
Microsoft AutoUpdate Location in Finder on Apple Computer Hard Drive


Summary. The Microsoft AutoUpdate software is an essential component of Microsoft Office 2008 for the Apple Computer. It is used to update the Microsoft Office software with the most stable and secure version of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Although it is designed to run automatically, it may be necessary to run the program manually. Unfortunately, AutoUpdate is burried and hidden in an obscure location on the hard drive. The location (from the root directory of the hard drive) is Library > Application Support > Microsoft > MAU2.0 > Microsoft AutoUpdate. Presumably MAU2.0 signifies that this is the 2.0 version of Microsoft Auto Update. It’s a good idea to place a shortcut to Microsoft AutoUpdate in the Dock area, on the desktop, in the Applications folder, or some other place where you can easily find it.

Finding Microsoft AutoUpdate. Follow these steps to find Microsoft AutoUpdate on your Apple computer.

  1. Run Microsoft Word
  2. From the Help menu, choose Check for Updates.
  3. This will launch the Microsoft AutoUpdate program.
  4. Right Click (or ctrl+left click) on the Microsoft AutoUpdate icon that appears in the Dock. This will cause a context menu to appear. Left click on Keep in Dock to make it easier to find next time. Left click on Show in Finder to show where the original program file is located on your hard drive.
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By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the website. Learn more at