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Education Report 2024

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Summary This document offers some news about the state of education in the United States. For background, see Education Report 2023. Commentary Some commentary is found at the bottom of this document. A challenge faced by education institutions and educators is the push-back from competing extremist factions of society. The history and context of this… Continue reading Education Report 2024

EDUCATION – Classcraft is Gamifying the Classroom for Greater Student Engagement

Classcraft is a platform that turns education into a gaming experience for students. Here are some videos providing more information. “In 2013, high school physics teacher Shawn Young was searching for a new way to help his students succeed. He created a basic online role-playing game that would drastically change his perspective on engagement in… Continue reading EDUCATION – Classcraft is Gamifying the Classroom for Greater Student Engagement