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Below is the archive of site changes, posts, and updates in 2008.
- GetDegrees.com for Distance Education and Online Learning. This video tour is an introduction to the GetDegrees.com website. (20081217we2054)
- Logitech ClearChat Comfort USB Headphones with Microphone. The Logitech ClearChat Comfort USB Headphones with Microphone are ideal for use with Voice Speech Recognition and music recording with programs such as Apple iLife Garage Band. At a cost of about $40 or less, there’s really no need to evaluate or consider any other headphones. (20081217we2052)
- Voice Recognition Speech to Text. This page offers an overview of voice to text or voice speech recognition. (20081217we2050)
- University of Iowa Environmental Justice – Discussion. On 5 December 2008, Gregory Johnson participated in a class discussion about his book, Put Your Life on a Diet. [ Audio ]
- Sudden Values Eastern Iowa. Business owners get a website and online tools to promote their business. Consumers and customers get coupons and specials offers from their favorite local businesses.
- Technical Difficulties. For about 30 minutes, starting at 11:31 PM on Friday, 12 November 2008 through 12:58 AM on Saturday, 13 December 2008, the website was having some technical difficulties that resulted in the message, “Error Establishing Database Connection.” Saturday morning our site was upgraded to the latest release of WordPress (Version 2.7 Coltrain) that was just recently released this past Thursday. (20081213sa0529)
- Purchasing a Dell Vostro 420 Desktop Computer. There is now a 30 minute video showing how to configure and purchase a Dell Vostro Desktop computer. In choosing the ideal configuration, it’s possible to get the greatest performance for your money. Help with purchasing a new computer is one of the most frequent support requests. So, this video is really useful. (20081212fr1244)
- Resources for Life News for December 2008. The December 2008 Resources for Life Newsletter is now available. (20081210we2021)
- 2009 Calendars Now Available. The 2009 Resources For Life Calendars are now available for free while supplies last. Contact us if you’d like one or more. This year’s theme is Planet Earth. Although the printer (Comda) is sold out, we have a large quantity in stock. (20081210we2015)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update for December 2008. The December personal update from Gregory Johnson is now available. (20081210we1958)
- Heart Songs 200812. The December 2008 Heart Songs are now available. (20081210we1957)
- Compassionate Interrogation – Jon Stewart interview with Matthew Alexander, author of How to Break a Terrorist: The U.S. Interrogators Who Used Brains, Not Brutality, to Take Down the Deadliest Man in Iraq. (20081209tu1254)
- Kohler C3 200 Computerized Toilet Seat with Twelve Button Remote Control for $1700. “Does your toilet seat offer a twelve button digital remote control? At a cost of $1,777.85, the Kohler C3 200 Computerized Toilet Seat offers features you’d only expect to find in more expensive toilet seats.” (20081205fr0143)
- Apple 24-inch Cinema Display for MacBook Notebook Computers. A review of this amazing display. (20081203we1700)
- Vodafone Television Commercial Advertising in India. When commercial television advertising goes above and beyond the norm to offer humor, hope, or inspiration, we like to promote and acknowledge such efforts. We consider this kind of advertising a form of marketplace activism. (20081202tu2142)
- Writers Voices, KRUU FM Interview with Gregory Johnson, 28 November 2008. “Writers’ Voices with Monica and Caroline warmly welcomes author Gregory Paul Johnson, as well as guest host Steve Cooperman, this Friday, November 28 at 1pm. Steve Cooperman is a former journalist and KRUU show host who is currently involved in numerous community projects. Steve put his own life on a diet about a year ago when he moved into a 500 sq ft cottage with a wood stove, close to the town square, greatly reducing driving miles.” [Audio | Article ] (20081202tu1700)
- The Urgency of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 60th Anniversary. Considered by some to be the most significant document in human history. It’s been translated into over 300 languages. Yet, it remains unknown to many people. On 10 December 2008, the document will be 60 years old. (20081201mo1519)
- Small House Society News for November 2008. The November 2008 Small House Society Newsletter is now available. (20081130su2044)
- Resources for Life News for November 2008. The November 2008 Resources for Life Newsletter is now available. (20081130su2040)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update for November 2008. The November personal update from Gregory Johnson is now available. (20081130su2024)
- Heart Songs 2008. The 2008 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20081130su2009)
