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Calendar Archive

Resources for Life – Home

Summary. This document contains an archive of past calendar events.

Each year is listed with the most recent year at the top.

Within each year, the events progress in chronological order from the beginning of the year through the end of the year.

Please note that some of the links on this page may go to websites that no longer exist.

Our Current Calendar shows current events.


  • 20120727fr-0812su. Olympic Summer Games – London, England. “Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” (Olympic Charter 2004, Fundamental Principles, paragraph 1)
  • 20121102fr. Flight with Denzel Washington opens in theaters nation-wide.
  • 20121221fr. The End of the World. Some people predict the world will end on this day.
  • 20121222sa. We will be selling our entire stock of books predicting the world would end yesterday. So, visit our store for some great deals.


  • 20110204fr1900-2100. Paper Nest Press is having their grand opening on 4 February 2011 from 7PM to 9PM. Click here to view the event invitation.
  • 20110225fr1700-20110331th. Caffeinated Camera is a coffee themed photography exhibition by photographer and pixalchemist Bruce Thayer of Iowa City.
  • 20110422fr. The Greatest Movie Ever Sold opens in theaters nation-wide.
  • 20110521sa. Judgement Day. According to Harold Camping, the end of the world will be on 21 May 2011. [source | PDF] If this is true, please disregard the remaining upcoming events. In the event of inclement weather, Judgement Day will be rescheduled.
  • 20110522su. Day After Judgement Day Celebration. A celebration is tentatively scheduled to give thanks that Judgement Day didn’t come on May 21.
  • 20110926mo1800. Technology Forum and Workshop at the Iowa City Public Library.
  • 20111007fr1800. Technology Forum and Workshop at the Iowa City Public Library.
  • 20111226mo-27tu. Small House Society 2011 Midwest Workshop, Saint Louis, MO.


  • 20100327sa. Earth Hour. In an expression of conservation, people around the world turned off their lights for one hour.
  • 20100607mo-0611fr. Apple WWDC10. Apple will host it’s World Wide Developers Conference where major technology and innovation announcements are anticipated.
  • 20100611fr-0711su. World Cup. The World Cup Football (soccer) tournaments take place in South Africa this year. [Colorful PDF Schedule]
  • Late Summer 2010. Dakar the Movie. [Trailer] Although the official release date has not been announced, is anticipating a Late Summer 2010 launch of Dakar the Movie. From the breathtaking preview for the film on the film’s website, this looks like it will be a stunning cinematographic experience. According to a report on, the film will be produced in collaboration with “renowned Director Scott Duncan, winner of 7 Emmy Awards and nominated for an additional 27 Emmys.” Scott Duncan is cinematographic genius who’s excellence in video and film production seems to be a blend of ultra realism only achieved through an almost magical mastery of the motion picture arts. The article explains the global impact of the film: “Dakar The Movie is set to be the first feature ever produced about the event in its 30 year history. Shot in both two and three dimensional high definition, The Movie will follow four teams from different parts of the world as they prepare and participate in the most grueling motorsports event in the world. In all, 570 teams from 50 countries will attempt to navigate motorbikes, buggies, cars, SUVs and trucks on the 16 day trek. This is also the first time the event will be held in Argentina and Chile, starting in Buenos Aires on January 3rd. Broadcast in more than 185 countries with 300 media outlets, over 75 channels and 600 plus hours of coverage, the Dakar Rally brings in more than 300 million viewers worldwide.” believes this is a significant event because it will help unify the world community, and introduce cross-cultural awareness. It will also advance and raise standards in the film profession.
  • 20100212fr-28su. Winter Olympic Games – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. “Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” (Olympic Charter 2004, Fundamental Principles, paragraph 1)


  • 20090109fr. Not Easily Broken opens in theaters nation-wide. “Not Easily Broken is an uplifting drama about love and family adapted from the book of the same name by renowned pastor and author Bishop T. D. Jakes.” [ Apple Trailer ]
  • 20090128we. Blessed is the Match opens in theaters nation-wide. “Blessed Is the Match is the first documentary feature about Hannah Senesh, the World War II-era poet and diarist who became a paratrooper, resistance fighter and modern-day Joan of Arc. Safe in Palestine in 1944, she joined a mission to rescue Jews in her native Hungary. Shockingly, it was the only outside rescue mission for Jews during the Holocaust. Hannah parachuted behind enemy lines, was captured, tortured and ultimately executed by the Nazis. Her mother Catherine witnessed the entire ordeal – first as a prisoner with Hannah and later as her advocate, braving the bombed-out streets of Budapest in a desperate attempt to save Hannah. With unprecedented access to the Senesh family archive, this powerful story unfolds through the writings and photographs of Hannah and Catherine Senesh.” [ Apple TrailerOfficial Site ]
  • 20090313su. Race to Witch Mountain opens in theaters nation-wide. [ Apple Trailer | Official Site ]
  • 20090320fr. Knowing opens in theaters nation-wide. “A teacher (Nicholas Cage) opens a time capsule that has been dug up at his son’s elementary school; in it are some chilling predictions — some that have already occurred and others that are about to — that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the events that are about to unfold.” [ Apple Trailer | Official Website ]
  • 20090402th. Temperance – 2009 Conference on the Cardinal Virtues at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Gregory Johnson will be presenting on the topic of smaller and simpler living. (20090212th1249)
  • 20090529fr. Up opens in theaters nation-wide. “From Disney Pixar comes ‘Up,’ a comedy adventure about 78 year old balloon salesman Carl Fredricksen, who finally fulfills his lifelong dream of a great adventure when he ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies away to the wilds of South America. But he discovers all too late that his biggest nightmare has stowed away on the trip: an overly optimistic 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. From the Academy Award-nominated director Pete Docter (Monsters, Inc.), Disney Pixar’s Up invites you on a hilarious journey into a lost world, with the least likely duo on Earth. Up will be presented in Disney Digital 3-D in selected theaters.” [ Apple Trailer | Official Website ]
  • 20090604th1230-1330. Mobile Hermitage Tiny House Open House. Come see one of the smallest homes in North America.
  • 20090606sa1200-1800. The Red Avocado – Arts Fest Jam Session. This promises to be a very nice event with good company, food, and music.
  • 20090710fr. 2012 opens in theaters nation-wide. “Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.” [ Apple Trailer | Official Website | World-wide Release Dates ]
  • 20090718sa1000-1200. Worldwide Photo Walk. On a single day in July, thousands of photographers around the world will be participating in one of the largest unified photography events in the world. Get informed and get involved.
  • 20091106fr. The movie Precious opens in Los Angeles. [Apple PreviewOfficial Site]
  • 20091113fr. The movie Oh My God opens in theaters nationwide. “This visual odyssey travels the globe with a revealing lens examining the idea of God through the minds and eyes of various religions and cultures, everyday people, spiritual leaders and celebrities.”


