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Kamala Harris Report 2024

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news and information about Kamala Harris who is now accepted by her party as the successor to Joe Biden. On 21 Jul 2024, she received Biden’s endorsement when he withdrew from running for reelection in the 2024 election. In 2020, Harris was democratically elected with over 81 million votes, as the… Continue reading Kamala Harris Report 2024

Civility Report 2024

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news and video footage relating to the political climate in the United States. These examples are based on a democratic system that is properly fueled and supported by what are known as the columns of democracy. Eroded Social Infrastructure An eroded social infrastructure happens when Democracy is under attack, and such… Continue reading Civility Report 2024

Fauci Report 2024

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides current news about Dr. Anthony Fauci including recent news interviews. Some older videos are included for context and background. More information will be added as it is available. Fauci’s has published a new book, On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service. [Amazon] Fauci Bio on Amazon Anthony Fauci is arguably… Continue reading Fauci Report 2024

Bill Maher Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides some current news about Bill Maher. More content will be added as it becomes available. For a good primer on the current state of Maher, watch the Anderson Cooper interview from 20 May 2024. [View] Super-fan Critics Club Bill Maher falls into the category of “Super-fan Critics” — similar to a… Continue reading Bill Maher Report 2024

Mitt Romney Report 2024

Photo by Shahid Tanweer on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides current news about Mitt Romney. On 22 May 2024, Romney shared comments on what he calls Utah’s worst drought since the 1500s. This and other news is below. News July 4th Message (4 Jul 2024) “May God bless our great country” — Although America’s ascent was improbable, we’ve achieved a level… Continue reading Mitt Romney Report 2024

Joe Biden Report 2024

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

Summary This document offers some news and information about Joe Biden in 2024 leading up to the presidential election in November. More selected content will be added to this page as it becomes available. Videos Below are some videos about Biden. Some of these mix humor with news. This election cycle various news media outlets… Continue reading Joe Biden Report 2024

Nikki Haley Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary Nikke Haley is a former governor, ambassador, and presidential candidate. This page offers news and information about her ongoing work. Haley continues in a leadership and service capacity through public engagement and the Stand for America public policy group. The group receives donations through REVV and WinRed. Digging In or Caving In With regard… Continue reading Nikki Haley Report 2024

Liz Cheney Report 2024

Photo by Tom Fournier on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides recent news about Liz Cheney — a Wyoming resident known for her work promoting shared values and supporting democracy. Her book “Oath and Honor” is a memoir that offers a more thorough explanation of her views and background. News Below are videos in chronological order with the most recent at the… Continue reading Liz Cheney Report 2024

Scaramucci Report 2024

Photo by Chris Schippers on Pexels.com

Summary Anthony Scaramucci is best known as the Founder and Co-Managing Partner of SkyBridge Capital and Chairman of SALT (SkyBridge Alternatives Conference). [More] This document provides some updated information about Scaramucci as well as older content for background and context. Books Scaramucci has authored and co-authored many books, mostly on finance. [Amazon] His latest book… Continue reading Scaramucci Report 2024

Democracy Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides selected resources and news stories about the state of Democracy in the United States. More information will be added during the year. Some older content is provided for context. For more, read Democracy Report 2023. News Below are videos and news stories that offer insights. CNN (30 Jun 2024) “Fareed’s take:… Continue reading Democracy Report 2024

DJT Report 2023

Photo by Aaron Kittredge on Pexels.com

Summary As of September 2023, the future occupation and preoccupation of Donald Trump remains somewhat uncertain. He is running for president, and seems to have a strong lead in the Republican presidential primary going into the 2024 presidential election. Some commentary is provided here, and below that are news entries in chronological order with the… Continue reading DJT Report 2023

Unity Through Cooperation

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Summary Unity is important for effective business outcomes and broader social wellbeing. Cooperation is the process of identifying the skills, insights, and interests of diverse people and groups, then leveraging those assets for greater outcomes. Cooperation is not Compromise There’s an incorrect belief that cooperation involves compromise. The most effective collaborative efforts happen when people… Continue reading Unity Through Cooperation