FALL 2021 NEWSLETTER | 1 Sep 2021
I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for taking time to read the latest seasonal newsletter.
To get notified when newsletters become available, please click here.
Seasonal Updates
In the June newsletter, I announced that these newsletters will now be quarterly seasonal updates rather than monthly. [Read]
Personal News
My Personal Update for September 2021 is now available. [View] To signup for monthly notifications from me, please click here. To keep up with other news visit AboutGregJohnson.com
Resources For Life Planning
The ResourcesForLife.COM website needs significant work. After 24 years of development, there is content that needs to be updated or removed. I’m planning to bring the full site online for a few days four times a year to coincide with the quarterly seasonal newsletters.
The site is currently online and available for browsing through this weekend. I thought I would make it available quarterly in its present state for anyone who would like to see the site, or those who have specific reference materials they’d like to lookup and save. After that, the site will go back into the vault until December. While the site is under construction, a minimalist HTML version of the site will be available.
My long-term goal would be to have the .ORG version of the site be focused on public interest work, and the .COM site to continue providing tech tips, life tips, and support to entrepreneurs.
Heart Songs
Every month for the past 20 years I selected a song (or songs) to share as the Heart Songs selection. These monthly selections became the selected songs for each year’s music CD. This year that tradition is coming to an end. More about that is explained in the May 2021 newsletter. [Read]
Cutting back on this and other areas are part of a move toward more simplicity and minimalism explained in my personal news updates from June through August 2021. [Read]
I want to thank the global team of volunteers, contributors, and workers “behind the scenes” who help make all this possible. I’m very grateful to the many people who continue to uphold and advance the mission of Resources for Life. Thanks again for your support. Please let me know if there is any way that Resources for Life can serve you better.

Greg Johnson | Director | ResourcesForLife.com
Web: AboutGregJohnson.com
E-Mail: mail@resourcesforlife.com
Postal: PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717 USA
Phone: (319) 621-4911
Facebook: Facebook.com/resourcesforlifenews
Twitter: Twitter.com/resources4life
Newsletter Signup: http://eepurl.com/DUr39