  • 20080303mo-0503sa. A New Earth online world-wide weekly seminar with Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle.
  • 20080417th0800-1645. Get Motivated seminar in Cedar Rapids.
  • 20080421mo-26sa. Ecocity World Summit 2008conference in San Francisco. “The International Ecocity Conference Series brings together the key innovators, decision makers, technologists, businesses and organizations shaping the conversation around ecological and sustainable city, town and village design, planning and development. We intend to put these issues on the economic and environmental agenda for 2008 and beyond. The time to act is now. Life-threatening global environmental problems and limitations on resource consumption demand a restructuring of cities and transportation systems worldwide for long-term energy efficiency and conservation. Concerned citizens in every community – in every city, town and village – must get involved in formulating and implementing new land use and transportation policies and practices, preserving agricultural lands and open space, and reclaiming natural habitat.”
  • 20080425fr. Baby Mama opens in theaters nation-wide.
  • 20080426sa0900-1600. Sustainable Economic Development (S.E.E.D.) Conference in Cedar Rapids.
  • 20080503sa. Shutdown Day is a non-profit organization registered in the province of Quebec, Canada. Shutdown Day was founded with the sole purpose of spreading awareness about the pitfalls and dangers that lie in the excessive use of television, computers, and computing equipment like game boxes, cell phones, music players, online social websites, etc. that impinge on social space and interaction amongst our communities. Shutdown Day also aims to partner with other like-minded organizations in promoting sustainable development, especially in the area of social behavior relating to the effects modern technology. Shutdown Day is a Global Internet Experiment whose purpose is to get people to think about how their lives have changed with the increasing use of the home computer, and whether or not any good things are being lost because of this. The idea of Shutdown Day project is simple – just shutdown your computer for one whole day of the year and involve yourself in some other activities: outdoors, nature, sports, fun stuff with friends and family – whatever, just to remind yourself that there still exists a world outside your monitor screen.”
  • 20080503sa-04su. Introduction to Permaculture Gardening Workshop in Cedar Rapids. “Permaculture is about designing human habitats that have the stability, diversity and resilience of natural ecosystems. Permaculture integrates renewable energy systems, energy efficiency, food/gardening systems, natural building, rainwater harvesting, urban planning along with the economic, political and social policies that make sustainable living possible and practical. This short course is designed as an introduction to permaculture with a focus on how to begin applying permaculture systems around your home and in your community.”
  • 20080512mo-16fr. Bike to Work Week in Iowa City and Coralville, Iowa. “Iowa City and Coralville are coming together May 12-16 to celebrate Bike to Work Week a nationwide recognition of health and wellness. We urge you to be a part of this year’s Bike to Work Week. We welcome you to participate by enjoying any of the events planned for the week.” (20080506tu1418)
  • 20080522th-25su. Building a New World Conference in Radford, Virginia. “In 2008 many of us understand that our nation – and even the entire planet – are in a state of crisis. The deep longing for positive, lasting change is the bedrock upon which this conference is based. How do we fix our country and our world? And how can we form one mass movement to address the crisis? In Radford, Virginia on May 22-25, thousands of activists, academics, journalists, poets, musicians and policymakers will converge at the 2008 “Building a New World” Conference. If you want to participate in building a new world, sign up now. Hotel and dorm rooms are limited.” Transportation from Iowa: Those wishing to share the cost of a van or bus from eastern Iowa to the conference should contact Michael Richards at (319) 213-2051.
  • 20080609mo-13fr. Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC08). “The groundbreaking innovations of Mac OS X Leopard and iPhone OS offer two revolutionary development platforms for developers and IT professionals. The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is the only place you can receive technical information on these sophisticated platforms from the engineers who created them. Bring your code to the labs and work one-to-one with Apple engineers, applying development methods and best-practices you gain from sessions to enhance your application.” The website offers coverage of the keynote presentation starting at 10AM PT. Coverage is also available from cNet.
  • 20080614sa-15su. Healthy Living Fair sponsored by Radish Magazine. “The 2nd Annual Healthy Living Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 14-15 at the Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island, Ill. The event is presented by Radish magazine and the Quad City Botanical Center. The fair will present information about healthy living through the natural foods, products, resources and services of western Illinois and eastern Iowa. Exhibits will include alternative energy methods, environmentally friendly products and produce, gardening goods and services, outdoor recreation opportunities and holistic, alternative and integrative medicine.”
  • 20080620fr. Get Smart opens in theaters nation-wide.
  • 20080627fr. WALL•E opens in theaters nation-wide.
  • 20080711fr1900. Put Your Life on a Diet – Book Launch Event at Prairie Lights Books in Iowa City. Visit the WSUI Live From Prairie Lights website for instruction on how to listen to the broadcast.
  • 20080711fr. Apple Launch of new iPhone. The new 3G Apple iPhone with 8GB ($200) or 16GB ($300) of storage will be available in 25 countries when launched. New features include maps with GPShigher speeds worldwide, and MobileMe cross-platform synchronization.
  • 20080713su-29tu. Border to Border Tour. Gregory Johnson joins Jay Shafer for a west coast tiny house tour. During the tour, Gregory will be promoting his book, Put Your Life on a Diet.
  • 20080808fr-0810su. Resources for Life Conference 2008 and Small House Society Conference 2008.
  • 20080808fr-24su. Summer Olympic Games – Bejing, China. “Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” (Olympic Charter 2004, Fundamental Principles, paragraph 1)
  • 20080809sa-10su. Seventh Annual Illinois Renewable Energy and Sustainable Lifestyle Fair, August 9 and 10, at the Ogle County Fairgrounds.
