
Adonaikido – Principles, Teachings, and Practices


Oneness and Balance. The Adonaikido practitioner works toward achieving and sustaining awareness, balance, and harmony of body, spirit, and soul, in a state of oneness with the entire physical and non-physical universe. The Adonaikido practitioner seeks to grow in many interdependent areas of life simultaneously such as health, intellect, finances, family, career, etc. For an introduction to this concept, visit the Resources for Life Map Page. The bonsai tree symbolizes the mindful, minimalist, cultivated, and disciplined growth of the Adonaikido practitioner.

Comparison to Martial Arts. Adonaikido differs from other martial arts in the following ways:

  • Our dojo (school) is the world.
  • Our Sensei (teacher) is life itself.
  • Our tournaments are daily and moment by moment.
  • Most often, our greatest opponent is self.
  • The black belt is the furthest achievement, but it represents one who is the greatest servant to others. A person may change their belt color to indicate their personal assessment of how effectively they are serving the earth community at any given time. Brown, green, and black belts are the most common colors.
  • At times, lack of motion or action is the best response.

Principles, Teachings, and Practices. Below are some characteristics of Adonaikido.

  • Charity. Regular giving of financial and material support is an important teaching of Adonaikido. It is believe that what we give from will be blessed. If we give of our money, we will be given more. If we give of our strength and body, we will be given greater health and wellness. If we donate time and energy from our professional expertise and vocation, that area of our life will be blessed and expanded. For this reason, the Adonaikido practitioner engages in holistic and comprehensive giving.
  • Clothing. The clothing of the Adonaikido practitioner is Amish in its modest simplicity. Renewable plant derived fabrics (such as Hemp) are used as much as possible. Leather is avoided because the practitioner considers it inappropriate to wear pieces and skin from dead animals. Animals are treated with the same respect as humans.
  • Earth Connectedness. The practitioner of Adonaikido typically lives outdoors in a minimalist, small, and simple off-the-grid cabin or cottage such as the Mobile Hermitage. For more about smaller and simpler living, visit the Small House Society.
  • Eating Process. The act of eating is sacred to the Adonaikido practitioner. It is both spiritual and physical. Great attention is given to detail, form, and motion. The casual observer would not know that the practitioner is improvising what appears to be an ancient ritual. At other times, eating is quite casual depending on the whims of the practitioner.
  • Eating Utensils. The Adonaikido practitioner usually carries organically grown bamboo chop sticks at all times, since “Western” or European eating utensils are discouraged. This practice makes it impractical for the practitioner to attempt to eat foods such as: the “Big Mac,” the “Whopper,” pizza, ice cream, Twinkies, pigs feet, Captain Crunch breakfast cereal, Pop Tarts, and other such harmful foods which have contributed to the downfall of Western civilization. During the sacred process of eating, the practitioner is ever mindful of the Adonaikido proverb which states, “One chop stick, not enough. Three chop sticks, too many. Two chop sticks, harmony and balance.” This simple lesson teaches the importance of balance, reminding the practitioner that a stick alone is useless for eating, yet when combined with another, working together, they become an effective tool. So too, the student must combine their life, with the life energy of the Universe to become an effective tool. Relying on bamboo sticks for nourishment reminds the practitioner of their humble dependence on nature for life, and upon G-d who made all creation. For this reason, it is common for a practitioner to bow before eating while holding the bamboo chopsticks in their cupped hands as an expression of respect.
  • Family. In Adonaikido, the family is considered to be the cornerstone of society and civilization. However, it is not expected that every man and woman will marry. Those who do marry, are not expected to have children. Rather than having a parent to children ratio of 2:2 or 2:5 the ratio of adults to children is greater. In this way, an abundance of time, energy, finances, and resources are available to nurture and support children. This also results in zero or negative population growth (an important teaching and practice in Adonaikido). Siblings may choose to remain unmarried or without children and instead support the families of their brother(s) and/or sister(s). Families may receive support from others in the community. In this way, families, parents, and children receive an abundance of support which strengthens marriages and families by reducing strain and stress.
  • Food and Nutrition. The Adonaikido practitioner eats primarily organic vegan foods from local sources. Many Western foods are avoided and considered “not Kosher.” Parts, pieces, and flesh of dead animals, for example, would be avoided, since animals are treated with the same respect as humans. While there are no strict rules regarding diet, the Adonaikido practitioner seeks to benefit from natural and plant derived foods as emphasized in the first chapter of the Biblical book of Daniel and stressed by other world religions, as well as numerous studies and documentaries such as Diet for a New America. For more information, visit the Health Resource Group.
  • Greeting. Bowing is often preferred as a greeting rather than a hand shake, since the extending of the hand can be viewed as an invitation to engage in hand-to-hand combat (“mano-a-mano”). Hands placed palm to palm (as in prayer) during the greeting bow is customary.
  • Housing. Adonaikido encourages sustainable green housing such as the Mobile Hermitage.
  • Language and Terminology. The vocabulary used in Adonaikido is rich and diverse drawing from many languages including sign language and even body language or “action” as a form of language and communication.
  • Mentoring. The Adonaikido practitioner has an inner desire to be humble, to learn, to grow, and to change for the better. Central to this, is the tradition of having a Sensei, Teacher, Rabbi, Mentor, or Life Coach. For more information on this concept, visit Har Tikvah Outreach.
  • Music. The religious music of Adonaikido comes from a variety of world religions and traditions, however it is predominantly contemporary Christian worship music which emphasizes G-d. Visit Heart Songs to learn more.
  • Name. It is common for the Adonaikido practitioner to be given a Hebrew name and to be called by that name rather than their birth name. For more information, visit the Directory of Hebrew and Bible Name Meanings.
  • Simplicity. The Adonaikido practitioner pursues and cultivates a simple life. Through simplicity, a greater degree of financial freedom is achieved, there is more free time in the schedule, and that which is spiritual can have a greater influence. For an introduction into simple living, visit the Simple Living Resource Group.
  • Transportation. The practitioner of Adonaikido will defer to walking or riding a bicycle instead of using petroleum dependent modes of transportation. These alternatives to automobile transportation save money, increase health, reduce noise, reduce air pollution, take up less space, require less maintenance, use fewer resources and are usually faster. Visit the Life Mobility Transportation Group to learn more about alternative methods of travel.
  • Washing. Cleanliness and hygiene are central to Adonaikido. The observance and practice of cleanliness is learned from the Raccoon and other animals. Cleansing products, such as shampoo, hand soap, and dish soap, should contain natural plant based organic ingredients. Often times, the practitioner uses only fresh water to wash.
Categorized as Lifeways

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the website. Learn more at