
Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin – Released from Prison

On Thursday, 29 April 2010, I testified in Federal Court as a witness in the case of the United States v. Rubashkin. When I say I was a witness, I hadn’t witnessed a crime. I had witnessed the absence of a crime. That’s what I was in court to testify about. The case against Rubashkin had… Continue reading Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin – Released from Prison

Why I agree with 107 former Justice officials that Sholom Rubashkin should be set free

On 26 December 2016, writing on behalf of 107 former Justice officials, in a Washington Post article, former deputy attorney general Philip B. Heymann made the case for releasing Sholom Rubashkin. I’d like to add my support for their request. I first learned of Sholom Rubashkin many years ago after seeing some disturbing video footage recorded covertly… Continue reading Why I agree with 107 former Justice officials that Sholom Rubashkin should be set free