Statcounter News 201009 – News 201009 | 30 September 2010 | Thursday


Dear Friend,

I know that time is precious for everyone these days, so I’ll try to keep this update short. The approximate reading time for this message is about 5 minutes. Feel free to reduce your reading time even more by skipping over topics that don’t interest you.

Personal Update. My Personal Update for September is now available. In case you missed it, photos and a video from my summer trip to India are now available in a special report and also on my photo galleries page.

Apartment for Rent. Find us a renter for our apartment and receive $500 cash! Or, if you rent our apartment, you’ll get $500 cash for November, plus, we’re offering to lower the rent from $918 to $890 per month. This offer expires after October 9. So act now! It’s a beautiful apartment with new wood floors and high ceilings. Click here to learn more.

Heart Songs. The Heart Song selections for September are now available on iTunes. The songs are listed alphabetically. Several of this month’s songs are from O Brother Where Art Thou (2000), a movie I saw this past month. The movie is based on Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey. The songs from the movie are Big Rock Candy Mountain, Down to the River to Pray, and Keep On the Sunny Side. Tiësto is one of my favorite techno trance DJ musicians. The song Bright Morningstar is one of his latest that I like. The television show Glee has some nice music performances. Two songs this month are from the show: Defying Gravity and Taking Chances. The Hi-Bias Radio Remix version of Britney Spears singing Everytime is quite good. It’s from her My Prerogative album. The song I Then Shall Live is an old hymn with some transcendental lyrics. The song Only Girl (In the World) by Rihanna is an upbeat song. The Windmills of Your Mind from The Thomas Crown Affair is a classic jazzy instrumental. Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson is a nice song with floating insrumentals.

Calendars Available. This coming year we have two calendars to choose from. Our standard calendar for 2011 begins with December 2010 and features motivational photos and quotes. We only have 200 of these, so if you want one, let me know soon. Jewish Art Calendars for the year 5771 are available free while supplies last. Just let me know if you’d like one. Remember that the year 5771 of the Jewish calendar begins with September 2010 of this year, so you won’t need to wait 3,761 years to use these Jewish calendars. All of these calendars are free. Donations toward shipping are appreciated, but not required.

Grubbe Graphics – Graphic Design and Comic Creations. This past week I enjoyed launching a new website. Visit and let me know what you think.

What’s New. This month a variety of articles and content were added. Remember you can always find out the latest news by visiting the What’s New Page and the Documents Page. Here are a few highlights of recent documents (most recent at top):

Thanks. I want to thank the global team of volunteers, contributors, and workers “behind the scenes” who help make all this possible. I’m very grateful to the many people who continue to uphold and advance the mission of Resources for Life. Thanks again for your support. Please let me know if there is any way that Resources for Life can serve you better.


Gregory Johnson, Director
Resources for
“Resources for Better Living”
E-Mail: g @ (without spaces)
Postal: PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717 USA
Phone: (319) 621-4911

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Copyright & License Notification. Until a better system is found or developed, this content and information on the Resources for Life website will be governed by the spirit and intent of the Creative Commons ‘BYSA 3.0’ license. This license provides for the rapid dissemination and adoption of information and concepts without restricting flow and by guaranteeing unrestricted flow down stream even after third-party enhancements or revisions are made. This license is described in more detail here:

Open Source. The writings, systems, content, media (video/audio), and inventions developed under the Resources for Life name are to be governed by the spirit and intent of the Open Source license agreement described here:

Transparency and Collaboration. To the greatest extent possible, every effort is made to maintain transparency in our operation. This allows for more effective public engagement, involvement, and collaboration.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer and tech consultant in Iowa City. He is also the founder and Director of the website. Learn more at