- Barack Obama – Information, Current News, and Weekly Video Address. (20081123su1932)
- Contributors. A page has been created to recognize those who contribute the Resources For Life website. (20081123su1928)
- Volunteer. The volunteer page has been recently updated. (20081123su1927)
- Payday Loans and Cash Advance – Comparison Selection Review. Read the full report produced by the Financial Resource Group and the Consumer Defense Resource Group. (20081122sa2008)
- The True Enemy is War Itself. Why was the soundtrack from an anti-war movie chosen to be played at John McCain’s 2008 concession speech? This article may help explain why. (20081121fr1727)
- Political Resource Group. The Political Resource Group has been upgraded from our old site design. (20081121fr1710) Sub-pages of the Political Resource Group include:
- Democratic-Liberal Leaders, Organizations, and Resources
- Global Marketplace Democracy – “Global politics are increasingly influenced and controlled by large businesses, organizations, and institutions. Most candidates are elected because of the funding of a few large donors. Those few large donors eventually “own” the candidates they help elect. The large donors employ lobbyists who represent the interests of the donors and continue to remind the politician that they are the reason for past and future political success. In this way the democratic process is not directly accessible to the public. However, we vote every day with our time and money. What you and others do with available time and money sends a collective democratic message to corporate America.”
- Republican-Conservative Leaders, Organizations, and Resources
- The True Enemy is War Itself. Why was the soundtrack from an anti-war movie chosen to be played at John McCain’s 2008 concession speech? This article may help explain why.
- The Urgency of Global Feminism – “The world currently faces challenges that can only be understood and overcome through a feminine mindset and action.”
- The Urgency of Youth Representation, Action, and Activism in World Democracy – “The world urgently needs the inspiration of young people and children. From young people come optimism, creativity, hope, energy, and forgiveness that is urgently needed in the world today.”
- Yulia Tymoshenko – “Yulia Tymoshenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine, was ranked in 2005 by Forbes Magazine as the third most powerful woman in the world. Tymoshenko was one of the leaders of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution that toppled a stagnant, corrupt regime.
- Video. Resources for Live Television (RLTV) is now Resources for Life Video. (20081118tu1322)
- Heart Songs 200811. The November 2008 Heart Songs are now available. (20081102su1400)
- Heart Songs 200810. The October 2008 Heart Songs selections are now available. (20081015we1706)
- Small House Society News for October 2008. The October 2008 Small House Society Newsletter is now available. (20081012su1726)
- Resources for Life News for October 2008. The October 2008 Resources for Life Newsletter is now available. (20081012su1725)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update for October 2008. The October 2008 Personal Update for Gregory Johnson is now available. (20081012su1724)
- India Lucknow Impressions and Observations – 20081004su-1013mo. This is a report by Gregory Johnson writing from India. (20081007tu0927)
- Small House Society News for September 2008. The September 2008 Small House Society Newsletter is now available. (20080930tu2111)
- Resources for Life News for September 2008. The September 2008 Resources for Life Newsletter is now available. (20080930tu2049)
- Heart Songs 200809. The monthly Heart Songs selections for September 2008 are now available. (20090930tu2048)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update for September 2008. The September 2008 Personal Update for Gregory Johnson is now available. (20080930tu2047)
- Resources For Life Kiva Lending Team. Resources For Life now has a Kiva Funding Team. (20080930tu2146)
- Recently Added Audio. ABC News Australia, ByDesignwith Alan Saunders, 10 March 2007. Jay Shafer and Gregory Johnson were joined by Matt Adams in an interview with Alan Saunders, the host of ByDesign. The show aired in Australia on Saturday at 9:00 am, 10 March 2007. “By Design is a program about how we shape our world – a vibrant show about people and the things that surround us. From the cities and buildings we live in to the cars we drive and clothes we wear, the program deals with architecture and material culture, the politics of the built environment and design – all through the prism of our daily lives. It explains how, through the creative process, human ideas take on tangible form and designers reinvent the world to keep pace with its changing needs and desires, lifting the quality of our lives. The program explores how design — the way things look, feel and function — reflects social change; what the decisions we make as consumers of architecture and everyday objects tell us about who we are.” [ MP3 Audio File ] (20080930tu2044)
