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Work and Jobs Report 2024

Photo by Edmond Dantès on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news about workforce news, layoffs, and the availability of jobs in 2024. More information will be added as it becomes available. Some concerning trends are surfacing in the employment and jobs landscape that had not been an issue previously. Those are summarized below. Fake Job Listings Fake job listings are on… Continue reading Work and Jobs Report 2024

Labor Report 2023

Photo by Nancy Bourque on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news and reports relating to workforce readiness, vocational training, layoffs, wages, unions, unemployment, and the availability of jobs. Most of the information relates to jobs in the United States, but international news that impacts the U.S. is also provided. Entries below are in chronological order with the source and date as… Continue reading Labor Report 2023

Tech Industry Jobs Report 2022

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on Pexels.com

Summary In November 2022, massive tech industry layoffs resulted in many thousands of workers abruptly being without employment. This document provides news reports in chronological order with sources and dates as the entry headings. The Twitter News 2022 page has further details about layoffs in the company. Al Jazeera (26 Dec 2022) “Tech industry in… Continue reading Tech Industry Jobs Report 2022

Open Letter from Jeff Bezos – Amazon Founder & CEO – Regarding the Amazon Career Choice Program

Dear Customers, At Amazon, we like to pioneer, we like to invent, and we’re not willing to do things the normal way if we can figure out a better way. One area where we’ve seen particular success is our fulfillment center network. Sustained innovation inside our fulfillment centers has driven improved reliability, accuracy, and speed… Continue reading Open Letter from Jeff Bezos – Amazon Founder & CEO – Regarding the Amazon Career Choice Program

Livestrong.com is Now Hiring Content Writers

Career Summary. Livestrong.com is now hiring content writers. Qualified writers can earn about $20 to $30 per hour in exchange for writing articles on health and wellness. The Livestrong.com website has over 5 million visitors per month. Click here to learn more. Commentary. This is an excellent example of how people are increasingly spending their… Continue reading Livestrong.com is Now Hiring Content Writers