According to the report below, just released from the German news agency Deutsche Welle, New York City may soon need 40,000 ICU beds to handle care of COVID-19 patients. They currently have 3,000 ICU beds.
So, that’s 37,000 people won’t get the critical care they need. Presumably the shortage of ‘beds’ is also representative of a shortage in staff and supplies. The healthcare system is being overwhelmed. This also means that other patients who are facing life threatening injuries or illnesses will also be triaged and may die from what otherwise would not be life threatening conditions.
Many people who are paying a high price for healthcare insurance will not receive the care they are paying for.
Despite all that’s going on, there are still people out there saying the COVID-19 response is overblown and as a result they aren’t taking proper precautions.

[Source: Deutsche Welle, 25 Mar 2020 at ~5:00 AM CT]
The coronavirus outbreak in New York City in the US is so severe that White House officials have called on anyone who has recently left the city to self-isolate for two weeks. More than 15-thousand cases have been confirmed in New York, and around 200 deaths. It’s been in lockdown since Sunday, and state officials are pleading for help, but preparing for the worst.
US lawmakers have agreed a 2 Trillion dollar stimulus package. After days of wrangling, Democrats and Republicans announced the deal shortly after midnight in Washington. Among the items agreed – adults can receive direct deposits of up to 1,200 dollars – 500 dollars for children. The government will support small businesses with loans to the tune of 367-Bbillion dollars. Hospitals will also get some 150-Bbillion dollars in aid. There will also be half a Ttrillion dollars in guaranteed, subsidised loans to larger industries.
Meanwhile China’s Hubei province sees the lifting of travel restrictions, where the coronavirus pandemic began in December.
Trains are running again, although they’re not yet carrying many passengers. Stations are opening up across the province, except in the city of Wuhan, where the corionavirus was first detected. Car drivers there are still being tested, and it will be another two weeks before Wuhan sees its restrictions lifted.
It’s not only in Hubei where people are now free to go out and about. One family in Beijing is relishing the freedom to roam after weeks cooped up in their apartment.
Why would we have a German source as a report on the United States?
Hi Adam, Thanks for your question, “Why would we have a German source as a report on the United States.”
This particular news report offered some important coverage that, at the time, was not available elsewhere. It’s important to balance our news by looking to a variety of sources including trusted news agencies from other countries. It can give us additional insights. Also, there are some foreign news agencies that offer in-depth reporting on issues that our own news agencies haven’t taken time to investigate. Most business people will seek to be informed from global news sources because it helps broaden their perspective and be better business leaders.