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Christianity Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Introduction The Christian religion has proven to be very resilient and adaptable to various cultures. At its core, the faith is fairly simple. There is a central text (the Bible) and central teacher (Jesus). The main precept is to follow the life and teachings of Jesus, with a general tendency toward doing good and helping… Continue reading Christianity Report 2024

Religion Report 2022

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some commentary and news about the state of world religions. A better understanding of diverse views helps promote more effective interactions between people. Four Major Religions When measured by the number of adherents, there are only four major religions in the world: Christianity (31%), Islam (24%), Hinduism (15%), and Buddhism (7%).  Minor… Continue reading Religion Report 2022

PBS DOCUMENTARY — “From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians”

This is four-hour series on the rise of Christianity examines how Judaism and the Roman empire shaped Jesus’ life and traces the beginnings of the “Jesus Movement” in those early years before it was called Christianity. (PBS FRONTLINE, 22 Dec 2020) PART 1 (1h 49m) PART 2 (1h 51m) [Video Date: 22 Dec 2020. Posted:… Continue reading PBS DOCUMENTARY — “From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians”

Hijab and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nuns

Through the years, many religions have prescribed specific clothing and head covering for practitioners of the faith. Groups sometimes use clothing as a mark of uniqueness or distinction for their specific sect of a religion. Religious clothing is sometimes included with other symbols of faith to present a romanticized alluring old-world portrayal of religious life.… Continue reading Hijab and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nuns

Parallel Teachings of Sikhism and Christianity – Defining the Enemy

The diversity of world philosophies, religions, and viewpoints often share common teachings and core values. One example is the the way that Sikhism and Christianity define the enemy. In Sikhism it is believed, “our enemies are not particular individuals or peoples; rather, we seek to eradicate human tendencies that bring suffering in this world, such… Continue reading Parallel Teachings of Sikhism and Christianity – Defining the Enemy

Is Love Your Bottom Line?

Lifeways > Christianity In exploring our inner compass, we learn about what our bottom line is. People sometimes gravitate toward fame, or money, or the path of life that is easiest. Others work hard to build up a business, organization, or promote a cause. When love is the bottom line, when love is the compass… Continue reading Is Love Your Bottom Line?

When Christianity Offends: Going Beyond Doctrines to Follow the Life and Teachings of Jesus

Lifeways > Christianity Summary. Of all the religiously based tension and violence in the world, much seems to occur between people of the same religion. Some of this is due to power struggles similar to companies competing for a greater market share. Sometimes tension exists over small differences in scriptural interpretation and doctrine. For this reason,… Continue reading When Christianity Offends: Going Beyond Doctrines to Follow the Life and Teachings of Jesus

Revival Formula: City + Prayer + Praise = CityPrayz.com

Lifeways > Christianity Summary. CityPrayz is a Christian ministry that offers live worship events as well as online devotional readings and inspiring worship music videos. Prayer and Praise. The name CityPrayz appears to be a fusion of the words city, prayer, and praise and offers a formula for personal and community renewal and revival. Power of… Continue reading Revival Formula: City + Prayer + Praise = CityPrayz.com

Effective Living Through Kindness

Activism | Lifeways Effective Living Through Kindness by Gregory Johnson We are living in a challenging time when the healers of the world (activists) need to live as effectively as possible. The journey of effective living is to take on those things (tools, knowledge, habits, virtues, and training) that make a person more effective, and… Continue reading Effective Living Through Kindness

Origin of Species 150th Anniversary Edition by Charles Darwin with an Introduction by Christian Evangelist Ray Comfort Presents Evangelical Christian Creationism with Evolution Theories in a Single Book

Activism | Lifeways Summary. One of the most controversial books of its time is now one of the most controversial books of our time. This 150th anniversary edition of The Origin of Species was published as an outreach initiative of Christian evangelical leader Ray Comfort, founder of Living Waters. The entire text is available for free… Continue reading Origin of Species 150th Anniversary Edition by Charles Darwin with an Introduction by Christian Evangelist Ray Comfort Presents Evangelical Christian Creationism with Evolution Theories in a Single Book

Catholic Pope and Orthodox Christian Church Leadership Proclaims Environmental Pollution is a Sin

Environment | Lifeways > Christianity Summary. Catholic and Orthodox church leadership joined forces in declaring that Christians have an obligation to care for the earth. This proclamation may in part be a response to the scripture that states a time will come when those who destroy the earth will be destroyed. (see Revelations 11:18) An article published by The… Continue reading Catholic Pope and Orthodox Christian Church Leadership Proclaims Environmental Pollution is a Sin