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Eco News 2024

Photo by Kerry on Pexels.com

Summary This document contains some news highlights for current environmental news. More information will be added over time as it becomes available. For additional context and background, read the Eco News 2023 report. News Fox 26 Houston (23 Jul 2024) “Survey: Houstonians eyeing relocation” — Recent polling by the US Hobby Center reveals 57% of… Continue reading Eco News 2024

Rising Sea Levels 2022

Photo by Nathanael Schmer on Pexels.com

Summary In recent years, there have been some concerns about rising sea levels. This page provides the latest reports on this issue as of 2022 with some older reports for context. Additional materials will be added during the year. Content is listed in chronological order with the most recent at the top. Emphasis is placed… Continue reading Rising Sea Levels 2022

BBC News – Antarctica is Melting (28 Jan 2020)

Antarctica melting: Journey to the ‘doomsday glacier’ (BBC News, 28 Jan 2020) Glaciologists have described Thwaites Glacier as the “most important” glacier in the world, the “riskiest” glacier, even the “doomsday” glacier. A team of 40 or so scientists are part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, a five-year, $50m (£38m) joint UK-US effort to understand why… Continue reading BBC News – Antarctica is Melting (28 Jan 2020)

Documentary: Climate change in the Antarctic (7 Jan 2020)

About Few places on Earth are as remote as the German research facility Neumayer Station III. The scientists who work at this outpost in Antarctica are studying the effects of climate change — under extreme conditions. Journalist Matthias Ebert traveled to the station to find out more about their research. The scientists are particularly concerned… Continue reading Documentary: Climate change in the Antarctic (7 Jan 2020)

Geoengineering May Be the Answer to Climate Change (VICE News, 14 Dec 2019)

About Greenhouse gas emissions are pouring out at unprecedented levels, and the numbers are still rising. But with climate skeptics (and their allies in industry and government) thwarting conservationists’ efforts, some scientists are working to develop a back-up plan: using technology to “geoengineer” the Earth’s atmosphere and reduce the impacts of climate change. But geoengineering… Continue reading Geoengineering May Be the Answer to Climate Change (VICE News, 14 Dec 2019)

“Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling” ~ Forbes, 31 May 2012

UPDATE: 17 Aug 2023 As of 17 Aug 2023, Forbes has restored the original article to their website. [View] The article is helpful as a reference to the ongoing social discussion about climate change, so we are offering it here. Introduction An old Forbes article about global cooling has resurfaced in social media although the… Continue reading “Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling” ~ Forbes, 31 May 2012

CLIMATE – Federal Government Announces Ominous Climate Report (23 Nov 2018)

Summary Below is news coverage over the past few days of a 23 Nov 2018 government climate report that describes serious negative outcomes that will be unavoidable if we don’t act soon to avert them. Some analysts are describing this as an extinction level event. The two volume report is available on the GlobalChange.gov website… Continue reading CLIMATE – Federal Government Announces Ominous Climate Report (23 Nov 2018)