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Small House Society News 201302

Small House Society – News 201302 | February 2013

Dear Friend,

I know that time is precious for everyone, so I’ll try to keep this update short. The approximate reading time is about 5 minutes. Further down, there’s some repetition of announcements from last month for those who’ve just joined the list.

Serving the Movement. The month of February was quite busy with responding to emails and phone calls from reporters around the world writing about the small house movement. There were also many support requests coming from those seeking to pursue smaller living.

Less is Better. In last month’s newsletter, I wrote about the need to overcome the bigger is better message that has been so prevalent. I gave an example of an AT&T commercial that promotes this message.

This is the anti-small message from AT&T that’s been promoted in their advertising.

In contrast to the message above promoted by AT&T, the India division of Panasonic has as their advertising campaign slogan “Less is Always Better” to promote their green technologies. They have various ads promoting this message. Here’s an example:

Thanks. I want to thank the global team of volunteers and contributors “behind the scenes” who help make all this possible. I’m very grateful to the many people who continue to uphold and advance the mission of the Small House Society. Thanks again for your support. Please let me know if there is any way that the Small House Society can serve you better.

Gregory Johnson, Facilitator, President, Co-Founder
Small House Society

Internet: http://www.smallhousesociety.org
E-Mail: shs @ resourcesforlife.com (without spaces)
Postal: c/o Resources for Life, PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717
Phone: (319) 621-4911
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By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com