In this cyberpunk thriller, a renegade group of elite teenage computer hackers rollerblade through New York City by day and ride the information highway by night. After hacking into a high-stakes industrial conspiracy, they become prime suspects and must recruit the best of the cybernet underground to help clear their names. Staring: Jonny Lee Miller, Angelina Jolie, Jesse Bradford. Released: 15 Sep 1995. Learn More: IMDB | Wikipedia
The full movie is available to view for free with sponsor ads from YouTube. [View]
[Posted: 20200110fr1949]
Document History
- The YouTube video link was checked to confirm that the movie is still available. The Document History section was created at the bottom of the page. The page was converted from the Classic WordPress editor format to the block layout format. (21 May 2022 at 6:12 PM CT)
- This post was originally created on 10 Jan 2020. The post date was set to 15 Sep 1995 which is the release date of the movie. (10 Jan 2020 at 7:49 PM CT)