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Home Based Business Guide


Summary. It could be said that launching your own home-based business is part of the American dream.

Cottage industries are sprouting up daily. For example, the cottage cottage industry (people making and selling small homes) is increasingly popular among carpentry and business savvy individuals. Pictured here is Jay Shafer of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.

In addition to innovative startups like Tumbleweed Homes, there are also turnkey micro franchises. The most well known being Amway, Avon, HerbalifeMary Kay, Pampered Chef, Shaklee, Tastefully Simple, Tupperware.

Micro franchises are popular because for typically less than $100 a person can get started in their own home-based business with a brand name national (or global) company behind you.

“I think a person really needs to believe in the company they are working with, because often your efforts don’t get rewarded financially. Here’s an example. I recently met someone who had a sampling table of Tastefully Simple products at a local shopping mall. It’s likely that some of the people sampling those products will simply order them online. Even those who support your business may dwindle as customers move or fall away for other reasons. Although signup costs are generally small, the cost in time and business materials can be huge. When calculating how much you’re earning with your home based business, consider all the expenses related to your business. Calculate the profits (income minus expenses) and see if you are earning more than minimum wage.” ~ Gregory Johnson

For further information, visit the U.S. Government Home Based Business Resources page.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the website. Learn more at