- Radio Interviews. Audio is now available for recent interviews with Gregory Johnson on ABC News Australia, National Radio in Ireland, Iowa Public Radio Book Reading/Interview, and Public Radio Interview with Ben Kieffer from February 2007. (20080930tu1948)
- Newstalk Radio in Ireland, Moncrieff with Sean Moncrieff, 29 September 2008, 9:20 AM CT. Gregory Johnson was interviewed by Sean Moncrieff of Newstalk Radio, Ireland’s National Independent Talk Radio. [ MP3 Audio File ]
- Volunteer. A special page for volunteers has been created. The Resources For Life Volunteer Action Team (RFLVAT) is now online. (20080928su1943)
- iPhone Purchase Price. The iPhone support page has been updated to include a description of the pricing plan for the new 3G iPhone. (20080927sa1929)
- Gregory Johnson Stress Test. Gregory Johnson goes three days without food while evaluating Isagenix Cleansing Products. (20080911th2139)
- Donations. A donations page has been added for easy payments and contributions. (20080911th2125)
- Media Coverage. Gregory Johnson has been in the news recently including stories in the New York Times as well as coverage in Maryland media.
- New York Times, “The Next Little Thing?,” 10 September 2008. ”Gregory Paul Johnson, a founder of the Small House Society in Iowa City, said that the notion of very small houses becoming popular was ‘an absurdity’ five years ago. ‘But there are so many powerful forces at work right now,’ he added, ‘like rising energy costs and the mortgage crisis. I think people want small homes because they cost less to purchase, maintain, heat.’ In July, Mr. Johnson, who lives in a 140-square-foot house made by the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company of Sebastopol, Calif., took to the road to promote his vision of living small, along with Jay Shafer, Tumbleweed’s founder. The two men drove from Victoria, British Columbia, to San Diego, pulling Mr. Shafer’s house behind them on a trailer. (Tiny houses, which rarely have foundations, are often built on trailers.) Along the way they stopped to hold workshops and give (very brief) home tours. Some events drew hundreds of people.” [more…]
- Gazette.net Maryland Community Newspapers, “Tight Quarters,” 10 September 2008. “Gregory Paul Johnson at Resources for Life and the Small House Project lives in a 140-square-foot house and has spawned a community looking to do the same, helped along with a list of resources on his Web site that lists designers and builders who can help build and outfit a smaller dwelling.”
- Small House Society. The Small House Society web pages have been significantly upgraded with new navigation links at the top of each page and the addition of a Facebook group. (20080911th2110)
- Consumer Defense Resource Group. The Consumer Defense Resource Group has now been upgraded and formatted for our new site design. The CDRG specializes in Consumer Rights, Advocacy, Law, Fraud, Scams. A new article (below) has been posted. (20080911th1358)
- Products, Companies, and Organizations for Life. A new page has been created for products, companies, and organizations that use the word “Life” or the phrase “for Life” in their name. (20080902tu1848)
- Resources for Life News for August 2008. The August 2008 Resources for Life Newsletter is now available. (20080831su2346)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update for August 2008. The August 2008 Personal Update for Gregory Johnson is now available. (20080831su2332)
- Google AdSense. The Google AdSense service offers a system for displaying relevant text ads on web pages. When placed at the bottom of a page, these ads are out of the way, yet useful. This system is now being tested on the ResourcesForLife.com website on the pages that receive the most visitor traffic such as the Small House Society pages, Effective Living, Relationships, Mobile Hermitage, and the Diamondback bicycle review page. (20080831su1949)
- Email Services Not Working. Email services are currently not working properly. If you’ve sent any email since about 10PM on Friday 29 October 2008, that email may have been lost. Please wait a day or two until systems are working again. More news will be posted here when available. (20080830sa2023)
- Chinese Language – 中国语文. If you have support for Chinese language characters (fonts) enabled/installed, you will notice some Chinese Language characters appearing on a few of the the Resources For Life.com website pages and in some of Gregory Johnson’s journal entries. This is to facilitate easier searching of the site in Chinese. Using Google Translate you can translate the Chinese characters into English or another language. In addition to being functional, the Chinese characters are also artistic and decorative. 谢谢 (20080827we2338)
