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Survivalist Report 2024

bird s eye view of group of people
Photo by San Fermin Pamplona on Pexels.com


This page provides news and information about the survivalist movement in the United States. More information will be added as it becomes available.

There are many individual survivalists and preppers, but this document emphasizes groups of people seeking to build communities based on common ideologies.

This document does not intend to criticize liberals or conservatives, or people from those groups who want to live among other like minded people. However, there are some drawbacks to living in isolated communities. Those drawbacks are mentioned.


Some survivalists consider themselves as refugees fleeing communities of perceived liberal or conservative extremism and intolerance. They want to live among others who share the same beliefs and lifestyle. The migration of conservatives from California to Texas is an example of this.

Those seeking to live in an exclusively liberal or conservative bubble are generally not comfortable being in a community of diversity. They are threatened by a mix of conservatives, moderates, and liberals. They are uncomfortable with a mix of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Humanists, and other faiths. They have difficulty working with others who are different.

Some conservatives fear that liberals are trying to take over and force liberal policies, views, and laws. Some liberals fear that conservatives are trying to take over the country and force conservative policies, views, and laws. Both groups have valid concerns.

The leaders of extremism on both sides will typically have a similar message: “They don’t want you to know the truth! They want to take away our freedoms and rights. They are trying to indoctrinate our children,” and the fear mongering continues.

Intolerance = Weakness

Through revolutions and civil wars, people overthrow their oppressors with the goal of establishing new leaders and a new, better, society.

Yet, because of our human nature, eventually corruption and power rise to the top and the cycle starts over again.

An intolerant, narrow minded, isolated community will eventually implode. At some point, aggressive dominant leaders will push their will on those who are weaker or more passive. Or, competing views will move from discussion to civil war because the group has lost the ability to compromise.

An isolated group is not exposed to a diversity of thoughts and opinions. They are not challenged intellectually. They are at risk of adopting insular ideas, conspiracy theories, and paranoia-based philosophies.

The Lure of Cults

There are several reasons that people are attracted to cults, strict religious orders, and other rigidly structured groups:

  • The structure is appealing to some people.
  • Being told what to think and how to live helps reduce the stress of thinking and deciding independently.
  • A regimen prescribing the clothing, food, and daily schedule provides regularity and predictability.
  • There is a certainly about belonging.
  • Some people don’t trust their own judgement and fear their own vices. They feel more safe in a setting with rules.
  • The cult reinforces the dogma, teachings, beliefs, and the perception that one has accepted the ultimate truth.

Extremist groups, whether liberal or conservative, provide structure and certainty that som people crave.

Diversity = Strength

Those who live in a community of diversity will become the strongest and most resilient.

Think of a football team. Depending on the position of a player, their body type will typically be ideally suited for their task: big and bulky line backers are a different build than quarterbacks.
Their training is different. Their skills are different. It takes an entire team to win and succeed.

Society is like a football team where different people with different skills and experiences can work together to achieve outcomes that the individuals could not achieve independently

  • Conservatives and liberals
  • Various religious and non-religious people
  • Old and young
  • Mechanically inclined and intellectually able

The above people, all working together, appreciating each person’s unique strengths, will be a better community and society.


News reports are below in chronological order with the most recent at the top.

VICE News (22 Aug 2024)

“Land of the Free: Traveling the American Redoubt” — After the chaos and uncertainty of 2020, conservatives from across the country have flocked to a region around North Idaho known as the American Redoubt. While many come just to escape cities and be among their own, some are seeking to change the region, imposing their fears and ideas of liberty on local politics. VICE News’ Vegas Tenold explores what it means to be free in a nation of political bubbles. [Source]


Below are some stories about the trend of people moving to communities where there will be less diversity of opinions.

VICE News (9 Jan 2019)

“Start A New Life Free Of Liberals With ‘Conservative Move'” — You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends. And if they start to vote differently than you, some families are willing to pick up, leave and find new friends. Sick of states that permit legal marijuana? Same-sex marriages? Laws that permit transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice? What if there were a better way? [Source]

NBC News (4 Dec 2017)

“The Real Estate Company Conservative Move Helps Conservatives Move To Red States” — The real estate company Conservative Move is focusing its pitch at conservative Republicans. Their motto: helping families move right, not left. [Source]

Document History

This document was first posted on 22 Aug 2024. Shortly after posting, a typo was corrected. The word preppers had been mistakenly been corrected by spell check to be peppers. This has been fixed.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com