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Nikki Haley Report 2024

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Nikke Haley is a former governor, ambassador, and presidential candidate. This page offers news and information about her ongoing work.

Haley continues in a leadership and service capacity through public engagement and the Stand for America public policy group. The group receives donations through REVV and WinRed.

Digging In or Caving In

With regard to recent developments in the Republican Party, there seem to be a few paths people can take.

  1. DIG IN — Some party members are digging in and doubling down on traditional Republican policies and positions. They frequently refer to previous Republican Presidents and party leaders as guides for going forward. Examples would be Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney.
  2. CAVE IN — Some party members may not be enthusiastic about the direction the Republican Party is heading in, but they are giving into the new leadership to see where the parade is going.
  3. ALL IN — Some people are enthusiastic about the gritty rebranding of the Republican Party. They welcome a tougher rougher party.
  4. LEAVE — Some people are leaving the party to be independent, or make a statement by joining the Democratic Party.

Nikki Haley seems to be in the second group above. If she was sincere during her campaign, the advice she gave over many months was offered in a genuine effort to improve or save the party.

After many months of being critical of Trump, in May 2024, Haley announced that she would be voting for Trump for President.

Haley has been unfairly accused of abandoning her followers. In the first debate, Haley said she would vote for whoever the party chose. She’s keeping her promise. At this point, the majority in the party has spoken. Haley doesn’t have many options. She could fight against Trump — which would likely end her political career. There would not likely be a warm welcome if she tried to join with Democrats. As with children who are given advice, and reject it, she seems to be letting the majority of party members get what they want and suffer the consequences. She’s refusing to be kicked out of the party.

As Haley gets absorbed into the MAGA movement, there may be less unique news to report about her since she will be likely be echoing the familiar talking points of the MAGA movement with a glassy-eyed distant stare.

As unique news is available about Haley, an effort will be made to provide that here.

PBS (24 May 2024)

“Brooks and Capehart on Nikki Haley announcing her support for Trump” — New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Amna Nawaz to discuss the week in politics, including Nikki Haley’s announcement she’s backing Donald Trump, how voters may react to the verdict in Trump’s criminal trial and President Biden’s attempt to appeal to Black and Hispanic voters as polls show Trump is gaining their support. [Source]

MSNBC (23 May 2024)

“Nicolle Wallace: ‘Nikki Haley turned her back on her own voters’” — Vaughn Hillyard, NBC News Correspondent joins Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss Nikki Haley’s endorsement of her former Presidential primary opponent Donald Trump who she has said is dangerous, has cognitive decline, all to keep in good standing in the Republican party, which has become the party of Trump. [Source]

ABC News (22 May 2024)

“Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump” — Former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley said she will vote for former Pres. Trump in November during remarks in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. [Source]

Hudson Institute (22 May 2024)

“Nikki Haley on the Dangers of National Security Weakness” — Join Hudson in welcoming Ambassador Nikki R. Haley for her inaugural event as the Walter P. Stern Chair. She will deliver a special address on United States foreign policy amid wars in the Middle East and Europe and growing tensions in Asia. Following her remarks, she will sit down with Hudson’s Peter Rough for a fireside chat. [ Event Page | Event Video ]

16 May 2024

“Nikki Haley continues to draw notable amount of votes in primaries” — Nikki Haley continues to draw a notable number of votes in Republican primaries even though she’s no longer running. Can former President Donald Trump win over her supporters? Or might President Biden bank away her votes? Political strategists Olivia Perez-Cubas and Chuck Rocha discuss. [Source]

NewsNation (13 May 2024)

“What’s next for Nikki Haley?” — Former President Donald Trump confirmed that Nikki Haley is not being considered as his vice presidential running mate in the 2024 election. Now, questions remain about what Haley’s next steps will be after it was reported that she met with donors in South Carolina. NewsNation political and economic contributor Mick Mulvaney says a more interesting question is how will Haley stay relevant over the next few years so she can run for president again in 2028. [View]

6 Mar 2024

5 Mar 2024

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com