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Values Report 2024

Photo by Abby Kihano on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides resources for anyone interested in studying values. Values are positive character strengths that have been recognized throughout history as desirable. They are generally common across various cultures and belief systems. Aesop’s Fables Captivating the hearts and minds of kids and adults for generations, Aesop, a former Greek slave, developed simple and… Continue reading Values Report 2024

Scaramucci Report 2024

Photo by Chris Schippers on Pexels.com

Summary Anthony Scaramucci is best known as the Founder and Co-Managing Partner of SkyBridge Capital and Chairman of SALT (SkyBridge Alternatives Conference). [More] This document provides some updated information about Scaramucci as well as older content for background and context. Books Scaramucci has authored and co-authored many books, mostly on finance. [Amazon] His latest book… Continue reading Scaramucci Report 2024

Christianity Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Introduction The Christian religion has proven to be very resilient and adaptable to various cultures. At its core, the faith is fairly simple. There is a central text (the Bible) and central teacher (Jesus). The main precept is to follow the life and teachings of Jesus, with a general tendency toward doing good and helping… Continue reading Christianity Report 2024

Lessons from Actors 2023

Photo by Paul Deetman on Pexels.com

Summary We imagine that successful actors rise to stardom through having had all the right opportunities combined with being confident before the camera and audiences. In reality, it’s often the least likely to succeed who seem to be the most likely to succeed as is evidenced by the list below. This page offers examples of… Continue reading Lessons from Actors 2023

World Wedding Traditions 2022

Photo by Min An on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides a sampling of wedding videos from different cultures around the world. They are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top. A description and date is provided for each video. Note that wedding videographers may not approve their videos for embedding on websites. So, they must be viewed… Continue reading World Wedding Traditions 2022

The Grand Lama of Tibetan Buddhism Has Arrived

Photo by Magicbowls on Pexels.com

Summary At over 28,000 feet, Kangchenjunga is the third highest mountain in the world. With a view of the mountain, the community of Darjeeling in the Eastern Himalayas is now welcoming the the Grand Lama of Tibetan Buddhism as reported in the video below. ABOUT — Ratak Puntso seems like any other 2-year-olds, but he… Continue reading The Grand Lama of Tibetan Buddhism Has Arrived

Hassidic Music Sampling 2022

Summary This page offers a selection of Hassidic celebratory songs. Videos below are in chronological order with the most recent at the top. The purpose of this page is to inform and inspire. Hachnosas Sefer Torah Event (9 Nov 2022) “Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Bobov” — [Source] ״הבן יקיר לי״ — “My Dear Son” (31… Continue reading Hassidic Music Sampling 2022

Mike Pence — So Help Me God

Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

Summary In So Help Me God by Mike Pence, we get an unfiltered candid look at the former Vice President from one of his greatest critics — himself. This page offers some of the information found on the book’s Amazon page. At the bottom of this document is the review and commentary I posted to… Continue reading Mike Pence — So Help Me God

Religion Report 2022

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some commentary and news about the state of world religions. A better understanding of diverse views helps promote more effective interactions between people. Four Major Religions When measured by the number of adherents, there are only four major religions in the world: Christianity (31%), Islam (24%), Hinduism (15%), and Buddhism (7%).  Minor… Continue reading Religion Report 2022

Book Report 2022

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This page offers some commentary on books for those interested in reading as an alternative to social media and source for a way to stimulate the mind. These entries are in chronological order with source and date as a heading. Some commentary is provided at the top of the page. Commentary TIME TRAVEL —… Continue reading Book Report 2022

Thich Nhat Hanh Reference 2022

Photo by Diego Madrigal on Pexels.com

Summary This document offers some recent video documentaries and other resources relating to the life and teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. (11 Oct 1926 – 22 Jan 2022) Books For readers of eBooks, books by Thich Nhat Hanh available for instant delivery are available on Amazon. [View] A list of popular titles from… Continue reading Thich Nhat Hanh Reference 2022