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Summary. This is the information page for the ResourcesForLife.com Volunteer Internship Program (previously the Volunteer Action Team RFLVAT). Our Volunteer Internship Personnel are VIPs who provide essential services. Below are ways you can volunteer your time to help ResourcesForLife.com have a greater impact. Thanks for your support!

Students. If you are working to earn class credit, and need a letter of confirmation from us, please provide us with the date, time, and description of your work.

Available Projects. This page is updated periodically with new information. For larger projects, you may want to check with us first to find out if there is already a coordinated effort of volunteers working on a given project. In this way we won’t be duplicating efforts.

Getting Started. Here are some preliminary steps to get you started.

  • Facebook. Group communications is essential. Please join our Facebook Group page to get started with the Resources for Life VIP Team.
  • Kiva. We’re currently promoting Kiva as a great way to help people save up money while doing good at the same time. Please join our Kiva Lending Team. Joining is free. After joining, you may qualify for a $25 Kiva Gift Certificate. You can invest it, and then cash in on the investment when it matures.
  • WordPress. We use WordPress to manage the content on our site. The best way for you to help us is to submit content that is in clean and compatible HTML format. The content on our site typically includes  text, links, lists, and sometimes embedded images and/or videos. Create a WordPress website of your own where you can edit and post content for aggregation (gathering) and posting to the ResourcesForLife.com website. Let us know if you need assistance with this. Basically this involves creating a blog/website at WordPress where we can get your contributed content. If you’re an active volunteer, we can help train you on WordPress and help promote your online visibility.

Global Opportunities. Here are some volunteer opportunities for people in any location.

  • Activism Categories. The list of activism categories is outdated and needs to be moved to our new site format. You can help by researching one or more of these categories for us.
  • Book Promotion. Consider purchasing a copy of Put Your Life on a Diet. Read the book and then write a review on Amazon and/or on your blog or Facebook page. This book is essentially the printed version of the ResourcesForLife.com message as experience and told by the Director of the site.
  • Content Checking. Occasionally we have a typo on our site, or once active links are outdated. Feedback and editorial comments about these and other issues are of great help.
  • Electric Car Research. We need updated information on what electric cars are currently available on the market. We plan to post this on our Life Mobility page.
  • Quotes. We need quotes that convey a message consistent with the topics on our website such as relationships, health, activism.
  • Small House Research. ResourcesForLife.com is the host for the Small House Society which is considered to be a global source for the latest information in simple and small living. We need to make sure our online documentation and resources are up-to-date.
    • Affordable, Easy to Build, Easy to Own. Small homes are generally easier to assemble, yet most people don’t have the skills required to build one. Research needs to be done in the area of easy to assemble, inexpensive, modular housing that can be accepted according to local building codes. Housing is so essential for every human being, it should be affordable and easy to assemble. Renting is just a form of financial servitude and indebtedness that enriches someone else’s equity and net worth. For this reason, individual home ownership is a very important part of allowing everyone to participate in the capitalist system (not just a select few).
    • Small House Communities. Research is underway to expand out list of small house communities. Let us know if you’d like to work with us on this project or have something to add. Thanks.
    • Small House Designers. We need to add more designers and builders to our list.
    • Small House Friendly Cities. We need to compile a list of cities and communities that have building and zoning codes that are small house friendly. This list will help people who are looking to relocated to such areas.
    • Media. There are probably news stories about the Small House Society that we’ve overlooked and need to add to our list of media coverage. Please help us find those.
    • Resources. We need to expand our resources section. In particular, we need to offer more books and other resources in our online store.
  • Site Promotion. If you have a blog, please consider linking to ResourcesForLife.com and/or relevant sub pages of the site. For those of you who completed the Getting Started steps, you can link from your Facebook pages and WordPress blog/website to the ResourcesForLife.com website.
  • Store. Our online store needs to be occasionally updated to have the latest relevant products for the various categories and topics represented.
  • Video. We need quality video content from YouTube that relates to health, finance, relationships, and other categories on our website.

Local Opportunities. Here are some volunteer opportunities for people in the Iowa City area.

  • Property Liquidation. We’re currently working on a property liquidation project and need assistance with taking photos of items that will be sold on eBay. As items are purchased, they will need to be packaged and shipped out. In helping with this project, you’ll learn how to start a property liquidation service of your own.
  • VIP Team Facilitator. We’re currently looking for a volunteer to help manage our volunteer team. Contact us if you are interested in the position.