- T. Boone Pickens Plan – Solar, Wind, and Natural Gas Initiative. This is an initiative to educate the American people about power alternatives and take practical steps toward U.S. energy independence. (20080826tu0044)
- Holistic Running System. The Resources for Life Holistic Running System has been in development for over 30 years. Now the system is being introduced to the public for the first time in history. (20080825mo1623)
- Services for Life. The domain ServicesForLife.com now points to the Services for Life page at Resources for Life. (20080825mo0955)
- Website Update. The website was recently upgraded from WordPress 2.5.1 to the 2.6.1 version. For some reason, the template page.php file was causing the home page of the website to have a sub-pages menu even though no sub-pages exist for the home page. Since the sub-pages feature doesn’t really work very well anyway, the fourth line of code from this page has been removed: and now the issue is resolved. (20080823sa1623)
- Heart Songs 200808. The monthly Heart Songs selections for August 2008 are now available. (20080820we2244)
- Kimela Nelson – Remembered. A memorial page has been created for Kimela Nelson. (20080817su2202)
- Banksy British Graffiti Artist. A page has been created featuring the art of Banksy, a British Graffiti Artist. (20080817su2200)
- Isagenix. On August 14, 2008, Gregory Johnson and Resources for Life.com signed on with the Isagenix nutrition and wellness system. Gregory will be journaling his initial 30-day experience with the system and products which are due to arrive in about 5 days. (20080814th2254)
- Resources for Life Conference 08-08-08. The date was incorrect on the conference information page. It incorrectly stated July 8 rather than August 8. This has been fixed. (20080802sa1203)
- The Exchange with Ben Kieffer on Public Radio WSUI/KSUI. 7 February 2007. “The Exchange is the name of Iowa Public Radio’s news/talk program. The list of lofty goals for the new show includes: going beyond the headlines of breaking stories, giving listeners access to elected officials, framing community problems, providing listeners the chance to discuss them as well as offer ideas to solve them. Our definition of news is anything that is significant and/or interesting to a large portion of our statewide audience.” Click here for the 46 MB MP3 audio file, or right click on the link to download/save. Click here to learn more about The Exchange radio show. (20080801fr1651)
- Border to Border Photos. An amazing selection of photos from the Border to Border Tour are now available. More will be posted in the coming days. (20080726sa0404)
- National Peace Site. Photos of the National Peace Site at Ragle Ranch Regional Park in Sebastopol, California are now available. (20080722tu1631)
- Border to Border Tour – Update. From July 13 to 30, Gregory Johnson is traveling from Canada to Mexico along the west coast with Jay Shafer for the Border to Border Tour. You can follow their adventure through the GregoryCam, Gregory’s journal and live feed of photos from his daily life. (20080714mo1649)
- Photos of Book Reading and Mobile Hermitage Open House. On 11 July 2008, after the Mobile Hermitage open house, Gregory Johnson was interviewed by Julie Englander of WSUI (Public Radio) at Prairie Lights Books in Iowa City. He read from his book Put Your Life on a Diet: Lessons Learned Living in 140 Square Feet. Photos are now available from the day’s events. (20080713su0410)
- Mobile Hermitage Open House. The Mobile Hermitage will be parked in front of Prairie Lights Books in downtown Iowa City on Dubuque street between Iowa Avenue and Washington. Tours should be available in the afternoon. (20080711fr1132)
- Daily Iowan Article about Gregory Johnson. The Daily Iowan featured a story about Gregory Johnson [text only version | photo page]. (20080710th2359)
- Put Your Life on a Diet – Full Text Search Online. You can now search the full text of Put Your life on a Diet at Amazon. (20080708tu0027)
- Stock Photos – Impressions. The stock photos collection is being made available on Picasaweb. The first category to be posted is Impressions. (20080709we0004)
- Small House Society News 200807. The July Small House Society Newsletter is now available. (20080708tu2326)
- Resources for Life News 200807. The July Resources for Life Newsletter is now available. (20080708tu2325)
- Gregory Johnson – Personal Update. The personal update for Gregory Johnson is now available. (20080708tu2324)
