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Energy Report 2024

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides news about emerging energy production technologies including new methods of utilizing nuclear power as a supplement to renewable energy sources. Some news from past years is included here for context. For more, read Nuclear Power News 2023. In April 2024, it was reported that California had experienced several periods of being… Continue reading Energy Report 2024

Nuclear Power News 2023

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Summary This page provides nuclear power news highlights for 2023. For additional context and background, read the “Fusion Energy News 2022” report. [Read] Background 2010-2022 In a TED Talk presentation from 2010, Bill Gates described the TerraPower concept of nuclear energy production at lower cost with reduced risk and less waste. [Source] That presentation is… Continue reading Nuclear Power News 2023

Fusion Energy News 2022

Photo by Nita on Pexels.com

Summary This document provides current information about fusion energy. News stories are in chronological order below with source and date as the heading for each entry. “We were able to reach pressures more than two times the center of the sun and about 150 million degrees [Celsius].” This is about 10 times hotter than the… Continue reading Fusion Energy News 2022

Small-Scale Solar 2022

Introduction There has been a rise of interest in small scale solar power systems. This has evolved in recent years and now we’re likely to see them become more commonplace. Here are a few factors that have driven the increased demand: All these factors have come together as a wave to produce consumer demand and… Continue reading Small-Scale Solar 2022

Five reasons to turn your computer off at night or when not in use. (Podcast #53)

In Episode #53, I talk about five benefits of turning off your computer when not in use. (28 Nov 2020) Listen using your favorite podcast service. Anchor [Listen] Apple [Listen] Google [Listen] Spotify [Listen] Listen Using the Anchor Player Below Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click) the link and save.… Continue reading Five reasons to turn your computer off at night or when not in use. (Podcast #53)

ENERGY – 60 Minutes Australia Interview with Elon Musk (29 Oct 2017)

This two-part video from 60 Minutes Australia examines the power crisis in an interview with Elon Musk. “It’s been a miserable few weeks for Malcolm Turnbull’s government, stalled by myriad cock-ups and controversies. But the greatest challenge it faces continues to be Australia’s crisis over energy supply and cost. Who hasn’t been shocked by a… Continue reading ENERGY – 60 Minutes Australia Interview with Elon Musk (29 Oct 2017)

Soccer Field Powered by Solar and Kinetic Energy #STEM

“Under the project, sponsored by Royal Dutch Shell, around 200 energy-capturing tiles developed by British startup Pavegen were installed the width and breadth of the field and covered by a layer of AstroTurf. Working in conjunction with solar panels also installed around the field, the player-powered tiles feed electricity to a system of floodlights overhead.”… Continue reading Soccer Field Powered by Solar and Kinetic Energy #STEM

Sustainable Operations Summit – New York City – 2012

Environment Summary. The Sustainable Operations Summit is the premier forum for leading organizations to share best practices that benefit both the environment and the bottom line. The 2012 summit will bring together some of the world’s brightest minds in sustainability in New York City during Earth Week to share innovative approaches to reduce our impact… Continue reading Sustainable Operations Summit – New York City – 2012

Hydrogen Fuel Cell as Battery Replacement

Technology > Resources Summary. Hydrogen Fuel Cells are now available as traditional battery replacements, and it won’t be long before notebook computers, cell phones, and other mobile electronic devices may include internal hydrogen fuel cells for extended battery life and increased recharging lifespan. E-Village and E-Cell are offering economically priced Hydrogen Fuel Cell battery replacements… Continue reading Hydrogen Fuel Cell as Battery Replacement

MREA Energy Fair at the ReNew the Earth Institute in Custer Wisconsin 19 to 21 June 2009

Activism > Environment Summary. This weekend, June 19-21, is the 20th Anniversary Energy Fair at the ReNew the Earth Institute in Custer, WI. The cost is $15/day or $35/weekend. The event is hosted and sponsored by the MREA (Midwest Renewable Energy Association). Learn more about the MREA online: Facebook – This page is still active as of 25 Oct 2020.… Continue reading MREA Energy Fair at the ReNew the Earth Institute in Custer Wisconsin 19 to 21 June 2009