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Israel War Report 2024

Photo by Haley Black on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides news and information about the various Israeli retaliations and military campaigns in the Middle East. More information will be added as it becomes available. There is a brief contextual commentary, and then news stories listed in chronological order. Context From approximately 1951 B.C. when Abraham was alive, through 6 Oct 2023,… Continue reading Israel War Report 2024

Palestine-Israel Report 2023

Photo by Haley Black on Pexels.com

Summary An ABC News report provides an ongoing timeline of events relating to the recent conflict in Palestine and Israel. [Source] On 7 Oct 2023 at 6:30 AM, approximately 2,200 rockets were fired from the Palestinian Gaza Strip territory into Israel. This was accompanied by a ground invasion and some use of air gliders to… Continue reading Palestine-Israel Report 2023

Neturei Karta: The Ultra-Orthodox Jews Who Support a Peaceful Dismantling of the State of Israel

In The Chosen, a book which was also produced as a movie, we learn about a strong difference of opinion among some Jewish people in the late 1940s regarding the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state. Followers of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism were opposed to establishing a Jewish state. At one meal, Reuven mentions that some… Continue reading Neturei Karta: The Ultra-Orthodox Jews Who Support a Peaceful Dismantling of the State of Israel

Israel West Bank Annexation News (Jun 2020)

Below are recent news reports regarding the Israeli plan for annexation of the West Bank. These reports are presented in chronological order with the most recent at the top and listed with news source and date. VOA News (8 Jun 2020) Peace Process Fading as Israeli Annexation Approaches. Palestinian leaders suspend security cooperation and Israeli… Continue reading Israel West Bank Annexation News (Jun 2020)

Conflict Resolution Mapping: Israel and Palestine

Conflict Resolution Mapping is a process used to identify blockages to successful conflict resolution. Influences that facilitate or hinder reconciliation are identified and visualized for discussing a strategy for progress. When we apply conflict resolution mapping to study the peace process in Israel and Palestine, we can see the influencers that hinder or help peace… Continue reading Conflict Resolution Mapping: Israel and Palestine

Women Wage Peace – “Prayer of the Mothers” by Yael Deckelbaum

The song “Prayer of the Mothers” was born as a result of an alliance made between singer-songwriter Yael Deckelbaum, and a group of courageous women, leading the movement of “Women Wage Peace.” The movement arose on summer 2014 during the escalation of violence between Israel and the Palestinians, and the military operation “Tzuk Eitan.” On October 4,… Continue reading Women Wage Peace – “Prayer of the Mothers” by Yael Deckelbaum

Documentary: “Who owns Jerusalem?” by Deutsche Welle

Today the United States moved their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, in a gesture that to recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. What will be the impact of this change? This documentary produced by Deutsche Welle examines those who claim ownership of Jerusalem. Here’s the description from the YouTube video posted on 14 May 2018:… Continue reading Documentary: “Who owns Jerusalem?” by Deutsche Welle

“Intifada 3.0” – VICE News Report on Israeli-Palestinian Violence (Oct 2015)

This series of reports by VICE News covers an increase of Israeli-Palestinian violence in the late 2015. The videos are listed by date posted to YouTube. WARNING: This video includes images of violence and conflict. DISPATCH 1 – Clashes in the West Bank (14 Oct 2015) The latest spasm of violence in Israel has left… Continue reading “Intifada 3.0” – VICE News Report on Israeli-Palestinian Violence (Oct 2015)

“Renegade Jewish Settlers” – VICE News Report on Jewish Settlers in Palestine (2 Jul 2015)

This 5-part series from VICE News offers a report on Jewish settlers in Palestine. These videos cover news and events mostly from the spring and summer of 2015. WARNING: These videos contain images of violence. PART 1 Israeli settlers have been slowly nibbling away at Palestine’s West Bank territory for four decades. 300,000 setllers now… Continue reading “Renegade Jewish Settlers” – VICE News Report on Jewish Settlers in Palestine (2 Jul 2015)

“Rockets and Revenge” – VICE News Reports on Conflict in Palestine and Israel (Summer 2014)

The following videos are a series of reports from VICE News from the summer of 2014 covering the increased incidents of violence in Palestine and Israel at that time. VICE News is known for a style of balanced factual reporting offering an insight into events with as little bias or reporter influence as possible. Be… Continue reading “Rockets and Revenge” – VICE News Reports on Conflict in Palestine and Israel (Summer 2014)

Unexpected Viewpoints on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

The following documents and resources express viewpoints from either side of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that may be helpful in gaining a broader understanding – particularly for those who may have only heard one side of the argument. The resources below are offered because they convey something of value to the dialog and narrative toward peace. Please consider… Continue reading Unexpected Viewpoints on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Polarized and Emotional Viewpoints on the Palestinian and Israeli Conflict

Document Purpose. The purpose and goal of this document is to illustrate the extremes to which there are polarized and emotional viewpoints regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This document contains inflammatory and upsetting content, so feel free to stop reading if you are easily offended. It’s not intended to take either side of this issue, but to… Continue reading Polarized and Emotional Viewpoints on the Palestinian and Israeli Conflict