  • 20080831su. The Human Race Nike+ 10K World Run Event. Join runners from around the world for a 10K run. The Nike+ running club is the world’s largest running club having over 34 million miles run collectively (as of 22 April 2008). Runners will participate from around the world, including group runs in 25 host cities including: Austin, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Chicago, Instanbul, Lima, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Mount Fuji, Munich (München), New York City, Paris, Quito, Rome, São Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Vancouver, and Warsaw (Warszawa).
  • 20080905fr1700-2000. Book Signing. There will be a book signing for Put Your Life on a Diet on Friday, September 5, from 5PM to 8PM at Vortex Gifts.
  • 20080912fr1200. Note to Self: Why I Write What I Write. At the Iowa City Public Library, Meeting Room A. Presented by the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. “Five international writers discuss what inspires them to write and what they hope to achieve as writers. The writers who will be speaking are: Agnes Lam (Hong Kong, China), Hu Xudong (China), Leonard Henriquez (Venezuela), Anat Pick (Israel), and Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike (Nigeria). Refreshments will be served.”
  • 20080926fr. Miracle at St. Anna opens in theaters nation-wide. “Miracle at St. Anna chronicles the story of four black American soldiers who are members of the US Army as part of the all-black 92nd ‘Buffalo Soldier‘ Division stationed in Tuscany Italy during World War II. They experience the tragedy and triumph of the war as they find themselves trapped behind enemy lines and separated from their unit after one of them risks his life to save an Italian boy. Directed by Spike Lee from a screenplay written by James McBride, the author of the acclaimed novel of the same name, the film explores a deeply inspiring, powerful story drawn from true history, that transcends national boundaries, race, and class to touch the goodness within us all.” [ Apple | Apple HD Trailers ]
  • October 3 – 14, Around the World in 10 Days. Gregory Johnson will be flying east around the world with stops in Chicago, London, New Delhi, and Lucknow.
  • 20081024fr-26su. Sustainable Ecological Economic Development (S.E.E.D.) Conference.
  • 20081104tu. Election Day in the United States.
  • 20081114fr. Fuel opens in theaters nation-wide. “Record high oil prices, global warming, and an insatiable demand for energy: these issues will be the catalyst for heated debates and positive change for many years to come. 2008 Sundance award-winning film FUEL exposes shocking connections between the auto industry, the oil industry and the government, while exploring alternative energies such as solar, wind, electricity and non-food-based biofuels.” [ Apple TrailerOfficial Website ]
  • 20081210we. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 60-year Anniversary.
  • 20081212fr. Che opens in theaters nation-wide. “November 26, 1956; led by Fidel Castro (Demian Bichir), a band of 80 rebels sails to Cuba. Among these young rebels is Argentine physician, Marxist, soldier, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara (Benicio Del Toro). Nation-less, strapped for resources and fueled only by determination, the group engages in swift, bloody battle to free the Cuban people from the corrupt dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. Che and his soldiers wrestle the nation?s resources and affection from Batista?s grasp. Though considered a hero by some, Che becomes a hugely controversial figure. At the height of his fame and power, he disappears. Entering South America incognito, Che recruits another band of guerilla fighters in the harsh Bolivian jungles. They embark upon a mission to spark revolution throughout Latin America.” [ Apple Trailer ]
  • 20081212fr. Seven Pounds with Will Smith opens in theaters nation-wide. “Academy Award nominee Will Smith stars in the drama Seven Pounds, re-teaming with the director and producers of The Pursuit of Happyness for the emotional story of a man who will change the lives of seven strangers.” [ Apple TrailerOfficial Website ]
  • 20081212fr. Wendy and Lucy opens in theaters nation-wide. “Proving why she is one of the most highly-regarded auteurs of current cinema, Kelly Reichardt’s (OLD JOY) subtle storytelling technique uses a formal minimalist style to weave together a unique emotional and political road film. Wendy Carroll (Michelle Williams) is driving to Ketchikan, Alaska, in hopes of a summer of lucrative work at the Northwestern Fish cannery, and the start of a new life with her dog, Lucy. When her car breaks down in Oregon, however, the thin fabric of her financial situation comes apart, and she confronts a series of increasingly dire economic decisions, with far-ranging repercussions for herself and Lucy. WENDY AND LUCY addresses issues of sympathy and generosity at the edges of American life, revealing the limits and depths of people’s duty to each other in tough times.” [ Apple TrailerOfficial Website]
  • 20081217fr. Nothing But The Truth starring Kate Beckinsale, Matt Dillon, Angela Basset, Alan Alda, Vera Farmiga, and David Schimmer opens in theaters nation-wide. “Inspired by today’s politically charged climate, “Nothing But The Truth” features Kate Beckinsale as Washington, DC political journalist Rachel Armstrong, who writes an explosive story about a government scandal in which she reveals the name of a covert CIA agent (Vera Farmiga). When a special government prosecutor (Matt Dillon) demands she divulge her source, she refuses and finds herself behind bars, struggling to defend the principles she has based her career upon.” [ Apple TrailerOfficial Website ]
  • 20081225th. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button opens in theaters nation-wide. [ Apple TrailerOfficial Website ]
  • 20081225th. Marley & Me opens in theaters nation-wide. “The heartwarming and unforgettable story of a family in the making and the wondrously neurotic dog who taught them what really matters in life.” [ Apple TrailerOfficial Website ]
  • 20081231we. Good opens in theaters nation-wide. “GOOD, which is based on the acclaimed play by CP Taylor, stars Viggo Mortensen in an extraordinary change-of-pace role as he plays John Halder, a good, decent individual with family problems. A German literature professor in the 1930s, Halder explores his personal circumstances in a novel advocating compassionate euthanasia. When the book is unexpectedly enlisted by powerful political figures in support of government propaganda, Halder finds his career rising in an optimistic current of nationalism and prosperity. Yet with Halder’s change in fortune, his seemingly inconsequential decisions potentially jeopardize the people in his life with devastating effects. GOOD is directed by Vicente Amorim, and also stars Jason Isaacs, Jodie Whittaker, Mark Strong and Gemma Jones.” [Apple TrailerOfficial Website ]