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Elizabeth Warren could have been a presidential frontrunner. What happened?

Had women and their allies united to support Elizabeth Warren in the same way moderates united to support Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren could be a frontrunner in the presidential race and could have gone on to become the Party’s nominee.

Kirsten Gillibrand – Reference Page

Politics This page offers some general information about Kirsten Gillibrand. For more political resources visit ResourcesForLife.com/politics Links Facebook.com/KirstenGillibrand Instagram.com/KirstenGillibrand KirstenGillibrand.com Twitter.com/SenGillibrand Wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirsten_Gillibrand Articles The articles below are listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top. National Review, 13 Feb 2019 at 4:45PM. “Twenty Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Kirsten Gillibrand” by Jim… Continue reading Kirsten Gillibrand – Reference Page