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How to unsubscribe from the Los Angeles Times and Cancel the Digital Access Subscription [SOLVED]

UPDATE: 28 Mar 2023 The LA Times now provides a page with this concise description of how to unsubscribe: They have clarified that even if the payments stop being received, your subscription obligation continues until you formally request a cancellation of the subscription. You will be obligated to pay past-due subscription fees until you cancel.… Continue reading How to unsubscribe from the Los Angeles Times and Cancel the Digital Access Subscription [SOLVED]

Website Footer Copyright Notice Disclaimer Statements – What Year to Use

In the early years of the Internet, it was common for a website to have the year of launch as the copyright year. The older the date, the more impressed site visitors would be with how old and presumably well-established and reputable the site was. It was similar to businesses having pride in their date… Continue reading Website Footer Copyright Notice Disclaimer Statements – What Year to Use

The Dumbing Down of Technology: Demanding and Expecting Less of Consumers

Growing up, I had the opportunity to live during the final years of the tinkering era. “Some assembly required” was an understatement with Heath Kit electronic devices. The purchaser would receive a bunch of parts with assembly instructions and be expected to create a working device. It was the equivalent of cooking from scratch for electronics enthusiasts.… Continue reading The Dumbing Down of Technology: Demanding and Expecting Less of Consumers

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Advice on Buying and Selling Timeshare Properties and Vacation Plans

(Source: FTC) Buying and Selling Timeshares and Vacation Plans The thought of owning a vacation home may sound appealing, but the year-round responsibility — and expense — that come with it may not. Purchasing a timeshare or vacation plan may be an alternative. If you consider a timeshare or vacation plan, the Federal Trade Commission… Continue reading Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Advice on Buying and Selling Timeshare Properties and Vacation Plans

Guidelines for Reporting an Attorney for Ethical Violations

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

Consumer Defense Introduction. The financial cost, time commitment, academic demands, and perseverance required to become an attorney present a series of hurdles that function as a refining qualifier for those who ultimately serve society as lawyers. As a result, only those who are intelligent, committed, and of strong character become lawyers and succeed. It’s likely… Continue reading Guidelines for Reporting an Attorney for Ethical Violations

Horrible Experience with an Immigration Attorney

Consumer Defense Below is an anonymous story that offers an example of what can happen if an unqualified lawyer is used for immigration services. This story emphasizes the importance of finding a quality lawyer early on. Prior to choosing an immigration attorney, read the document Guidelines for Finding a Qualified Immigration Attorney for Obtaining an… Continue reading Horrible Experience with an Immigration Attorney

United Airlines Customer Service Agents Kick Service Dog of Jim Stanek a Disabled Vet

In a shocking incident, Jim Stanek, a disabled military veteran, says United Airlines employees kicked his service dog not once but twice, while at the airport. One employee also insulted Jim by calling him derogatory names. Jim Stanek is the founder of Paws and Stripes, which pairs disabled vets with service dogs. Jim has served three… Continue reading United Airlines Customer Service Agents Kick Service Dog of Jim Stanek a Disabled Vet

Maxine – The Economy is So Bad

Consumer Defense | Finance “The economy is so bad, you need a good dose of Maxine!”~ Greg Johnson We had re-posted on our website an email that has circulated the globe many times over and found its way into the email inboxes of millions. The email contained a dozen Maxine cartoons and quotes about the economy.… Continue reading Maxine – The Economy is So Bad