Summary. Gregory Johnson, known as the PC DOC, is now providing computer support as the Technology Services Resource Group. This document explains why the new business model was launched under a new business name.
Background. In the 20th Century, computing consultant Gregory Johnson of Iowa City established PC DOC for computer support services. At the start of the 21st Century, the name was changed for the following reasons:
- Brand Mimicking. The PC DOC business and brand became so popular that others began copying the idea and this created confusion in the local market to have PC DOC, PC Doctors, PC Medic, The Computer Doctor, and other variations on the name. Although PC Doc was the first and original, after a while, it became difficult for the general public to distinguish the names listed in the phone book, and subsequently, word-of-mouth advertising.
- Healthcare Crisis. Traditional western medicine and the healthcare industry in general are primarily reactive by responding to illness and disease. This philosophy doesn’t accurately represent the holistic, preventative, and proactive approach to computer support that has been the foundation of PC DOC from the beginning. So, it seemed better to have a business name that doesn’t suggest a reactive approach to technology support.
- Brand Confusion. After PC DOC (of Iowa City) established a nationally recognized brand name with excellent customer satisfaction, another company called PC-Doctor (of Reno, NV) was distributing a utility program called PC-Doctor that caused problems for many computer users. Another company was doing the same with a product called PC Doc. Their frustrated users were sending emails and questions to PC DOC of Iowa City, even though there was no connection to the products. PC DOC of Iowa City never developed utility software.
- Apple Computer Support. People using Apple Mac computers thought PC DOC was only providing PC (Windows) support.
- Technology Support. People with questions about printers, faxes, cell phones, video, and other technology didn’t think of PC DOC for help since in their mind, PC DOC (like medical specialists) only worked on the actual computer and not peripherals.