[Technology Services]
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The Resources for Life Tech Library is part of our offering of Technology Services. Below is a sampling of what we have to offer. Items are available for short-term and long-term checkout. Generally we offer these items only to existing clients and those they refer to us. In the list below, where applicable, links to product pages on Amazon are provided for more information about these items.
Special Labeling and Documentation
Our loaner devices and equipment have enhanced labeling and user guides that we’ve developed. This makes items easy to begin using which is important for loaner equipment because people will normally not have the time required for a lengthy learning curve to become familiar with operation. Our labeling and instructions make up for equipment which can sometimes be poorly labeled and manuals that are excessively detailed and complicated.
Purchase or Replacement
If items are lost or damaged, or you later decide to keep an item from the library, you can purchase it for the replacement cost on Amazon. There are otherwise no fines, penalties, or fees for using items from the tech library. However, if extended training, technical support, or assistance with setup is needed, there may be a fee for such services.
- Audio Conversion. We have various audio analog to digital conversion tools such as cassette decks with USB connectors so you can do your own audio transfers. We also have adapters to work with 8-track, reel-to-reel, and other vintage technologies. These are a great example of something you don’t need to purchase and own, but typically use for a short project and then you’re done with them.
- Electric Usage Meter – This device can be used to test how much electricity various home appliances use. With this meter, you can create a spreadsheet to estimate the monthly usage and cost of various appliances in your home — testing devices when on, off, and when in sleep or standby mode. This is a good example of a device that you’d likely purchase, use a few times, and then never use again, so it’s a perfect addition to our library. [Amazon]
- Laptop Computers. We have some laptop computers for loan to people needing a computer for short-term while traveling or while their primary computer is in for repair. These can be useful for special events, used for presentations. We occasionally offer these for long-term to those providing community services. In such cases, these units offer exceptional savings because all software, repairs, tech support, and replacement are offered without charge.
- Laser Thermometer. We have infrared laser thermometers to use as temperature meters for measuring the temperature of hot or cold surfaces such as motors, ovens, freezers, refrigerators, electronic equipment, pipes, air ducts, stove tops, etc. These meters are something that is helpful to use short-term but most people don’t need them for long-term use. [Amazon]
- Lighting to HDMI Cable. This cable lets you connect your Apple iPhone or iPad to any television or computer display that accepts HDMI input. Because HDMI carries both video and audio signals, if the device you connect to has speakers, you’ll hear the audio as well. So, this adapter can be used to play videos on a television, for example. [Amazon]
- Power Cords. We have universal power cords for laptop computers and other devices. This is particularly useful for times when someone has misplaced their own power cord, or if they are traveling and forgot to bring their power cord.
- Pressurized Air. Our portable air compressor system is ideal for cleaning the dust out of computers and other electronics with high pressure air.
- Printers. We have multifunction printers available for loan on short-notice when people have printing deadlines and their own printer breaks down or is otherwise unavailable.
- Sound dB Meter. We have a decibel meter to measure the dB of sound levels. This can be helpful to identify potentially harmful sounds. For example, if you have a vacuum cleaner that emits over 90 dB of sound, you would want to wear proper hearing protection gear.
- Tools. There are occasions when you need a tool, but don’t need to buy the tool. When there’s a one-time repair, or occasional maintenance required, it’s nice to be able to borrow a specialized tool. We have many tools for repair of computers and other devices. We’ve occasionally had people stop by, use our tools to do work, then go on their way.
Document History
This document was first posted on 31 Mar 2018. On 8 Aug 2024, it was updated to use the WordPress block layout. The title was shortened by removing “The” from the beginning. The featured image was removed.