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Body Image Report 2023

a beautiful model on the fashion runway
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Pexels.com


This document provides news and information about body image altering methods, trends, and outcomes as of 2023.

This document does not address the separate unrelated topic of gender altering surgery. The information here is only related to amplifying or diminishing attributes by those wanting to stay within their gender assigned at birth. More on the topic of gender can be found in, “Gender Report 2023.”


There seems to be a rise in self-image body dissatisfaction. In the past this was attributed to unrealistic portrayals of male and female body types in magazines or advertisements. In recent years, social media has caused even greater levels of dissatisfaction, especially in youth.

Increased Sales

Rising dissatisfaction is driving increased sales of nutritional supplements, gym memberships, exercise equipment, jewelry, hair styling, cosmetics, nail design, body piercings, tattoos, body tanning, skin bleaching, cosmetic surgery, as well as clothing and accessories.

In countries where skin tone is darker, advertising tells people they are too dark and suggests skin bleaching and other remedies. In countries where skin tone is light, advertising tells people they need tanning and other skin darkening procedures.

There’s not currently a successful business model based on helping people become satisfied with their bodies by not selling them anything.

Beyond Products

In addition to marketplace solutions, people sometimes sink into eating disorders and depression that results in counseling and medications being prescribed.

Ineffective Efforts

Nutritional supplements and gym memberships could translate into better health, but sometimes these are ineffective. Gym memberships are only helpful if people use them and have a regular effective routine that’s not too excessive. Marketing promises of dietary supplements can be misleading and overstate benefits.

When Contentment is Elusive

When dining at an all-you-can-eat buffet, one sometimes returns to fill their plate hoping to find the food item that will satisfy what they are craving. Yet, they find they continue to be hungry.

The same phenomenon can be observed when making modifications to one’s appearance. People make more trips to the hair salon, tanning center, clothing store, cosmetics vendor, and jewelry store yet never get satisfied.

We’ve seen this phenomenon with Hollywood celebrities who have repeated plastic surgery procedures.

Not Sold In Stores

Many people are seeking the best health and appearance possible for their body and genetics without surgical changes or quick fixes.

We know that getting more sleep, eating nutritious food, drinking more water, and going on daily walks in nature are sufficient to produce almost guaranteed results for free.

Consistency, discipline, and patience that are a challenge for many people and these can’t be purchased. They must be cultivated to get results.

People who make peace with their body type, and do all they can to become as strong and healthy as possible, can become radiant, beautiful, and confident. They may never look like a runway model, but they can perhaps be the healthiest and happiest version of themself. This typically evolves into a beauty and attractiveness that defies age or superficial appearance.

Lethality of Procedures

Emergency rooms in Florida are sometimes seeing multiple cases per day of life threatening outcomes from body altering surgeries.

These sometimes fatal outcomes are on the rise as a result of increased demand for certain types of body altering surgery.

It is believed that regulation could help save lives, but politicians who receive significant funding from doctors and clinics have become reluctant to support legislation that would impact the body image surgery tourism industry. As a result, people are dying.

Some surgeons are working 20 hour shifts and performing 10 or more procedures a day. A safe number would be 3 procedures a day. More about this is found in the report below.


ABC Australia (4 Sep 2023)

“Cosmetic surgery crackdown now targeting fillers, botox and other procedures” — Australia’s medical regulator says it is cracking down on cosmetic procedures such as botox and fillers, but those living with the long-term impacts of botched procedures say the focus has come too late. The ABC’s National Health Reporter Alison Branley has the details. [Source]

NBC News (3 Jun 2023)

“Dealing with body image anxiety ahead of summer” — A 2021 study shows that half of Americans feel pressured to have a certain body type. Dr. Robi Ludwig discusses how a poor body image impacts our mental health and Fitness expert Stephanie Mansour tells NBC News about how working out for five minutes on her wedding day helped boost her self-esteem. [Source]

GMA (12 Apr 2023)

“Ariana Grande speaks out about body image” — The singer took to social media to address comments she has received about her body, stressing to her followers that “there are many different kinds of beautiful.” [Source]

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com