-Free FAX Number. Yahoo offers a free toll-free FAX number
to anyone signing up for their free online e-mail service. [Yahoo] |
 | Free Online Chat. Yahoo offers a free online chat service that can
help people keep in touch. [Yahoo] |
 | Free Toll-Free Voice Messaging Number. Yahoo offers a toll-free
voice mail number free of charge to anyone signing up for their free online
e-mail service. Voice messages can be heard by dialing a toll-free number
from any phone. [Yahoo] |
 | The Tikkun Olam Map of Resources for Life. This map provides access
to resources for health, finance, faith, career and more. [Map] |
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Here are some ideas you might want to consider.
 | Share the Har Tikvah Outreach method with friends. See if you can start a
local group interested in offering Life Coaching and mentoring. |
 | Consider putting up a flyer at your place of worship (if you have one). |
 | If you are willing to volunteer some time every week to helping others,
you might want to obtain the free services and resources listed above.
Consider advertising your free toll-free number on flyers, on payphones, or
in other public places or meeting places. As you are contacted by total
strangers for help you should obviously use caution and discretion. However,
this is an effective way to reach out to people that may not otherwise have
any help. This method of outreach is only suggested for mature and seasoned
people who have several years experience with this kind of contact. |
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Here are some additional considerations:
 | Life Coaches. Life Coaches are not meant to take the place of
licensed councilors, lawyers, financial advisors, or doctors. We recognize
that the best advise to give someone is for them to get professional advise.
The Har Tikvah Outreach method is effective because in itself it does not
attempt to offer professional services. For this reason, anyone can
participate. The method directs people to professionals, agencies, and
programs that can help them. The method provides a support person who can
ideally offer continuity and longevity. |
 | Risks. Any kind of mentoring includes various risks. While we don't
advocate giving people money, providing mentoring costs money either
directly or in opportunity costs. Providing mentoring and support can take a
lot out of you and be an emotional disappointment if someone you are helping
doesn't progress in life as quickly as was hoped or if someone regresses in
areas of their life. Be prepared to give selflessly of your heart, mind, and
self to help others. Know that some times people won't respond. |
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Thank you for helping to build the Har Tikvah Outreach project. Please let us
know if there is any way we can be of help to you or if you have any ideas that
might improve this program.
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