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MacOS Catalina Apple iCloud Terms and Conditions Server Error

UPDATE – 17 Oct 2019: After the most recent MacOS update for Catalina, the annoying message described below seems to have gone away. __________________ If you recently upgraded to MacOS Catalina, you have likely encountered an error message when trying to accept the new iCloud Terms and Conditions. There is a message in System Preferences… Continue reading MacOS Catalina Apple iCloud Terms and Conditions Server Error

Apple iCloud iPhone iPad Photos Missing Not Synchronizing

In the past three days, I’ve had three different people experiencing problems with photos disappearing from their devices and missing from iCloud. I usually hear from my Apple customers once every 5 years when it’s time to upgrade to a new device. So, hearing from three in one week, all having the same problem, seemed… Continue reading Apple iCloud iPhone iPad Photos Missing Not Synchronizing

Apple iCloud email server down and service not running

Technology > Apple Summary. As of about 1PM Central Time, the Apple iCloudemail server is down and the service not running. Apple has posted an update on the iCloud status page. Screen shots below show the current user experience. According to the update (below), the iCloud email service should be restore as soon as possible. Given the broad awareness… Continue reading Apple iCloud email server down and service not running