
Apple Mountain Lion Window Resize Trick from Upper Right Corner

You may have noticed that in recent Mac OS updates, Apple now allow for most program windows to be resized from all sides and corners, except seemingly from the top right corner which is reserved for making programs run in full-screen mode. On any other edge of a program window, the mouse pointer changes shape… Continue reading Apple Mountain Lion Window Resize Trick from Upper Right Corner

Computer Security: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Mac OS X – RISK: HIGH

Security Alert 2012-077:  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Mac OS X Date Issued:  September 21, 2012 Maximum Risk Rating/Severity:  High Overview: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple’s Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server that could allow remote code execution. Mac OS X is a desktop operating system for the Apple Mac. Mac OS X… Continue reading Computer Security: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Apple Mac OS X – RISK: HIGH

Preserving Apple Console System.log Events File for Usage Analysis – Preventing Turned Over Purged Erased Data

Technology > Apple Summary. Apple Mac computers keep a log of significant events and errors. Log files can be viewed in the Console program (found under Applications > Utilities). The system.log file (one of many log files), contains some useful information. For this reason, there are seven archives (backups) of that file. The older system.log… Continue reading Preserving Apple Console System.log Events File for Usage Analysis – Preventing Turned Over Purged Erased Data

Apple MacBook Pro Overheating and Slow due to AdobeResourceSynchronizer, HP Device Monitor, and HP Event Handler Having Excessively High CPU Utilization – Activity Monitor

Technology > Apple Summary. Apple Mac computers can sometimes get overheated if a program process is incorrectly over-utilizing the processor. Activity Monitor. For this reason, it’s helpful to run the Activity Monitor, found under Applications > Utilities. This is similar to the Windows Task Manager. Normal Idle CPU Utilization. When viewing CPU usage using the… Continue reading Apple MacBook Pro Overheating and Slow due to AdobeResourceSynchronizer, HP Device Monitor, and HP Event Handler Having Excessively High CPU Utilization – Activity Monitor