- Schedule for Life – Life as a Dance. The following text was added to the Schedule for Life with the heading Life as a Dance: “In dancing, when we let someone else lead, they guide us in our steps. As we give into their leading, yielding to them, we join our energy with theirs and effortlessly we are glided along. If they are a strong partner, they may twirl us, and lift us. The Schedule for Life is based upon the principle of dancing with the Universe and letting the Universe take the lead in the dance. We gain energy by yielding to the seasons of the year, the times of the day, and our own internal rhythms that have been set by nature. As we let these forces guide us, we are carried along by a great energy. We are in harmony with the forces of nature around us rather than fighting with them. The skilled dancer, flows gracefully with their leading partner. The unskilled dancer stumbles and becomes tired or fatigued since they are not in harmony with the lead partner. It is important to become a skilled dancer with the Universe and with nature.” (20080708tu2010)
- Gregory Johnson – Running Statistics and Events. The personal page for Gregory Johnson has been updated with additional running statistics and also an events category has been added. (20080706su2004)
- Earth Monitoring Resources. Significant updates have been made to the Earth Monitoring Resources page. (20080706su1930)
- Heart Songs 200807. The July Heart Songs selection has been announced. (20080706su1650)
- Resources for Life Conference 2008. The 2008 Resources for Life conference has been rescheduled from July 12 and 13 to August 8 to 10. (20080706su1604)
- Border to Border Tour. Gregory Johnson will be traveling down the west coast of the United States from the Canadian border to the Mexican border promoting simple and small living. (20080706su1601)
- Photography Resource Group. The web page for the Photography Resource Group is being migrated to the new website design. (20080705sa2132)
- Ice on Rocks Photos. These are photos of winter ice on landscaping stones. The photos were taken on 2 December 2007. (20080705sa1616)
- Sunset Photos. These are photos of a sunset showing the progression of the sunset, but using different settings on the camera. The photos were taken on 24 June 2008. (20080705sa1445)
- The Lodge Photos. The information page for The Lodge now has a link to avirtual photo tour. (20080701tu1057)
- The Urgency of Youth Representation, Action, and Activism in World Democracy. This article by Gregory Johnson addresses the urgent need for children and youth to have representation and involvement in global politics. (20080629su2011)
- The Urgency of Global Feminism. This article by Gregory Johnson addresses the urgent need for a surge in global feminine wisdom and action. (20080629su2010)
- Flood Cleanup Safety – Respiratory Advisory. A respiratory advisory has been added to the Iowa Flood Resources Page. (20080625we0923)
- Japanese Government Resists American Lifestyle. Three days after the publishing of Gregory Johnson’s article American Lifestyle May Be Detrimental To Health, CNN aired a special report about how the Japanese government is responding to the threat. (20080624tu1256)
- iPhone Support, Review, and Resources Page. This page consolidates a variety of documents relating to the iPhone. (20080623mo1118)
- Microsoft Word – Creating an Index Automatically Using a Concordance. This document has had major additions and revisions. (20080622su1353)
- Diamondback Bicycle Review – Day 107. Additional entries were made to this review page. (20080622su1109)
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update. The June 2008 monthly personal update by Gregory Johnson for June 2008 is now available. (20080621sa2125)
- Sleep Resource Page. A resource page was recently added that provides information on the importance of getting sufficient uninterrupted quality sleep every night. Sleep is a foundational component of the Schedule for Life. (20080621sa2109)
- Adonaikido. The resource pages for this fusion religion have been updated and migrated to the new website format. (20080621sa2057)
- American Lifestyle May Be Detrimental To Health. This article by Gregory Johnson describes how he gained 40 pounds and aged 20 years in 6 months. (20080620fr2323)
- Heart Songs 200806. The Heart Songs selections for June 2008 are now available. (20080619th2025)
- Fossil Photos. A collection of recent fossil photos has been added to the photo library. These are pictures of the Devonian fossils near the Coralville Reservoir spillway in Iowa. (20080619th1747)
- Chicago Photos. A collection of photos from a recent trip to Chicago. (20080619th1746)
- Discovery Channel Renovation Nation Seeks Small Housers. The producers of Renovation Nation on the Discovery Channel are seeking small house designers, builders, and/or dwellers in the Boston and Vermont areas. (20080508th1508)
- Website Down. The Resources for Life website was down on 4 May 2008 from about 2:30 AM to 4:30 PM while the hosting service performed maintenance on their servers. (20080505mo1634)
- Website Down. The Resources for Life website was down from about 7AM to 9:30 AM. The outage was resolved promptly by the hosting service. (20080427su0959)
- Gregory Johnson Live Feed Repaired. The Gregory Johnson Live feed was down today until about 2:00 PM when it was repaired.
