Benefits of Simple Living[Index | Top of Page | QuickLinks© | Map] Simple living has many benefits. Among them are:
Using Themes to Create Order and Harmony[Index | Top of Page | QuickLinks© | Map] Keeping a room clean and uncluttered is an important part of creating and maintaining a simple and peaceful living space. Yet, creating order is not just about organizing furniture or picking up messes. Themes have an essential role in establishing an orderly and organized life. Choosing consistent and complementary colors, fabrics, images, fragrances, and textures is crucial, not only in planning living and working spaces, but also when choosing a wardrobe. A wise sage once said, "Disharmony disturbs balance. When balance is disturbed, stress increases. When stress increases, overall heath and well-being decline." Imagine a room that is all picked up and straightened, but it is painted day glow orange, with incongruous green chairs, a yellow carpet, and a pink table. When physical, visual, olfactory, and audio themes are created order is established, this creates harmony and balance in the body, mind, and spirit. As a chameleon changes its color, human physiology and spirituality is inclined to imitate the environment it is in. Essentially, the body, mind, and spirit are "programmed" through the environment as we respond to and adapt to environmental stimuli. We can program peace and wellness or discord and illness through changes in our environment. [Index | Top of Page | QuickLinks© | Map] As an example, let's say you choose a nature theme (see Model Home 200012, click here). Below are some suggestions of how you might begin to organize your living space, working space, and wardrobe.
In this way, the living space, work space, and even clothing all blend together into a harmonious tapestry that itself is woven into the fabric of nature. This creates a very pleasant environment that is conducive to both work and rest. Other themes to consider could be: high technology, antiques, at the farm, or by the ocean. Cultural themes are also a possibility: Andean, Jamaican, Mexican, Israeli, Native American. What colors, fabrics, objects, images, sounds, music, and aromas can you think of? Have fun with Themes. Be creative and expressive. Themes are a way to externalize something inside of you so that your surroundings reflect your inner self. Harmony is then created between the inner self and the surroundings. Featured Stories and Resources[Index | Top of Page | QuickLinks© | Map] Books
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