
“North” by Jeremy Quentin and Small Houses (Music Video)

This video features the song “North” by Jeremy Quentin and Small Houses. This video was recorded with an iPhone 4S at a lake in eastern Iowa. The song was added with the permission of the artist. Video was recorded by Greg Johnson of and effects were added using iMovie. The song “North” as well… Continue reading “North” by Jeremy Quentin and Small Houses (Music Video)

Video Recording, Editing, and Production Guidelines, Tips, and Best Practices for Events and Presentations

Video Summary. This page has some video recording and production tips for people wanting to record and produce high quality videos without a huge investment of time or money. Video Recording Tips. Here are some basic recording tips for producing the best quality results. Lighting. Lighting is usually a problem in most settings. If you’re… Continue reading Video Recording, Editing, and Production Guidelines, Tips, and Best Practices for Events and Presentations