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Coronavirus in Italy: Cuba, China and Russia send send medical aid

“In Italy authorities said on Sunday that a further 651 people had died from the coronavirus. That’s fewer than Saturday’s record number of deaths, but is still the second-worst day so far. Italy has closed non-essential businesses to try to control the outbreak. And outside help is on the way. Doctors from Cuba and China… Continue reading Coronavirus in Italy: Cuba, China and Russia send send medical aid

The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

In 1991, the people of Cuba had to quickly embrace some sustainability initiatives that were necessary for survival at a time of great economic crisis which continued for about 9 years. This became known as the “Special Period” or Período Especial. These initiatives impacted housing, transportation, healthcare, agriculture, education, commerce, and other areas of life.… Continue reading The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil