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Documentary: “Praying for Armageddon”

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The documentary “Praying for Armageddon” examines the Christian doctrine that promises the return of Jesus in the end times once certain criteria are met. [IMDB]

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Al Jazeera offers the documentary “Praying for Armageddon” as a two part series provided below.

PART 1 of 2

PART 2 of 2


For context, the following independent commentary is offered.

Some believers are patiently waiting for the end of days. Others are trying to speed up the end of the world by putting pieces in place that might trigger the battle of Armageddon. The battle is expected to take place in Megiddo, about 60 air miles north of Jerusalem.

Other elements of end-times prophesy describe Jewish people returning to the land of Israel. So, eager Christians are encouraging and funding their return. [Source: Wikipedia] In 2022, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews helped bring 9,000 Jewish people to Israel. [Source: IFCJ]

Another sign of the end is the promise of trees growing in the desert as prophesied in Isaiah 41:19. By 1935, 1.7 million trees were planted over 1,750 acres. More trees have been planted since then. [Source: JNF] Today trees are indeed growing in the desert.

So, planting trees, bringing Jewish people to Israel, and other tasks are thought to help speed the end of the world.

Some events are expected to happen in the predestined time. Revelations 13 is interpreted as referring to a world leader who has a wound to the head yet survives. The movie The Omega Code is a dramatic portrayal of this. [View at 1h 12m 50s] The movie depicts the leader as a non-religious person who despite his moral failings and character flaws, has a power over many religious followers and devotees. The leader is hit in the head by an assassin’s bullet, but he survives. We recently had a similar world leader who was wounded in the head by an assassin yet survived. His followers consider it a miracle and intervention of God.

Alternate Interpretations

There are alternate interpretations of the scripture that do not include a pessimistic and destructive end to humanity and the earth.

For many believers, the gospel message is about brining the kingdom of heaven to earth through kindness and good deeds.

A significant prayer of Jesus begins with these words from Matthew 6:9-10:

  • Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. [Source]

Note the kingdom of God is said to be arriving on earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus proclaims the following in Matthew 5:5:

  • Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. [Source]

Proclamations that promise the kingdom on earth being inherited by the meek would suggest that God’s plan is not to have the world destroyed by an end times war.

If you are a Christian who believes that we’re called and equipped to bring or establish heaven on earth, then you’ll be focused on promoting peace rather than war.

In the movie The Seventh Sign, a central character in the movie meets someone who is trying to bring about the end of the world. She finally realizes this and says, “You’re not here to help. You want the world to end.” [See Video Clip at 4m 11s]

We imagine that all Christians are like Mother Teresa, working to bring about healing and peace on earth. The scriptures teach us to live out the teachings and example of Christ. Unfortunately, there are some people who are working to expedite the end of the world rather than show the love of Jesus.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com