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Insights of Iconic Women

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

Summary Melinda French Gates had several conversations with women of all ages about “Moments That Make Us” — the experiences that impacted their lives. Those conversations are below in the order they were originally posted, with the most recent at the top. More will be added as they become available. Resources Individuals and discussion groups… Continue reading Insights of Iconic Women

Kamala Harris Report 2024

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news and information about Kamala Harris who is now accepted by her party as the successor to Joe Biden. On 21 Jul 2024, she received Biden’s endorsement when he withdrew from running for reelection in the 2024 election. In 2020, Harris was democratically elected with over 81 million votes, as the… Continue reading Kamala Harris Report 2024

Eco News 2024

Photo by Kerry on Pexels.com

Summary This document contains some news highlights for current environmental news. More information will be added over time as it becomes available. For additional context and background, read the Eco News 2023 report. News Fox 26 Houston (23 Jul 2024) “Survey: Houstonians eyeing relocation” — Recent polling by the US Hobby Center reveals 57% of… Continue reading Eco News 2024

Global Outage 19 Jul 2024

Photo by Kevin Ku on Pexels.com

Summary There was a worldwide computer outage in the early morning hours of 19 Jul 2024. Initial remediation took most of the day. This page provides some commentary and news about the outage. Additional information will be provided when available. Timing The mayor of Portland was notified of the outage impacting their city at midnight… Continue reading Global Outage 19 Jul 2024

Misinformation Report 2024

Photo by Chokniti Khongchum on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news about the rise of misinformation on social media and alternative news outlets. Context It’s human nature to be intrigued by stories or news making the claim: “They don’t want you to know about this.” Who are the “they” always being referred to? Usually the government, the deep state, the medical… Continue reading Misinformation Report 2024

Recycling Report 2024

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides information about recycling benefits, options, and challenges. Some recent investigative news reports about recycling reveal some inefficiencies and failures of our current recycling efforts. Most of those news stories focus on plastics. A person could get discouraged by these reports and stop recycling completely. Despite some discouraging news about recycling, we… Continue reading Recycling Report 2024

Work and Jobs Report 2024

Photo by Edmond Dantès on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news about workforce news, layoffs, and the availability of jobs in 2024. More information will be added as it becomes available. Some concerning trends are surfacing in the employment and jobs landscape that had not been an issue previously. Those are summarized below. Fake Job Listings Fake job listings are on… Continue reading Work and Jobs Report 2024

Civility Report 2024

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news and video footage relating to the political climate in the United States. These examples are based on a democratic system that is properly fueled and supported by what are known as the columns of democracy. Eroded Social Infrastructure An eroded social infrastructure happens when Democracy is under attack, and such… Continue reading Civility Report 2024

“From Blight to Beauty” – Shamayim Harris

Photo by Anon on Pexels.com

Community Renewal The following inspiring story of community revitalization was featured by CNN on 19 Jun 2024 as part of the CNN Heroes initiative. “A grieving mother filled a neglected neighborhood with beauty, safety, and opportunity” — Mourning the loss of her son, Shamayim Harris — known as Mama Shu — turned her pain into… Continue reading “From Blight to Beauty” – Shamayim Harris

EV Eco Impact Report 2024

Photo by Kelly on Pexels.com

Summary This document highlights some of the concerns about the environmental and human impact of electric vehicle production. Closed Loop Lifecycle As much as possible, a closed loop lifecycle should be the goal for EV manufacturing. While materials will be brought into the manufacturing process, reuse and recycling of those materials going forward would reduce… Continue reading EV Eco Impact Report 2024

Social Media Report 2024

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news about the current state of social media including concerns about its use. In May 2023, the Surgeon General began proposing a safety warning for social media. [Source] That warning is in the news again in June 2024 with a proposal that it be issued alongside of the websites of concern:… Continue reading Social Media Report 2024

Energy Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news about emerging energy production technologies including new methods of utilizing nuclear power as a supplement to renewable energy sources. Some news from past years is included here for context. For more, read Nuclear Power News 2023. In April 2024, it was reported that California had experienced several periods of being… Continue reading Energy Report 2024