
Service Fees Update: Volume Discount, Mileage and Travel Time Charge

Technology Summary. In January 2012, I announced our new slightly increased rates for 2012. After many years without any rate increases, my new rates of $70 per hour for home users and $90 per hour for businesses are still about half the hourly rate of my competitors, and about the same as what I charged… Continue reading Service Fees Update: Volume Discount, Mileage and Travel Time Charge

Laptop Reliability Study is Unreliable

Technology > Apple Summary. In November 2009, released a report about laptop computer failures and ranked the findings by notebook computer manufacturer name. [PDF] Report Findings. According to the study, Apple notebook computers are of poorer quality and reliability than Asus, Toshiba, and Sony; at least by two percent (see chart). Report Unreliable. Take… Continue reading Laptop Reliability Study is Unreliable