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Iran Has the Fourth Largest Cyber Army in the World (5 Jan 2020)

According to the CBC report below, Iran now has the fourth largest cyber army in the world with an estimated 100,000 cyber soldiers. Date: 5 Jan 2020. Posted: 6 Jan 2020. Learn More Iran says it would no longer abide by any of the limits of its 2015 nuclear deal, abandoning the accord’s key provisions… Continue reading Iran Has the Fourth Largest Cyber Army in the World (5 Jan 2020)

Emphasis on Russian Hacking is Misguided, Overblown, and Counter Productive

Latest News and Intelligence The following Senate hearing video from 5 January 2017 provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive intelligence information provided by the top ranking members of the military and intelligence community. The video is 3 hours and 23 minutes long. Summary There’s been a significant amount of news coverage, intelligence gathering, and diplomatic… Continue reading Emphasis on Russian Hacking is Misguided, Overblown, and Counter Productive