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Raspberry Pi 4 Model B – Best Kits, Enclosures, Cases, and Cooling

Raspberry Pi – News and Resources The Raspberry Pi computer is a small computer that when purchased as a kit can cost about $100 to $120. [View] Raspberry Pi operating system is available for free. [View] The computer appeals to hobbyists and tinkerers because it has some rows of accessible connection pins for electronics and… Continue reading Raspberry Pi 4 Model B – Best Kits, Enclosures, Cases, and Cooling

Custom Computer Build – Based on Mini-ITX Motherboards

When building a computer, one of the initial decisions to be made is with regard to motherboard size and processor compatibility. The motherboard size will determine what size computer enclosure (case) you will use. A larger motherboard can accommodate more expansion options which might be useful for a high-end workstation, server, or gaming computer. A… Continue reading Custom Computer Build – Based on Mini-ITX Motherboards

Custom Computer: Asus AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus Motherboard and AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor

I recently needed to upgrade a computer for someone who wanted to continue using their existing case, cooling fans, power supply, hard drives, and DVD drives. So, the upgrade would include a new motherboard, CPU, CPU cooling assembly, RAM, and primary startup drive. Overall Hardware Cost: $664.58 Below are the components I selected. Prices below… Continue reading Custom Computer: Asus AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus Motherboard and AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor

Buying Guide: Deciding on a Laptop or Desktop Computer (Podcast #44)

In Episode #44, I offer a buying guide examining considerations for deciding on a laptop or desktop computer. (23 Sep 2020) Listen using your favorite podcast service. Anchor [Listen] Apple [Listen] Google [Listen] Spotify [Listen] Listen Using the Anchor Player Below Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click) the link and… Continue reading Buying Guide: Deciding on a Laptop or Desktop Computer (Podcast #44)

Hybrid Monetization: Ad-Free for Subscriber Early Access Content (Podcast #40)

In Episode #40, I talk about hybrid monetization for podcasts and YouTube videos. This lets your regular subscribers and followers enjoy content without advertising. After a few days, monetization can be turned on, for subsequent views. Also, if you’re promoting your content, it allows people to have immediate uninterrupted access to what you’re sharing. That… Continue reading Hybrid Monetization: Ad-Free for Subscriber Early Access Content (Podcast #40)

ASUS Motherboard Custom Computer Won’t Start After Power Outage

If your computer won’t start after a power outage, you may end up searching for answers online. What you’ll find is hundreds or thousands of people having a similar problem without any definitive answers. This document offers a few possible ways to get your computer working again. Force Start To force your computer to start,… Continue reading ASUS Motherboard Custom Computer Won’t Start After Power Outage

MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid-2012 Model A1278 Battery Replacement

I’m currently working on replacing a battery for an Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid-2012 Model A1278 laptop computer and have completed the initial research for purchasing a replacement battery. Research is needed because each computer has specific battery requirements due to slight differences in computer model, size, and year. So, even for someone who replaces… Continue reading MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid-2012 Model A1278 Battery Replacement

Backup Power Systems (Podcast #35)

In Episode #35, I talk about a variety of options for backup power systems that can provide you with electricity during an electrical outage. Listen using your favorite podcast service. Anchor [Listen] Apple [Listen] Google [Listen] Spotify [Listen] Listen Using the Anchor Player Below Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click)… Continue reading Backup Power Systems (Podcast #35)

Design Solutions for Apple and PC Thermal Management, CPU Throttling, and Overheating

Over the past 20 years, I’ve used Apple Mac Pro and iMac desktop computers as well as MacBook laptop computers as my primary workstation. Last year I began using a Mac Mini computer as my main system. I’ve also used Windows laptop and desktop computers. Thermal management seems to be a problem on all computers.… Continue reading Design Solutions for Apple and PC Thermal Management, CPU Throttling, and Overheating

POWER COMPUTING: RYZEN 8-Core 4GHz and ASUS AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus Motherboard

If you are looking for an ideal power computing system for gaming, video editing, or other CPU intensive tasks, the following configuration offers a lot of computing power at an economical price. Depending on your needs, an alternative video card could be used for less or more video power. Configured as listed below, this system… Continue reading POWER COMPUTING: RYZEN 8-Core 4GHz and ASUS AM4 TUF Gaming X570-Plus Motherboard

Mac Mini HDMI Stopped Working After Update to macOS Catalina 10.15.6

UPDATE: 17 Dec 2020 The HDMI video issue described below continues to be a problem 5 months later. To learn more, read the updated support document. [View] The original support document from Jul 2020 is below. # # # If you recently updated your Mac Mini computer, or other Apple computer to 10.15.6 or some… Continue reading Mac Mini HDMI Stopped Working After Update to macOS Catalina 10.15.6