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Recycling Report 2024

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides information about recycling benefits, options, and challenges. Some recent investigative news reports about recycling reveal some inefficiencies and failures of our current recycling efforts. Most of those news stories focus on plastics. A person could get discouraged by these reports and stop recycling completely. Despite some discouraging news about recycling, we… Continue reading Recycling Report 2024

Future Report 2024

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

Summary This document is intended to offer news and information about innovations and technologies that can serve future generations and improve quality of life. Initially there are some videos from a PBS series that present realistic and positive future outcomes. A Brief History of the Future The videos below are from the six part series… Continue reading Future Report 2024

Population Report 2023

Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

Summary Population topics and issues are regularly in the news. This page offers news and reports for 2023. For more, read Population Report 2022 and also the Population Resources page. Gardening The gardening image at the top of this page shows quality of life that’s made possible by clean air, quality soil, flourishing pollinators, food… Continue reading Population Report 2023

Eco News 2023

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides environmental news and information including news of droughts, flooding, rising oceans, and more. Entries are listed in chronological order with source and date in the heading. For further reading, see the Eco News 2024 report. For information on flooding, read “Flooding News 2023.” Last year’s eco reports include: 2023 News CNBC… Continue reading Eco News 2023

Population Report 2022

Photo by San Fermin Pamplona on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides some news and information about the state of our global population. Information below is listed chronologically with the most recent at the top. Entry headers include source and date. Some commentary for context is at the top of this document. This document is a companion to a longer population reference guide… Continue reading Population Report 2022

Global Flooding News 2022

Photo by Syed Qaarif Andrabi on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides a few video reports about world flooding and what people in different regions are doing to address the problem. Videos are posted in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Descriptions provided are from the source page on YouTube. Deutsche Welle (23 Oct 2022) “Nigeria grapples with catastrophic flooding”… Continue reading Global Flooding News 2022

Water Scarcity News 2022

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

This page provides a few video reports about water scarcity and what people in different regions are doing to address the problem. Videos are posted in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Descriptions provided are from the source page on YouTube. Some of the reports describe the drought which is a driving… Continue reading Water Scarcity News 2022

Privatizing Water as a Commodity – Scarcity of Natural Resources as Demand and Population Increases

Video About Water is fundamental to life, yet it’s also a scarce commodity. In many cases, greed and mismanagement are causing this life-giving essential to run dry. What happens when water is monetized? From Australia to California, from New York to London and Brussels, this investigative documentary tells the story of the global struggle over… Continue reading Privatizing Water as a Commodity – Scarcity of Natural Resources as Demand and Population Increases

World’s Biggest Oil Spill Off Coast of Yemen Expected Soon – Will Impact Environment and Economy

The spill is estimated to be 1.14 million barrels of oil, 4-times the size of the Exxon Valdez spill, and if no action is taken soon. The stranded tanker off the coast of Yemen is expected to break in half causing a massive environmental disaster. “From above it’s a pin prick in the waters off… Continue reading World’s Biggest Oil Spill Off Coast of Yemen Expected Soon – Will Impact Environment and Economy

Why it’s time for sustainable business: Rethinking growth (28 Feb 2020)

An entire generation of young people is rejecting the idea of unlimited economic growth on a planet with finite resources. Among them are social entrepreneurs in Indonesia looking for ways to do business that don’t harm the environment. The poles are melting. Sea levels are rising. Dozens of species go extinct every day. Environmental migration… Continue reading Why it’s time for sustainable business: Rethinking growth (28 Feb 2020)

Geoengineering May Be the Answer to Climate Change (VICE News, 14 Dec 2019)

About Greenhouse gas emissions are pouring out at unprecedented levels, and the numbers are still rising. But with climate skeptics (and their allies in industry and government) thwarting conservationists’ efforts, some scientists are working to develop a back-up plan: using technology to “geoengineer” the Earth’s atmosphere and reduce the impacts of climate change. But geoengineering… Continue reading Geoengineering May Be the Answer to Climate Change (VICE News, 14 Dec 2019)

CLIMATE – Federal Government Announces Ominous Climate Report (23 Nov 2018)

Summary Below is news coverage over the past few days of a 23 Nov 2018 government climate report that describes serious negative outcomes that will be unavoidable if we don’t act soon to avert them. Some analysts are describing this as an extinction level event. The two volume report is available on the GlobalChange.gov website… Continue reading CLIMATE – Federal Government Announces Ominous Climate Report (23 Nov 2018)