- Gregory Johnson Personal Update and Resources for Life News. The April news updates from Gregory Johnson and Resources for Life are now online. (20080423we0827)
- Gregory Johnson Running Data and Profile. Gregory Johnson’s Nike+ running data and profile are now available on his personal page. (20080422tu1244)
- Gregory Johnson and the Mobile Hermitage. New photos have been posted of Gregory Johnson and his small house the Mobile Hermitage. (20080420su1712)
- Microsoft Approved. The Resources for Life website had mistakenly been placed on the Microsoft list of websites that had not yet been approved. For this reason, some users visiting the site may have seen a Phishing security warning. Microsoft was contacted about this, and Microsoft has agreed to include our site among those that are on the safe list of approved websites. This should take effect in about 24 hours. (20080403th1102)
- Website Upgrade. On February 28, there was an upgrade installed from 2.1.3 to 2.3.3 of the WordPress software. On April 1, the site was upgraded to the 2.5 version which is the latest, most secure, and most advanced version. During the month of March, over 500 documents and pages were added to the site. They are too numerous to list here, but are listed in the documents library. Other changes were made to the main resource groups and related pages of the site. (20080402we0652)
- MakurJain.com. The new domain by Makur Jain is now online using WordPress.com free hosting. (20080305we1000)
- Website Upgrade. The version of WordPress being used was upgraded from 2.1.3 to the 2.3.3 version. The PHP language used by WordPress and other applications was upgraded from 4 to 5. (200802281350)
- Site Changes. The font on the website has been decreased from 92% to 76%. (20080228th1112)
- Site Changes. All main webstite category pages have now been added to the left navigation menu bar. The font on the website has been increased from 76% to 92%. (20080227we0942)
- Weight Loss. Information on weight loss has been added. (20080224su2109)
- Strength Training. Information on strength training has been added. (20080224su2106)
- Quotes. The full collection of 284 quotes that were previously displayed on a single page, have now been individually entered into the searchable onlinedocuments library. Future quotes will be added in this same way. (20080221th1115)
- Quotes. All quotes through, “What if we’re all angels and this is heaven?” have been added to the quotes database. (20080217su2145)
- Quotes. All quotes through “Think galactically, act globally” have been added to the quotes database. (20080215fr0030)
- Site Changes. Many changes have been made to the website layout. The end result of these changes is that the site is now scalable — meaning that it can be viewed using just about any size computer display and the text will automatically adjust to the appropriate width of the screen. This includes mobile computing devices such as the iPhone and HP iPaq Windows Mobile device. The title, Documents, was added to the Documents page along with a description of the page and search feature above the listing of recent articles. The footer has been changed to adjust to a variety of screen widths. The site style sheet was adjusted to accommodate the variable width. (20080213we1746)
- Site Changes. The right side bar has now been removed and the content-wide format is being used to present more text on the screen. The search documents feature is now found at the bottom of the left navigation area. (20080213we1438)
- Site Changes. The calendar and lengthy list of document archives have been removed from the right sidebar. The categories of writings remain. In the future. This side bar may be removed to allow for wider text flow. The document search has been added to the header and is now accessible from every page. The clouds image at the top of the page has been reduced in height from 175 pixels to 50 pixels which has resulted in some distortion. This is only temporary. A new image (photo or graphic design) for the top will be used. (20080213we1304)
- Quotes. There are now 200 quotes in the document database including all quotes through: “They must find it difficult… Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” – Gerald Massey, quote found on ZeitgeistMovie.com (20070712th1322) (20080210su1321)
- Quotes. There are now 192 quotes in the document database including all quotes through: “The world is my country, all mankind my brethren, and to do good is my religion.” – Thomas Paine (20050105we1649) (20080209sa2331)
