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Choice of Apartment or Home Size and Quality Determined by Community Surroundings

Effective Living Summary. In choosing a home or apartment, characteristics such as the size, available natural light, appliances, and other amenities may be largely determined by the quality and richness of the local community. Eating and Grocery Shopping. When restaurants and grocery stores are within walking or biking distance from home, it makes it easier… Continue reading Choice of Apartment or Home Size and Quality Determined by Community Surroundings

Hawks Ridge Apartments Student Housing Rental Dorm-Style in Iowa City (Formerly The Lodge)

  UPDATE: 7 Nov 2023 This document was originally posted on 16 Mar 2008. Some updates have been made to keep it current and most of the information is still relevant. However, the latest information is best obtained from the Hawks Ridge website. The original post from 2008 is below. Summary. This is a review… Continue reading Hawks Ridge Apartments Student Housing Rental Dorm-Style in Iowa City (Formerly The Lodge)

Bread Garden Market – Iowa City

We’ve recognized The Bread Garden Market as the best combined restaurant, coffee shop, and grocery store in downtown Iowa City. Visit their beautiful website (as shown below) for the latest news and information. [Visit Website] Update: 5 October 2023 Iowa City is known for having great restaurants, coffee shops, and grocery stores. The Bread Garden… Continue reading Bread Garden Market – Iowa City

Mobile Hermitage – Acoustics

Effective Living > Mobile Hermitage There are very few sound absorbing surfaces, fabrics, or textures in the Mobile Hermitage. The wood surfaces create a warm rich acoustic environment. Sound waves move freely throughout the Mobile Hermitage due to the minimalist and utilitarian use of surface space and the lack of furnace or other appliance noises.… Continue reading Mobile Hermitage – Acoustics

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Small House Dimensions – Guide to Defining Small Houses and Right-Size Homes

Housing > Small House Society > Resources > Glossary Small House Dimensions. People often ask how small a house needs to be in order for it to be considered small. There are various names floating around to describe smaller than usual homes. Below are some names with square meter / feet cutoff points to offer guidelines. You… Continue reading Small House Dimensions – Guide to Defining Small Houses and Right-Size Homes

Small House Quotes for Simple and Sustainable Living

Effective Living > Small House Society > Resources The Small House Movement has inspired great interest in smaller and simpler living. Below are some quotes about simpler and smaller living that help encourage the use of tiny, little, small, miniature, and micro homes. Please contact us if you know of any other quotes that should… Continue reading Small House Quotes for Simple and Sustainable Living

Small House Plans

Pages: Home | About | Designers & Builders | Media | Membership | Plans | Resources Links: Newsletter | Facebook | Store | Twitter | Yahoo Group The page you seek has moved to a new location. Click here for Small House Plans

Categorized as Housing

Small House Publications, Magazines, and Journals

Effective Living > Small House Society > Resources The Small House Movement has inspired the creation of many magazines, journals, and other publications in electronic form and print. Below is a brief directory of these providers who specialize in tiny, small, miniature, and micro homes. Please contact us if you know of any other resources… Continue reading Small House Publications, Magazines, and Journals