
Home Services

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“In 2011, I began informally providing support and services to elderly people in my building and neighborhood. In the spring of 2020, I decided to create the Home Services page to formalize and describe the support available. I’d like to see others copy this model of volunteer services and help to neighbors.” ~ Greg Johnson

The Home Services initiative is dedicated to helping people in our building and immediate neighborhood, with an emphasis on assisting those who are elderly. To become a member, you must subscribe by email to receive news and important updates. [Subscribe] Other communications options are below.

For those over the age of 65, there is typically little or no charge for these services. Those under the age of 65 pay a nominal fee that helps support this initiative.

Much of what is listed below is already being done in our community in the natural course of neighbors helping neighbors — prompted by the natural human desire to be kind and help others.

TRAIL of Johnson County

An organization called TRAIL of Johnson County has established a more formal approach to offering services to seniors in need of occasional help. TRAIL is a great organization to support, volunteer for, and utilize. In the seven years since the establishment of TRAIL, the organization has grown and evolved to be a substantial county-wide organization with hundreds of members, partners, sponsors, and volunteers. We would encourage any seniors in need of occasional help to look into TRAIL membership. [Learn More]

The services listed on this page are not formally affiliated with TRAIL, but offered based on what is available in our own building and small neighborhood. For individuals wanting to do something similar, the key to success and long-term viability is for individuals to offer small-scale limited volunteer services to people nearby who are elderly. That’s definitely doable. It’s an easy to duplicate model for micro-volunteerism. For large-scale services to be offered, the TRAIL model is an excellent example for other communities to follow. An important and perhaps essential component of TRAIL is that they provide a list of pre-screened service providers. There is ongoing oversight based on feedback from members.

Starting in November 2022, for TRAIL members who pay for tech services offered by Iowa City Tech, a donation will be made to TRAIL.

General Services

The following general services are available to those living at or near our location. These are intended for elderly people who need occasional assistance. For people in our building, or nearby, some of these ‘good neighbor’ courtesy services could be offered for free on a limited basis. The goal is to have more volunteers across the city step up to offer services in their own neighborhood.

  • Delivery. For those in our building or neighborhood, we can provide pickup or delivery services to or from locations in Iowa City, Coralville, and North Liberty. For further locations contact us to make arrangements.
  • Facebook Group. Join the private Facebook group for news and updates. [Join]
  • Fax. We can send or receive documents by Fax on a limited basis.
  • For Sale. We can help you sell or give away items for downsizing.
  • Garden Care. If you have a home garden or public garden location, we can offer occasional assistance with tilling, compost, planting, weeding, and seasonal care.
  • Groceries. Most grocery stores offer shoppping and delivery services, but perhaps there’s a single item you need or you’d like a few food items from different stores. We can help.
  • Lawn Care. Lawn care services are available as a backup to your primary provider.
  • Learning. Our Learning Center offers online training on a variety of topics as well as training documents and videos we can custom create for your own needs. [Visit]
  • Lost & Found. Get notified of lost items and help inform others if you’ve found something.
  • Office Supplies. Need paper, pens, or other office supplies? We can provide some simple items and save you from making a special trip to the store.
  • Postal. Need stamps, envelopes, or to have something shipped? We can help save you a special trip to the post office or UPS store.
  • Print. Need to print something and don’t have a printer? Or perhaps you’ve run out of ink or paper? We can help.
  • Recycling. We provide free training on best practices for recycling including how to clean and sort items. For those unable to handle their own recycling of items, we can sort items for you.
  • Scan. We can scan documents or photos up to ledger size of 11″ x 17″.
  • Trash. We can provide disposal of trash and refuse if you’re unable to take your trash bags to the dumpster.

Automotive Services

Because automotive care can be a challenge for some people, we offer vehicle support services through a trusted locally-owned auto service center. Additional services include:

  • Fuel Refill. If you need your car refilled with gas, we can provide that service and have your car returned to you.
  • Ice Removal. In the winter, if your car is parked outside and covered in snow or ice, we can get it cleaned off.
  • Jumpstart. If your car won’t start, a jump start can be provided for no charge.
  • Maintenance. If you need an oil change or other regular maintenance, we can get the work done and have the car returned to you.
  • Pre-Heat. If your car is parked outside in the winter and you’d like it pre-heated, we can start it for you and get it warmed up.
  • Repairs. If you’d like we can take your car in for repairs, saving you time.
  • Snow Removal. If your car is parked outside in the winter, and you’d like a path cleared to access the vehicle, we can do that. If there is ice we can spread salt to reduce the chances of slipping and falling.
  • Unload. If you have groceries or other items you’d like unloaded and brought to your residence, we can do that.
  • Wash. If you’d like your car washed, we can have it cleaned and returned to you.

Note: We will use the greatest care possible in providing service for your vehicle. However, when completing the form below you agree to release us from responsibility for any damages.

Communication Preferences

Email is the preferred and easiest way to offer announcements and news. However, using multiple methods of communication can reach those who find other methods easier. Let us know your preference from the list below.

  • Email. To receive important news and announcements by email, please subscribe or confirm your email subscription. [Subscribe]
  • E-Reader. If you would like to have periodic updates sent to your Kindle or other ebook reader, let us know and we can arrange that.
  • Facebook. Our private Facebook Group is a good way to stay updated on news and engage with others in the community. [Visit]
  • Fax. If you would prefer receiving a fax with general news, let us know. This is a good option for people who aren’t online much.
  • Phone Call. If you are technology averse and would prefer to receive a phone call with any important news, let us know. We can provide that.
  • Postal Mail. If you would prefer receiving a letter or post card with general news, let us know. This is a good option for people who aren’t online much.
  • Text Message. We can offer text message alerts to those who prefer that method of staying updated.
  • Twitter. We recognize that some people aren’t on Facebook and prefer a simple way to get alerts. So, we also offer a private Twitter feed. [View]
  • Website. The Home Services page of our website typically has the latest news and announcements.


Thanks for your interest in Home Services. Please let us know of any way we can serve you better.

News Archive

  • In March 2020, the Home Services initiative adapted to observe safety precautions for avoiding the spread of COVID-19. Most of our services require no in-person contact. We observe social distancing. We also wear masks and gloves whenever in stores or other public spaces. With more people staying home, and a greater concern about exposure to the coronavirus, there is an increased need for home services like those we provide. We have setup a special COVID-19 information portal to help keep people informed.