- Quotes. All quotes through and including the letter “p” at the beginning have been transferred over to the searchable document database. The database now includes 146 quotes covering various topics such as health, politics, relationships, and lifeways. (20080209sa0004)
- Health Articles and Writings. The link to health related documents, articles, and writings was not working from the Health Resource Group page. This link has now been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience. (20080208fr0752)
- Resources for Life.com Store. A link to our store has now been added to the website navigation. We’ve also added an article to our documents library, “Before Going Shopping – Smart Shopping Guidelines and Considerations.” (20080208fr0059)
- Document Search Problem Resolved. The search feature has now been fixed. The solution is explained here. (20080207th1310)
- Site Changes and Updates. Some changes were made to the site today. The Writings page has been renamed to Documentsand resides in the docs folder. The folder for Gregory Johnson has been renamed from greg to g, so the new address is resourcesforlife.com/g to offer a shorter address. When a search is performed while viewing a category of documents, there will be no results. A solution to this bug is being explored. The Login link at the top of the home page has been removed leaving only the “Resources for Better Living” text. (20080206we1451)
- Lifeways Quotes. The Lifeways Quotes Page is slowly being migrated to our online searchable database of writings. Quotes through “It’s all good…” have been processed. (20080202sa2154)
- Career Management Resources. The Resources page of the Career Management is now updated. (20080202sa2152)
- Instant Noodles, MSG, and Cancer. This article addresses health concerns about instant noodles and MSG. (20080201fr1236)
- Passport Renewal in Iowa City. Residents of Iowa City will appreciate this quick reference guide to passport renewal. (20080201fr1235)
- Quotes Category. The Lifeways Quotes are being moved individually into the database of online writings. So, it will now be possible to search for individual quotes by topic or author. Use the search dialog box from the main Writings page. The migration should be complete in a few days.
- Heart Songs 200801. The Heart Songs selection for January are available. (20080131th2201)
- Gregory Johnson Interview on CBS KGAN. On 30 January 2008, Gregory Johnson was interviewed on CBS affiliate KGAN Channel 2 for the story “Keeping Warm for Less.” (20080131th2200)
- Lifeways Quotes. The Lifeways Quotes page has recently been updated to include a consolidated collection of Resources for Life quotes. (20080130we151)
- Remembering Michael Balch. Gregory Johnson shares some thoughts and reflections about Michael Balch. (20080130we0806)
- Gregory Johnson. Web pages for Gregory Johnson are now updated and available through our upgraded website design. Anyone going to the old website address will be automatically redirected to the new location. (20080129tu1254)
- Financial Management Resource Group. Web pages for the Financial Management Resource Group are now updated and available through our upgraded website design. Anyone going to the old website address will be automatically redirected to the new location. This resource group was previously called the Financial Services Resource Group. The name was changed to more accurately represent the mission of the group which is to assist with effective financial management. (20080129tu1250)
- Career Management Resource Group. Web pages for the Carer Management Resource Group are now updated and available through our upgraded website design. Anyone going to the old website address will be automatically redirected to the new location. (20080129tu1237)
- Technology Services Resource Group. Web pages for the Technology Services Resource Group are now updated and available through our upgraded website design. Anyone going to the old website address will be automatically redirected to the new location. (20080128mo1112)
- Lifeways Schools. The Omega Institute is the latest addition to the Lifeways list of schools. (20080127su1900)
1998 – 2007
- During this time period we don’t have updates about site changes, but the site has been archived for historic viewing by the Archive.org initiative. [view]