Summary. This document helps explain the difference between pages and posts on a website. The main characteristics and best practices are described below.
- Pages are usually considered part of the basic organization and structure of your website, whereas posts are usually articles or documents on a certain topic.
- Pages often describe categories of interest and then from pages, posts (with more detailed writings) might be linked.
- Pages are typically short and quick to read. They often fit on the computer screen without needing to scroll down, whereas posts are more lengthy articles.
- Pages will generally (but not always) show up in the main navigation at the top of the website, whereas posts are linked from within a page, or from links in the columns on the right side of the website.
- Posts have a date that shows up at the top where pages do not.
- Posts are usually categorized by topic and can also have tags (descriptive words) to group them and display posts based on keywords or categories. For example, it would be possible to display all posts on a certain topic.
- Posts usually will provide the name of the post author.
- Websites may have only a few pages (maybe 4 or 5) and then the rest of the website may consist of posts which are articles and documents that elaborate on the basic information presented in the primary pages of the website.
These are just general guidelines and best practices. Because pages and posts can be used in a variety of ways (within their basic characteristics and constraints), some website designers choose to implement them differently.
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