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Taliban for the Heartland – The Homeland Defense Agency

George W BushThe Homeland Defense Agency has been described by some as “Taliban for the Heartland.” This new initiative would mobilize and utilize various U.S. military, intelligence, and defense forces to institute domestic law and order whenever necessary. Essentially creating a military/police state.

Is this an example of the new Compassionate Conservativism we’ve been hearing about?

Below is a graphic in Arabic from a U.S. Government Site on Terrorism.


The program is primarily focused on responding to domestic terrorist threats, however the forces could be turned against the public if the need arose. The following information was distributed by the U.S. Department of State Office of International Information Programs:

*EUR302 02/14/01 White House Report on National Guard/Domestic Terrorism, Feb. 14 (Dealing with domestic terrorism or preventing it) (250)


En route back to Andrews Air Force Base from Charleston, West Virginia February 14, White House Press Secretary was asked by reporters to flesh out President Bush’s comments at Yaeger Field on potential changes in the National Guard. Fleischer offered these remarks: “The mission of the guard, under his vision, will increasingly be homeland defense, which means dealing with the consequences of domestic terrorism or preventing domestic terrorism.

“As you know,” said the White House Press Secretary, “in recent years at Olympic events, major events, it’s become an increasingly unfortunate concern of our government about preventing incidents at home and protecting American people from any incidents at home. And the Guard plays an increasing role in homeland defense.

“It’s a change,” Fleischer said. “When he was in the Guard, it had a different mission. Homeland defense was patrolling off the coastline. Homeland defense now unfortunately has taken on a whole new meaning as a result of terrorism that can threaten our government.”

The Press Secretary declined to comment on a proposal before the Congress to establish a homeland defense agency that would incorporate several agencies now involved in such duty. (Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)

Homeland Defense Agency – The Movie!

Here are two films that depict how the government might use military force to control citizens.

Outbreak. (1995) This film provides an accurate depiction and analysis of what might happen if various U.S. military, intelligence, and defense forces were called upon to institute domestic law and order in a state of emergency as a response to a biological threat. This film is available for checkout from our library.


The Siege. (1998) This film provides an accurate depiction and analysis of what might happen if various U.S. military, intelligence, and defense forces were called upon to institute domestic law and order in a state of emergency as a response to large scale Islamic terrorist attack upon New York City. This film is available for checkout from our library.


By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com

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