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A Simple Idea That Could Save Billions of Gallons of Fresh Water

Water is a scarce resource, and we can’t live without it. Groundwater is simultaneously being depleted and contaminated. As a result, wars are being fought over what remains of the planet’s available water sources. Despite these circumstances, we waste millions of gallons of water each year doing one simple thing we could do differently. Every day we all… Continue reading A Simple Idea That Could Save Billions of Gallons of Fresh Water

Sustainable Operations Summit – New York City – 2012

Environment Summary. The Sustainable Operations Summit is the premier forum for leading organizations to share best practices that benefit both the environment and the bottom line. The 2012 summit will bring together some of the world’s brightest minds in sustainability in New York City during Earth Week to share innovative approaches to reduce our impact… Continue reading Sustainable Operations Summit – New York City – 2012